Your thoughts on Sephiroth

And in the end of FFVI, all the most powerfull monsters were killed. Your point is?

My point? The Weapons were completely useless and did nothing. So what about the monsters in VI? I was solely on about the weapons in VII. If I wanted to include VI's, I would have done so. 8D

You don't even know if the weapons did actually do any damage at all - we only really saw what happened at Junon. The other weapons..we didn't see them doing anything else. They just..floated around. Or hid in sand. Or lived underwater.
I thought in the Wutai war he was actually a good guy? Or something like that?
Where's the proof of this mass murdering on his way to Northern Crater? Please enlighten me. (Seriously, I don't know. Gimme proofage)

Oh and..

You cannot say that Kefka killed more people than him, if you don't know the answer to these questions.

How do you know that Kefka DIDN'T? You can't say that I don't know the answer to these questions. We will only really know for sure if they ever release statistics on how many people each Final Fantasy villain has killed in their actions. =P

In the next week, i will begin to play FFVI for the first time, and then i will have the chance to see how Kefka is with my own eyes.

I find this quite laughable, when you said I couldn't say whether or not Kefka killed more people - YOU HAVEN'T EVEN PLAYED THE GAME xD!
Judge Rulia said:
I thought in the Wutai war he was actually a good guy? Or something like that?
Sephiroth was with Shinra. Shinra was at war with Wutai. Good guy or not, he still killed, no doubt. But I see your point though; he didn't kill for the sake of being a villain. Regardless, it's a death count and blood to his own hands.

Comparing villains strikes me as a little pointless. They don't have characteristics which will rival the others, except for the fact that most are homocidal maniacs that just kill to meet their own selfish ends. Kefka and Sephiroth had rather different views on destroying things, so why these two are strictly pitted up gainst one another is beyond me.
Both are great villains in their own rights, but have nothing worth comparing. They should be loved seperately for their ordeals, not ridiculed for not being exactly the same, or better than a previous villain.

Oh, and Rulia, your user title is grammatically incorrect. It should be Ghis' Luvver. You don't have an s after the apostrophe. ;p (I just wanted to point that out, seeing as I'm a "bully" now. XD)
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You don't even know if the weapons did actually do any damage at all - we only really saw what happened at Junon. The other weapons..we didn't see them doing anything else. They just..floated around. Or hid in sand. Or lived underwater.

There was Diamond Weapon, which attacked Midgar and destroyed the Shinra building.

I got this from Wiki

Diamond Weapon (Diamo Weapon in Japanese versions) is a land-based Weapon that emerges from the ocean and begins to travel towards the city of Midgar. The party intercepts the Weapon and engages it in combat. Despite being "defeated", the Weapon simply walks away, apparently unfazed, sensing "murder". A short time later, Shinra fires the Sister Ray, the mako-powered energy beam cannon recently relocated to Midgar from Junon, at the energy barrier Sephiroth erected around the Northern Crater - while the Diamond Weapon stands directly between. Sensing the incoming blast, the Diamond Weapon fires a barrage of energy bolts at the beam's origin, though obviously too late. The Weapon's energy bolts strike the Shinra building, incinerating the upper levels and injuring Rufus Shinra. Meanwhile, the Sister Ray's beam destroys the Weapon and neutralizes Sephiroth's barrier.
Anyways, I do believe that sephiroth killed in order to make himself stronger. His plan was to make meteor cause a giant wound, which would cause the lifestream to flow there, and he was planning to be there to harness that energy. So, in essence, the more people he killed, the more energy he could harness.
In the next week, i will begin to play FFVI for the first time, and then i will have the chance to see how Kefka is with my own eyes. But before that, i cannot give my opinion about him.
But Kuja is awesome.
WHAT THE FUCK! :blink: Dude don't discuss things you don't know >_< HAHAHAH

Kefka probably did kill more, seeing as the end of the world would pretty much screw most people over and his Light of Judgement probabaly fried a fair few during his one year reign as ruler of the world. :rolleyes:
My point? The Weapons were completely useless and did nothing. So what about the monsters in VI? I was solely on about the weapons in VII. If I wanted to include VI's, I would have done so. 8D

You don't even know if the weapons did actually do any damage at all - we only really saw what happened at Junon. The other weapons..we didn't see them doing anything else. They just..floated around. Or hid in sand. Or lived underwater.

