You Know You Play Too Much Final Fantasy When...

When you are walking into walls hoping to find secret passages

Love that. >_<

You know you play too much FF when you've memorized all characters' biography.
You know you play too much Final Fantasy when you see a slow motion death scene and hum Aerith's Theme.
- When You try to level up by killing innocent creatures.

- When you stare at a pot waiting for it to ask for an elixir.

- When you can see life bars on everyone.

- When you try to carry groups of 99 objects of the same kind.

- When you keep walking over tracks waiting for a wild chocobo to show up.
When you go to a dress up party and some one is dressed up as sephiroth sword and all (only if you r obsessed and angry that he killed aerith) and you get the closest Weapon and start wacking them

Not sure if its been said but you know you play it to much when you get the idea that the goverment is shinra and you and a few friends including a big boob girl wages war with them
Last edited: get into a fight and you try to use 'Scan' or 'Libra' to find out their weakness.
Yeah, that's what it's called in XII. Am I wrong D:

You know you play too much FF when instead of soda, you call them potions.
You know you play final fantasy ro much (if youre ) a girl when you have the whole Yuna out fit on stafff and all and do one of the summon dances and get real angry when nothing comes and you curse square enix

and when you try 2 walk on water with that dead people dance

oh and when u watch the Aerith death scene and you have a funeral for her
You know you played too much Final Fantasy already when you call humans "Humes".
And wonder why there are no Vierras, Moogles etc.
you know you play to much final fantasy when people that are really bady sunburnt are red mages people with white skin are white mages and africans are black mages

no offense ment
you know you played too much FF when youve been badly injured and you just simply ask the doctor for a Hi-potion and everyting will be fine.
New here so sorry if this one has been done already.

You Know you play to much Final Fantasy when you name your dog Nanaki. :nanaki:

Also when you paint and Ostrich yellow and ride it around humming the chocobo song. :chocobo:
Hahahaha, i like ur 2nd statement there, davian-blackhart!

And here's mine:
You know u're playing too much Final Fantasy when you consider Yuna as ur gf and take so many pictures of her as if she's a model... And save the Zanarkand piano music as your mobile phone ringtone...

Which is what happens to me at times! :P