Your "A-team"

mine was Squall Rinoa and Zell
Same here for me. I used Squall obviously as the main character, Zell because he's my favorite of all of them in the game, and then finally Rinoa because I hated Selphie, didn't give a shit about Quistis, and thought Irvine was a pansy. Simple process of elimination.
I just got FF7 ( for playstation 1) I'm planning on using Cloud, Tifa, and vincent, but that might change
My A-Team would have to be Squall, Selfie and Zell, they had the best limit breaks in the game (in my opnion).;)
I always found Quistis' blue magic to be very very helpful.
Rinoa's dogtricks however, were so unreliable.
I never got a full grasp on how to perfect Zell's limit.
Irvine's limit was also weak.
Selphie has a really great limit break if you're quick about it.

My A-Team was always Squall, Selphie, and Quistis.
At the end of the game I used Squall, Rinoa and Irvine. Squall was a beast at level 100 and had just about every stat Junctioned. Renzokuken also turned up a Lion Heart extra move pretty often for me in the final boss sequence. Rinoa was useful for the Angelo moves (Angelo Reverse, Invincible Moon, NOT Angelo Search). I didn't like Irvine's limit break, but Leviathan was Junctioned to him, so he Recovered whenever a character was injured.
Most of the time I used Squall, Rinoa, and Selphie. I know everybody hates Selphie, but she actually proved to be highly useful, especially her limit breaks. Rinoa was also extremely useful, especially because of her Angel Wing limit. I had her Magic stat junctioned to Ultima, gave her all the most powerful black magic spells (ie Flare, Ultima, Meteor), and usually had haste put on her. She did 9999 with every spell, plus with Meteor it ended up being 99,999ish in one go. And Squall for obvious reasons since he's just asjhfdhfuidbfuigfi strong in his own right (Lionheart ftw.)
Agreed. Selphie has some awesome limit breaks. You just have to know what you're doing and be really quick about it. And increase her lucks stats as much as possible.
Zell, Squall and Rinoa

If I had my own way, cause I'm at a point in the game where I have to use those characters... D:
Twould be;

... my 3 favourite boys. ;D
for me its Squall, Rinoa, and anyone but zell (( i did my power lvling during a part that i didnt have him :P ))
Rinoas magic power rulez, and squall has 100 deaths liked to stat attack, so his normal atack has a 100% chance of inflicting death :P :P :P
My team varied with Squall and Zell always in the team but at the end I chose Irvine because I trained him to lvl 99 in the ultimate weapon cave and stuck with him from then.

So: Squall, Zell, Irvine
Squall: Main Char.
Quistis: Blue Mages are Awesome
Irvine: Meh. He uses a gun