Attacked Junon, Mideel, and Midgar. And the Weapon's mission is to destroy anything that is harming the planet. The humans are harming it.

I thought in the Wutai war he was actually a good guy? Or something like that?

He wasn't a "villain" yet, but he was evil. Shinra was evil, and he killed people for them.

Where's the proof of this mass murdering on his way to Northern Crater? Please enlighten me. (Seriously, I don't know. Gimme proofage)

He killed people in Shinra's building, Junon, Shinra's ship, etc.

How do you know that Kefka DIDN'T? You can't say that I don't know the answer to these questions. We will only really know for sure if they ever release statistics on how many people each Final Fantasy villain has killed in their actions. =P

You said that Kefka killed more people than Sephiroth. You have to prove it. If you can't prove, then don't say it.

I find this quite laughable, when you said I couldn't say whether or not Kefka killed more people - YOU HAVEN'T EVEN PLAYED THE GAME xD!

Kefka used Terra to kill people, he killed people when he poisoned the water of a river, killed general Leo, killed the Espers(in Thamasa i think), killed Ghestal, killed many people when the WoB became WoR, and killed people with his Light of Judgement

See? I know Kefka's feats. But you know Sephiroth's? No, you don't. Is laughable that you don't know Sephiroth's feats, AFTER PLAYING THE GAME xD!
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Just to you know, SE already said that Sephiroth was in controll.
How is Sephiroth in control of Jenova, when it's Sephiroth who is basically FORMED from Jenova cells? Sephiroth needed Jenova to be who he was, not the other way around. Jenova was a terror right from the start; Calamity from the Skies. Without Jenova, Sephiroth is just...a good warrior.

2000 years ago Jenova, which is actually a malevolent creature, crash-lands on the planet and causes a huge rift, the Northern Crater. JENOVA infects the Cetra with a virus, turning them into monsters. Most of the remaining Cetra are slaughtered as the humans hide out in their new settlements, avoiding the terror. The Planet creates five Weapons to battle JENOVA, but they are never used. A small number of surviving Cetra succeed in containing her in the Northern Crater. The Planet begins to heal itself using its life energy. (It never fully heals.)

Sephiroth is a result of Hojo having injected Lucrecia's yet-unborn baby with Jenova's DNA. Hojo performs experiments using cells from the body of JENOVA. He infuses Shinra soldiers with JENOVA cells. The results are staggering - those who are infected have strength and skills far beyond normal persons. Based on these results, Shinra forms SOLDIER, a program designed to use and train an elite military force by infusing subjects with Mako and JENOVA cells.

Sephiroth quickly rises in the ranks of the Shinra military, due to his being the prototype for the SOLDIER program. He is monitored continuously and shows promise far beyond anyone else. It's hard to say what Square means by prototype, as FF7 says SOLDIER was created well after Sephiroth was born, and that Sephiroth was part of the JENOVA project, but BC says Sephiroth was the SOLDIER prototype. We may assume that by Prototype, they could mean role model, or the SOLDIER program was simply not officially introduced until after Sephiroth had been deemed a success.
I'm afraid the Crystal's right. Jenova Cells do pollute Sephiroth's body, but he was able to master & control them while he was encased in Mako. It was his will that awoke Jenova from her slumber in the Shinra building, and it was Sephiroth summoning Jenova to the Crater so that all the clones could gather there.

While Sephiroth was in Nibelheim the Jenova cells in him took control of him and made him crazy. He wanted to do Jenova's will at that time, but was hurled into the Lifestream by Cloud. Five years later, Sephiroth put his own plans in motion to become a god by merging with the Lifestream.
That was his plan not Jenova's. If Jenova were still in control of him, it would've been her merging with the Lifestream instead of Sephiroth.
Omnislasher483 said:
That was his plan not Jenova's. If Jenova were still in control of him, it would've been her merging with the Lifestream instead of Sephiroth.

Not exactly. As those with the ability to remember things would recall, Jenova, shortly before fighting Cloud and Co after Sephiroth did the deed on Aeris, refers to Cloud as a mere "puppet." A puppet of what? A puppet of Sephiroth. It would be Cloud who helps Sephiroth summon Meteor.

