Your "A-team"

just like many people here Squall Rinoa and Zell. They were just cool.
yeah same goes for me....
but i did try to have Irvine involved since i like his special shots :D but other than that, Zell(Mug, Summons(Cactuar)), Squall(Assassin), Rinoa(Magic Support, Summon)......... lol
yeah i used Squall, Zell and Rinoa or Irvine lol. seems many people had the same idea hey... i had this team based on limit breaks, selphie and quistis' limits were just not up 2 scratch 4 me. (i know selphie has The End, but seriously, screw that)
Well by the middle of Disk2, I decided to level all my characters up to level 100. But the characters that i ALWAYS kept in a party were as followed:
Zell: He is my strongest character, My Final Heaven
Squall: Second Strongest character, Renzokuken and LionHeart
Irvin:Tied for 1st strongest character, Fast Ammo, AP Ammo, Demolition Ammo.

These Characters make the Omega Weapon look like a random encounter just outside Balamb. These Characters make the Island Closest to Hell, look like its been dominated upon by God himself...
I mainly used these peeps here...

1. Squall-even if he were optional, I'd still keep him anyway. His gunblade is awesome.

2. Rinoa-most of the time. Sometimes I switched her with Selphie. And she's necessary...I'd rather not use her really. I mean, at the end, she has to be in your party...I think *has not finished VII yet...*

3. Irvine- his gun is awesome. Got one so powerful that when he fires, he gets blasted back. Some kick, eh? And I love him anyway. XD
Wow, no one really trains the others do they? I always keep everyone at least 2-3 levels higher or under my mid char.

But anyways, my main team was Squall, Selpie and Quitis. If they wern't avaiable, Zell, Ivrine and Riona. Mainly my back up chars, they were at least damage dealing. Even Riona with a physical attack.
Rinoa's Angel Wing (or, to be more precise, Meteor Wing), is the most powerful Magical Limit Break in the game. You just need to junction Rinoa properly.

Zell's Armageddon fist (Punch Rush, Booya, repeat until time runs out) can do more damage than Lionheart if you're good at inputting commands and you have the full 12 seconds. It's also a lot more reliable.

After Rinoa and Zell, though, Squall's still the best character to use in battle.
Wow, no one really trains the others do they? I always keep everyone at least 2-3 levels higher or under my mid char.

But anyways, my main team was Squall, Selpie and Quitis. If they wern't avaiable, Zell, Ivrine and Riona. Mainly my back up chars, they were at least damage dealing. Even Riona with a physical attack.

I do level them all up to level 100, put certain Bonus' on them, then never use them again until i really need them.

Quistis hardly gets any damage dealt to her. She had Vitality Bonus AND Strength Bonus from level 45 all the way up plus Junctions. Add protect to her and she very well may be a deadly character.

Right now my Selphie and Rinoa have VERY high Magic stats meaning that a simple Curaga with some Junction to it can cause 9999 of healling power
(and theyre not even half the way to level 100)
Im just waiting to put some Strength Bonus on them, along with some Spr, Vitality, and leave the Magic Bonus on Rinoa.
Maybe I was subconciously sexist whilst playing this game but my party has always been the three guys. For sheer firepower I find them to be the best trio available.

We agree on one thing man! Fast Ammo just Killed, so did Zells Armegeddon Fist, and Squalls LionHeart. Anyone we had beef with, went down IMMEDIATELY. Even the Omega Weapon and Ultimecia/Griever.
The first time I went through I used Squall, Zell and Rinoa. The I realised how good Irvine was so I used him instead of Rinoa.
I found it nearly impossible to use Selphie, I don't know why! I think her attack just seemed so slow and it annoyed the crap out of me.
My A team

My Best team would easily be Squall Zell and Rinoa. Zell because his limit breaks kick ass and rinoa because of her wishing star and angel wing. Also i choose Rinoa becuase its kind of wierd that u dont use the character that likes squall and is the character that the game revolves around in disc 2 3 and 4.
My Best team would easily be Squall Zell and Rinoa. Zell because his limit breaks kick ass and rinoa because of her wishing star and angel wing. Also i choose Rinoa becuase its kind of wierd that u dont use the character that likes squall and is the character that the game revolves around in disc 2 3 and 4.

ftw...are you serious??? shes as weak as hell, and as annoying to no end.
Wierd... i think not! XD. She may have a point and a lead in the story, but i really had my patience leveled after rescuing her and getting her out her own messes the first 5 to 6 times. It gets rather annoying, and i think alot of FFVIII fans would agree.
I thought she tried Squalls patience as well. So well, that he just went along with whatever she planned. Thats how much of a wreck she was to me, and to the characters that had to put up with her stupid ass. XD
ftw...are you serious??? shes as weak as hell, and as annoying to no end.

She's definitely not weak in battle. Meteor Wing, anyone?
40 000 to 80 000 damage per turn, and she'll cast Meteor every turn, without using any of the Meteor spells in her inventory.

Zell beats that easily. Squall can beat it, if he uses Lionheart as his finishing move, but that is based on chance. Irvine can beat it with fast ammo, but he'll run out of steam after a few turns. Rinoa can keep on going, and you don't have to keep hitting the "next character" button to try and get the Limit Break option.
She's definitely not weak in battle. Meteor Wing, anyone?
40 000 to 80 000 damage per turn, and she'll cast Meteor every turn, without using any of the Meteor spells in her inventory.

Zell beats that easily. Squall can beat it, if he uses Lionheart as his finishing move, but that is based on chance. Irvine can beat it with fast ammo, but he'll run out of steam after a few turns. Rinoa can keep on going, and you don't have to keep hitting the "next character" button to try and get the Limit Break option.

I can trigger the LionHeart every single time! You failed to mention that meteor wing is ACTUALLY more random then triggering or trying to trigger the LionHeart. Im dumb proof. XD
I can trigger the LionHeart every single time! You failed to mention that meteor wing is ACTUALLY more random then triggering or trying to trigger the LionHeart. Im dumb proof. XD
Trigger Lionheart every time? How? By bringing him to the brink of KO and piling status effects on him? That could work, but that doesn't change the fact that the triggering of Lionheart is based on chance - the chance simply increases with Squall's crisis level.

The casting of Meteor with Angel wing is random. The casting of Meteor with Meteor Wing - a special version of Angel Wing designed for the continuous casting of meteor - is not, and it works when Rinoa is at full HP with no negative status effects.
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Trigger Lionheart every time? How? By bringing him to the brink of KO and piling status effects on him? That could work, but that doesn't change the fact that the triggering of Lionheart is based on chance - the chance simply increases with Squall's crisis level.

The casting of Meteor with Angel wing is random. The casting of Meteor with Meteor Wing - a special version of Angel Wing designed for the continuous casting of meteor - is not, and it works when Rinoa is at full HP with no negative status effects.

WoooW! Status effects!??! Brink of KO????!!!
Wrong again, my friend. just a simple Aura, and my own secret.
Wrong again, my friend. just a simple Aura, and my own secret.

Which is? Apart from low HP and negative status effects, nothing increases a characters crisis level apart from having KO'd party members, and crisis level is what should determine your chance of triggering Lionheart.