Your thoughts on Sephiroth

No one's cooler than Darth Vader xDD j/k (sorta :P)

I don't hate Sephiroth, but I don't love him either. I thought he was an okay villian, but I've never found him to be.......outstanding or overly original for that matter :/ (not that a lot of them are nowadays anyway)

One of the main reasons I am annoyed with Sephiroth is the rabid fanboys/fangirls that are so blindly in love with him, they won't listen to reason, or other people's opinions, and if someone doesn't care for him, they go into a tirade about how you're probably stupid and just don't understand him :/ Please.

Even though I'm a hardcore Seph fan, I must agree with this. There are a lot of people who do that and it's really bad for Sephiroth's rep, since people come to hate him just because he has some brainless fans. When I support a character I learn all I can about him and then I start talking(Or posting for the matter :P). But most of Sephiroth's fans are just as you said. There are always points to debate on characters with big backgrounds, so reasonable talking and debating is necessary. Oh well, what can we do....
Well, here's my view. When you take a character, who already looks great to begin with, make him appear to be invincible from the start of the story, and then twist his psychosis and turn him into a psycho which leads him into practically creating himself almost God-like ... you can't help but love a character that evolves from human to God-like in lifetime. ;)
Villains better than Sephiroth:

1. Kuja
2. Kefka
3. Emperor Palpatine
4. Every villain in Xenogears (Id, Grahf, Gazel Ministry, Miang, Krelian, Ramsus)
5. Every villain in Xenosaga (Yuriev, Margulis, Wilhelm, Albedo, Voyager)
6. Moebius The Timestreamer, The Elder God and the Sarafan Lord/Hylden Lord/Unspoken of Legacy of Kain

List goes on and on.

The only one I agree with their is Id. But Kuja??? This brings back memories of the forum I was a part of many years ago, where with the same name I currently use, I lead a series of threads on Sephiroth vs Kuja in which I ran with the Sephiroth banner leading the fight for all the Sephiroth fans and totally destroying all the reasons everyone who loves Kuja thinks he's better. Kuja is a far inferior villian than Sephiroth (or any villian now that I think about it) he's a child and very emotional. While Sephiroth mear presence demands attention wherever he is mentioned, and is cool, calm and collected at every instance, even when dying in Advent Children.
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I thought that Sephiroth was a great villain for the following reasons:

First off I think that the dark theme and story of the game really leant itself to Sephiroth, the way the story was told, the music, cutscenes; it was all extremely dark and made it far more serious.

Sephiroth was an extremely dark and fearful character; with other villains sich as Kuja, Ultemicia, Seymour and even villains from other games (that I've played) they were just bad guys you just fought and killed but with Sephiroth he was just really evil. Being both psychotic and immensely strong were very powerful traits that fueld this evil and you really felt the seriousness of the situation in the game. He didn't hang around or spare people's lives; he just killed, killed, killed.

With scenes such as when he left the trail of blood and murded President Shinra, the spearing of the snake, Aeris's tragic death, the burning of the village and his whole obsesion with Jenova and fulfilling her wishes were some reasons that made him so felt. He was a really good villain because he was pure and utter evil; both his words and actions portrayed this effectively.

I don't mind if people have a bad word to say about Sephiroth, it's there opinion; however, this why I thought he was an immense villain.
Sephiroth is cooler than any other villains in the FF series, IMO. He didn't talk too much and wasn't annoying at all. He kinda scared me while playing the game, even! Hah, don't ask. I just like his character.
I kinda that agree with Darkblade.
Sephiroth was kinda... ... ... «- no words. Not like Kefka, kefka had madness, what a true villain must have
The fact though is that he was a hero. Cloud idolized him, as well as Zack. Sephiroth was a leagend in the known world and of course the contributing factors which led to his anger and "about-face" made him commit many horrible actions, but he did it with a passion. Not saying it's excusable, but he's 100% committed/obsessed with Jenova. :p
I played and beaten FFVII about a year ago for the first time. I thought it was a great game except for one part. Sephiroth. People are always giving him great praise about how bad ass he was. I felt differently about it. He was slightly cool. NOTE: By slightly cool I meant a huge wussy. He looked like a nerd, he stabbed a girl from behind. I mean come on, he's a big wimp. =P