Now to me, it seems that Jenova is the puppet master. If she is so, then Sephiroth is the strings. Having a weapon as potent as Sephiroth would only mean victory for Jenova's cause; destruction of life. Who better to fulfill her goal than someone who is essentially a god in comparison to other lifeforms? I for one, would use such a weapon for my own ends if I were Jenova (and had her mentality... obviously).

There's no reason what-so-ever as to why Jenova would not allow Sephiroth to emerse himself in the Lifestream.
Sephiroth was using the head of Jenova to lure all clones to where he was. And the Sephiroth you see throughout all of Disc 1 is actually Jenova who has taken the form of Sephiroth to do his bidding, not her own. In the end, Sephiroth was controlling Jenova.

I just noticed after I posted that Sephiroth's name is lined up on all three of the lines. That looks cool.
How is Sephiroth in control of Jenova, when it's Sephiroth who is basically FORMED from Jenova cells? Sephiroth needed Jenova to be who he was, not the other way around. Jenova was a terror right from the start; Calamity from the Skies. Without Jenova, Sephiroth is just...a good warrior.

Sephiroth's will is greater than Jenova. This is why he can controll her/him/it.
The Ultimania Omega Guide was created by SE to explain some things that hapens in the game. This is what it say:

UOG said:
***Sephiroth's will and Jenova's will*** (Page 53)
The Sephiroth clones seen in various locations continue gathering for the
Reunion. Seemingly, the will of Jenova as a human is the result of it consuming Sephiroth's spirit; in actuality, Sephiroth is controlling Jenova.

Is impossible to be more clear than that.

BustaMo said:
Sephiroth quickly rises in the ranks of the Shinra military, due to his being the prototype for the SOLDIER program. He is monitored continuously and shows promise far beyond anyone else. It's hard to say what Square means by prototype, as FF7 says SOLDIER was created well after Sephiroth was born, and that Sephiroth was part of the JENOVA project, but BC says Sephiroth was the SOLDIER prototype. We may assume that by Prototype, they could mean role model, or the SOLDIER program was simply not officially introduced until after Sephiroth had been deemed a success.

When Shinra injected Jenova cells in Sephiroth, they thought that she was a Cetra. They wanted to create a Cetra to lead them to the Promised Land, not a warrior. But after some time, Shinra discovered that Jenova wasn't a Cetra, but an alien, and they noted that Sephiroth was becoming more and more powerful each day. Because of that, they decided to make him a SOLDIER and begun to inject Jenova cells in other SOLDIERs. Sephiroth is the prototype of SOLDIERs that are injected with Jenova cells.
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i thought sephiroth was a bit strage i mean who in the entire universe grows there hair to that length and keeps it THAT colour i would have thought he was a girl if they hadnt sed he was a boy lol nah hes alright and hes a real badass like me lol (cept i dont wanna destroy the planet and stuff)
This was the posted by Finnegan III on the FFXII thread '500 improvements this game needed':

My answer to that is Sephiroth is nowhere near plain. How exactly does he fail as a villian? Sephiroth to me embodies a great villian. The only villian that I will hold up to Sephiroth's caliber, is Id from Xenogears.

Sephiroth steals all the scenes he's in, in FF7. I've always said that Sephiroth is what I think a true villian should be. He's strong, relentless in his pursuit of whatever it is he may want, cold, he takes great joy in making his enemies suffer, and finally, and I've always said this too, he never repents for anything he does, or beg for his life. Infact, when he was defeated in the end of FF7, he used the last bit of energy he had to torment Cloud one more time. Now that's a dedicated villian for you.

A lot of games have villians that you're fighting throughout the whole game, and at the end they're either sorry for everything, or turned into a reformed version of themselves. Not Sephiroth though, he's evil from start to finish.

Merely torture and killing does not make a good villain, anyone can go around and kill things, doesn't make them a good villain, a good villain has to be truly evil, mindless violence because you've been driven insane by where you came from is not villainy, a true villain is something heinously evil, getting their own way, through violence, and shrewd dealings, abuse of power.

Mindless violence is but a small factor of Villainy.

