Your thoughts on Sephiroth

At first I felt sorry for Sephiroth. Because from what I saw he was a kinda nice guy, until he found out about how he was born and stuff. But when he started to kill all those innocent people... That was taking it too far.

Kefka was a mean sob. He not only destroyed most the world, but killed a race of Espers and made Terra choose whether she wanted to live as a human or die as a Esper... He murdered magic T_T
^ And did any of those ever get featured in a movie? Nope, but Sephiroth did.

This being a thread pertaining to the game, I'd hardly say that was relevant. Sephiroth didn't even technically have to be in that film to be honest. It was mostly concerning the struggle of Kadaj, Loz and Yazoo, and the burden of Cloud.

Sephiroth's physical part was menial...despite how cool it was. >.>

Also, you make it sound as though it was his film. :/
Why is everyone here so against Sephiroth. he is probably the most memorable video game villian of all time, and by memorable I dont neseceraly (SP?) mean he was amazing but do you think this forum would have so many members if not for him?
Sepiroth is nothng like god. He's the exact opposite.

Sepiroth is one of the best FF villains though. Him,Klefka, and Kuja are the best. But Sepiroths even better.

He has everything someone can want. He has the power, the looks[slightl
y outdated though] and the stlye. Wrap that into one package and youve got the best thing since sliced bread[jk]
The reasons that make a villain a true vilain, are the following: Power. All villains have much more power than the people who are figting against them. They only lose in the end for the story's progress, and the world's sake.
Arrogance. Villains are people who have or have obtained great power and therefore become possessed by and drunk by their own power, since they know they can use it anytime against others.
A tad or a tank of Insanity. Most villains have some nasty background, either destroyed or messed up childhoods or they've been power hungry for a long time, so most of them believe some things to be reasonable when others know they're insane.
some think that if they use their power to destroy the world it would be better for everyone(Sephiroth, Seymour etc...)
So since seph possesses all of the villainous attributes, he's a great villain and as a plus his power is not just big. His power is tremendous. I think he was insane yes, but no matter that, he was still powerful and able to bend the world to his will.
Sephiroth was someone good turned evil. He started off as a great warrior, but I think the mix of him beign infused with Jenova Cells as well as being lied to about who his real parents were, drove him over the edge to insanity and power-grabbing. He had the skills and knowledge of a legendary warrior, but a few mishaps had him turning his back on everyone except Jenova and he didn't care who he hurt along the way.
Well isn't that where all great villains start from? Seph was badass in the thing that like some other villains of FF thought he would bring prosper to the world by destroying it. It's just that he had a different point of view which was flooded with insanity:P. But he was still bad^_^
Awww, c'mon, Sephi rawks! At least HE had a reason for being evil! What was Ultimecia's, Kuja's, and Seymour's reason? (Well, the last two might be petitioning for gay rights or something know.) Anyway, I have nothing against those three, I love 'em for merely being so poetically disturbed. XD FF villains just kick ass in general. XD
Hey hey watch it on wahat you say about Seymour, and don't get me started on that. What was his reason? Do you perhaps think that his father didn't giv a fuk for how he lived and his mother gave ger life up so others could be saved not caring about what happened to him(and thinking that: Oh son, I must do this for Spira pls forgive me) is enough? Well I think it is.(the above have been stated in this thread too so take a look at both my posts in that thread And he wasn't evil in his mind. And neither was Seph. That's why I respect them and love them both(Seph is my weakness but hey Seymour I love u too don't destroy the world cos' o this:P). Seph's reason for going insane was that the world had used him and then abandoned him(sort of) and so was Seymour's even if neither of them recognized that. And their reason for destroying the world was so that it could once again prosper. These two are veeeery much alike. How about this: They also both wanted to destroy the world with their dead mothers:P:P:P. Identical I'd say.
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Sephiroth the best villains ever, he has no mercy and has a cool personality even if it's a Psycho Personality
I think overtime, because of the success of the FF7 franchise in general has boosted Ssphiroth's popularlity. But still for reasons mentioned above, i too think he is one of the most bad-ass villians in gaming history. And i do think possibly one element to his insaness is the lack of attention and affection recieved as grew up, and being basically lied to. Thats got to screw anyone up.
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Sephiroth is by far the coolest baddy....EVER cooler than Darth vader, cooler than Reno sure as sure
Sephiroth is cool we know that, but he was crazy too he didn't have a mom or dad and thats sux, he was sad all the time and when he knew about his parents he turned to psycho in 1 sec I mean if u was Sephiroth and you knew all that in 1 hour what will happen to you?!!!
Sephiroth was a **** i hated his guts while i was playing the first time, but afterwards he truely became cool, however the boss battles against him were quite the letdown, its almost like he never lvled from when he was 50 and on ur side during those flashbacks, but nonetheless sephiroths intentions and determination are the things that make him so legendary, he was truely one of the greatest FF vilins ever IMO but that still doesnt exuse him from waisting 5+ hours of my life -.-
and just a quike question, witch FF is kefka from?, if its 6 then i really really REALLY need to get it, i have wanted it for a while but if the villin suceeds in it then i must get it lmao
EVER cooler than Darth vader
No one's cooler than Darth Vader xDD j/k (sorta :P)

I don't hate Sephiroth, but I don't love him either. I thought he was an okay villian, but I've never found him to be.......outstanding or overly original for that matter :/ (not that a lot of them are nowadays anyway)

One of the main reasons I am annoyed with Sephiroth is the rabid fanboys/fangirls that are so blindly in love with him, they won't listen to reason, or other people's opinions, and if someone doesn't care for him, they go into a tirade about how you're probably stupid and just don't understand him :/ Please.

I'm a hardcore Vincent fangirl, and I like to go around proclaiming 'he's mine' randomly, but come on, I'm half joking every time I say it, and I understand why some people don't care for him, and I listen.

To get back to the villians......Kefka owns all. A psycho clown who actually destroys the world and kills at random just automatically owns. xD

I liked Kuja way more than Seph myself as well. Kuja was fruity, but he got more done.