Omfg, someone who feels the same way i do. The only time when i thought he looked good was when he was kicking my ass in Kingdom Hearts II.
Well, any way to take out one of his biggest problems. At first, he was gonna make Cloud do it but then he was stopped when someone yelled his name. So he had no choice but to take her out another way. Anyway, I'd say he's one crazy person to try and wipe out a whole world for his "mother".
HEY! DON'T DIS SEPHIROTH!!!! HE KICKS BUTT DUDE!!! I hear he is really hard to beat in Kingdom Hearts2. Hey, question, is Sephy in KH1? If u look in the booklet's character voices, his name is there...??? AND HAVE U PEOPLE SEEN SEPHIROTH IN ADVENT CHILDREN?! HIS MASAMUNE IS FRICKEN HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thankyou! fianly someone sees the light! sephiroth is the best of the best. he gots a cool out fit, long silver hair, a 11ft. long sword that he can use with 1 hand!, and he can't diy. pluss he has his owne them song. dose cloud or eany other bad guiy have 1? no. speaking of them songs wat is the name of seppy's. hear link to youtube video with his them song.
This was the posted by Finnegan III on the FFXII thread '500 improvements this game needed':
Why do villains always have to be obvious to you all?

I see most of the Judges as villains, corrupt evil bastards trying to win power over people by force.

Pretty evil. Use your imagination, sephiroth fails as a villain, I'm sorry but he does.

My answer to that is Sephiroth is nowhere near plain. How exactly does he fail as a villian? Sephiroth to me embodies a great villian. The only villian that I will hold up to Sephiroth's caliber, is Id from Xenogears.

Sephiroth steals all the scenes he's in, in FF7. I've always said that Sephiroth is what I think a true villian should be. He's strong, relentless in his pursuit of whatever it is he may want, cold, he takes great joy in making his enemies suffer, and finally, and I've always said this too, he never repents for anything he does, or beg for his life. Infact, when he was defeated in the end of FF7, he used the last bit of energy he had to torment Cloud one more time. Now that's a dedicated villian for you.

A lot of games have villians that you're fighting throughout the whole game, and at the end they're either sorry for everything, or turned into a reformed version of themselves. Not Sephiroth though, he's evil from start to finish.

Some of Sephiroth's feats:

- Destroyed an helicopter that was in the air, just using his ki/chi
- Burned a village of inocent people
- Have total controll over Jenova, a being that almost destroyed the entire race of the Cetra
- Killed everyone in the Shinra building(HQ of the most powerful corporation in the world), including its president
- Can fly, become intangible, use magic, etc.
- Hold Holly with the power of his will
- Summoned Meteor, creating fear in all the population of the world
- Freed the Weapons, that begun to destroy everything in their way
- Created FFVII's version of World of Ruin, after the end of the game
- Have his own version of Lifestream in AC

He is very badass and powerfull. One of the best FF villains in my opinion.
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Some of Sephiroth's feats:

- Destroyed an helicopter that was in the air, just using his ki/chi
- Burned a village of inocent people
- Have total controll over Jenova, a being that almost destroyed the entire race of the Cetra
- Killed everyone in the Shinra building(HQ of the most powerful corporation in the world), including its president
- Can fly, become intangible, use magic, etc.
- Hold Holly with the power of his will
- Summoned Meteor, creating fear in all the population of the world
- Freed the Weapons, that begun to destroy everything in their way
- Created FFVII's version of World of Ruin, after the end of the game
- Have his own version of Lifestream in AC

He is very badass and powerfull. One of the best FF villains in my opinion.