Take Seymour, his voice was shite but don't let that fool you, he abused his diplomatic immunity, the corruption of the Four Maesters of Yevon, the power to become a fiend and avoid being sent to the farplane, he killed those who got in his way or who could have been a threat, but he did in a manner that no one knew any the wiser.
He wanted to become Sin
, if that meant marrying and betraying them to do so, he would, he was determined to become it. And no one would stop him, the amount of times you have to defeat him in order to finally stop him.

Now, Sephiroth, went insane because he found out about Jenova and where he came from, he then went on a mindless killing spree.......yeah....that's about it isn't it?

I'm sure there are better examples than Seymour but right now I want to play Tiberian Sun.
That was a brilliant post by Finnegan.

Seymour was a much better villain than Sephiroth. He was just a big Emo who hated the world because of what it did to him. And he essentially goes around smashing things in an emo rage

Seymour hated the world because of his birth and his victimisation because he was a son of a human and Guado (if I remember correctly).

He had a real motivation. Well that's wrong, he PORTRAYED his motivation for his wickedness. Sephiroth had the motivation, but he didn't show any of it.
Lets state some things before I lay down what I think, We know that jenova is a instinctive creature, meaning that she just is a programed being, she has no conscienc, but her natural programming is to simply destroy. think that when Jenova cells infected Sephiroth, Jenova and Sephiroths will clashed, and they became jumbled, I think Sephiroth was carrying out Jenovas will(he was after all trying to destroy the planet pretty much) and that hhe just tricked his own mind into thinking that he was destroying the planet for HIS own reasons, when really he was still doing what Jenova wanted, you see, I think Sephiroth just took Jenova one step further by giving a creature of instinct a thinking consciouses and intelligence.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and this just happens to be mine.

Perhaps I'm known to be a man of many words. One who always spins tales to beautify the ugly truths, however, concerning Sephiroth, I'll keep it simple.

Sephiroth is and always will be one of the coolest characters in all of video game history.

In the manner that FFVII revolutionized R.P.G.s forever, Sephiroth did the same for villains, and even video game characters in general. FFVII marked a turning point in the industry for R.P.G.s, earmarking the acceptance of the genre into American culture, and a large reason for the games success just happens to be the complex and convoluted character known as Sephiroth.

His appeal was so vast, that he has a following almost as large as if not larger than the protagonist (Cloud Strife). Fans of the game often times find themselves wishing they could play as Sephiroth, and miss those rare moments they got to fight alongside him more and more. It is said, "The greater the trails one overcomes, the greater the hero they become". This maxim being true, Cloud Strife wouldn't be half the hero he's known as today if he hadn't overcome a truly terrifying and awesome villain, such as Seph.

Those are my two cents, thanks for your patience.
Sephiroth wasn't made a villan by his circumstances, nor was he driven insane by the realization of his orgin. When he burned down Nibelheim, I will admit he was a little besisde himself. But throughout the rest of the game, he wasn't driven by insanity, hatred, or Jenova. He was driven by desire to become a god. Right after the Temple of the Ancients was destroyed, Aeris says, "But Sephiroth's different, he's not an Ancient. He shouldn't be able to find the Promised Land." To which Sephiroth replies, "Ahh, but I have. I have gained the knoledge of the lifestream, and have transended the Ancients." Or something more or less along those lines. Which means, while Sephiroth was traveling the lifestream after Cloud threw him in in Nibelheim, he came to khow the truth about him, the Cetra, the Calamity form the Skies Jenova, meteor, and holy. Therefor, he knew he wasn't an Ancient. But he wanted to become a god anyways, not because he though that his 'mother' was betrayed and sacificed by the Cloud's ansestors, like he thought in Nibelheim 5 years prior, but because he was power hungry and EVIL, not insane.
Okay i do agree that Sephiroth is slightly over-rated but he was a good villain, better than most in fact, but comparing him to Seymour! who would you rather be up against? Ask yourself that. Only then may you decide wether Sephiroth was a good villain :)
Sephiroth : Vintage Asian androgynous character, my personal favourite, oozes evil from every pore :D
I think that sepiroth is a pure cold blooded bad ass, hes powerful, his weapons huge, and his appearence is very scary, if i saw him in the street i would probably shit my pants!
He is awesome!
He's one of the most famous villains in videogame history. I mean cmon he killed Aerith.... Not to mention after he kills aerith he treats cloud like dirt saying he doesn't have feelings.

He's an awesome villain.