I would like to argue against that. Those feats don't make him unique - not saying you can't have them. I just want to point something out :P

- Kefka, killed so many more people then Sephiroth. He also managed to take over the world. For like a year though. Oh well, the good guys always win in the end!
- Though the freeing of the weapons was indeed a significant thing, they pretty much all got killed. If you chose to fight them. Sapphire was destroyed by Junon Cannon. Of course the others were optional, and though they seemed superior beings, one could still techinically kick their arse.
- Brings herself to another Kefka point: Kefka even screwed the world over. A lot more people had lost their lives, continents were split up, land became barren, and people lived in fear of Kefka.
- Aha, just saw a comment about Sephiroth doing that - I wouldn't agree all that much. In only saw Midgar pretty much. Then when it came to DoC..everyone seemed ok in Kalm, and then all you got to see again was mainly the inside of buildings, and Midgar! So while one could assume that major damage was done to the planet, we did not see enough of the other places. To me, I would have needed to see how other places looked like. Also, I'm sure at the ending of the game..we only saw how one placed looked. Still not enough to be certain of what damaged had been caused. Hm, I just explained myself there with AC and DoC.
- I've heard Kefka's final form owns that of Sephiroths. I wouldn't know for sure..but I'll go look for some pics.
- And about Jenova..I keep thinking that deep down inside, JENOVA was controlling HIM - it may not have looked that to others, but the Sephiroth in the game, the one supposedly walking around was not the real Sephiroth. I think JENOVA was pulling the strings pretty much throughout the whole game.

That being said, I hate Kefka, Sephiroth probably is as good as villains such as Seymour and Kuja, I jus don't like him as I used to.
Kefka, killed so many more people then Sephiroth.

How you know?
You know how many people he killed in the Wutai war? You know how many people he killed after the war? In Nibelheim? When he was using Jenova's body in the first half of the game, you know how many people he killed in his way to the Northern Crater? How many people were killed by the Weapons that he freed? How many people died by Geostigma?
You cannot say that Kefka killed more people than him, if you don't know the answer to these questions.

Though the freeing of the weapons was indeed a significant thing, they pretty much all got killed. If you chose to fight them. Sapphire was destroyed by Junon Cannon. Of course the others were optional, and though they seemed superior beings, one could still techinically kick their arse.

And in the end of FFVI, all the most powerfull monsters were killed. Your point is?

Brings herself to another Kefka point: Kefka even screwed the world over. A lot more people had lost their lives, continents were split up, land became barren, and people lived in fear of Kefka.

Yes he screwed the world more than Seph, but MANY people lost their lives by Sephiroth's hands, or by the Weapons, or by Geostigma. And people lived in fear of Meteor, and after that, of Geostigma.

Aha, just saw a comment about Sephiroth doing that - I wouldn't agree all that much. In only saw Midgar pretty much. Then when it came to DoC..everyone seemed ok in Kalm, and then all you got to see again was mainly the inside of buildings, and Midgar! So while one could assume that major damage was done to the planet, we did not see enough of the other places. To me, I would have needed to see how other places looked like. Also, I'm sure at the ending of the game..we only saw how one placed looked. Still not enough to be certain of what damaged had been caused. Hm, I just explained myself there with AC and DoC.

I'm not saying that Sephiroth screwed the world more than Kefka, because this isn't true. What i'm saying is that the world after FFVII, remember the WoR in some aspects. Exist a book named "On a Way to a Smile" that explain what happened in the two years after FFVII and before AC.
Some things that we can see is how the world is screwed. After the end of Shinra and the destruction of Midgar, people couldn't(and didn't want) to use Mako as an energy source anymore, but the problem is that during many and many years, humanity only used Mako as an energy source, and losing it, was almost like if our real world one day, lose all eletricity. After FFVII, the world "returned back in time" in technology because of that, if you understand what i mean. And in the same time, people in the entire world were sick, and each day many of them died by Geostigma. And because of these things, people were depressed too. All caused by Sephiroth.

And about Jenova..I keep thinking that deep down inside, JENOVA was controlling HIM - it may not have looked that to others, but the Sephiroth in the game, the one supposedly walking around was not the real Sephiroth. I think JENOVA was pulling the strings pretty much throughout the whole game.

Just to you know, SE already said that Sephiroth was in controll.

That being said, I hate Kefka, Sephiroth probably is as good as villains such as Seymour and Kuja, I jus don't like him as I used to.

In the next week, i will begin to play FFVI for the first time, and then i will have the chance to see how Kefka is with my own eyes. But before that, i cannot give my opinion about him.
But Kuja is awesome.
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