Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

Well you would think
Seeing as Zack Dies
that Cloud would be stronger. Although, Zack was first class before Cloud.
I dont really know what else to say.
This isn't much of a fair fight. Zack died, so he never had a chance to get stronger than he already was. Of course in a phyiscal fight, Cloud would win. Given that he's still alive and has gotten stronger more stronger than Zack over that time. Emotionally, Zack is the stronger one. His ability to still be positive, even when he was dying proves this. Cloud, of course, is not as stable in this area as Zack is. With him being negtive about everything 70% of the time, and constently having a downcast mood.

Mentally, I'm not quite sure who wins in this area. I think they're both pretty even here.
This isn't much of a fair fight. Zack died, so he never had a chance to get stronger than he already was. Of course in a phyiscal fight, Cloud would win. Given that he's still alive and has gotten stronger more stronger than Zack over that time. Emotionally, Zack is the stronger one. His ability to still be positive, even when he was dying proves this. Cloud, of course, is not as stable in this area as Zack is. With him being negtive about everything 70% of the time, and constently having a downcast mood.

Mentally, I'm not quite sure who wins in this area. I think they're both pretty even here.

If Zack had still been alive, Cloud may not have even been as strong as he is now. And even if he was, Zack would still be stronger. Zack was able to be inaffected to the experiments performed on him due to his mental power whereas Cloud wasn't able to and was left in a severe camotose state. Zack was positive about things, and science has said that when you are happy, you can do things better, which might help him in battle.
Even though Zack dies, I still think he may be stronger. He died because it was himself against an army, right in front of him, complete with a missile launching helicopter, literally.

While Cloud, on the other hand, has never faced this situation to have to overcome or be killed then and there, no man can wipe out an entire army on his own, neither Zack or Cloud, or anyone else could do this.

That being said, considering everything Zack did in comparison to Cloud, and with how much of that army he did to take down on his own, I say Zack Fair is most certainly stronger than Cloud Strife.

This would be even more obvious if Zack had survived to go through the events of the original Final Fantasy VII game, he would have grown even stronger, and had more of a display of his power through the journey, but as we all know, that never happened.
it wuld have to be cloud evn tho hes a fake.... cloud is the one who kept fighting after he was dying, cloud was the one who killed sephiroth....
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i dont think so i think ther both the same power but i got 2 say that zack is stronger cos of the mako energy he carryed cloud all the way back to the city and he dint kill a whole army but he did kill narly all of the solders and he killed genasis and angel
Zack deff hadn't gotten the chance since he died. Cloud I deff got to see more of him. Zack not so much. Each and one of them had to train to get stronger yes? Zack wasn't he already ahead of Cloud? He probably got there first and had more expirence fighting and whatnot but Cloud progressed at a good rate. There is many meanings to stronger--not just physical. but mentally--emotionally whatever. Both knew what they would have to go through and both had to prepare so I think they're both strong. Idk, I say they're both physically strong considering how much they had to fight and mentally/emotionally because they both knew what they had to do so they were mentally strong and physically strong ready to take on the world. Pretty Equal in strength is what I see. Cloud may lack physical strength but Zack may lack mental/emotional strength so they balance out (just an example dunno if that's true you decide)
Zack (before he died) had the upper hand though and if he lived maybe I would say he would be stronger but, that isn't what happened now is it?
I think Zack is/would be (depending on which timeframe you want to use) stronger. Zack has, in a relatively short period of time, taken on and successfully defeated Angeal, Sephiroth, and Genesis, in addition to countless mob troops. However, Cloud did take on Sephiroth and Jenova, among others. It's pretty much neck & neck, but I think Zack would win out just a little.

Or we could play it out on Ehrgeiz: God Bless The Ring. XD
Well if I remember correctly you do defeat him in-game...though I haven't played that game in a while.
Well if I remember correctly you do defeat him in-game...though I haven't played that game in a while.
An in-game defeat is not always inherent to the plot itself. What happens after that fight is what often suggests the outcome of things. Yes, Zack "defeated" Sephiroth in-game, but Sephiroth still stood firm after the fight, no? He still went on to easily fling Zack around afterwards. Zack never actually "defeats" Sephiroth.

Which then brings us back to Cloud. No matter which way you slice it, Cloud managed to do what no one else ever has by defeating Sephiroth; three times.
Zack is stronger than Cloud.
Part of why Cloud is strong is because of Zack.
1st sentence: okay. can you explain why?
2nd sentence: that's irrelevant. the comparison is AC cloud to Zack at his peak. Think Darth Vader against Obiwan Kenobi in his prime.

Let's not let bias taint the verdict...though a thread like this will likely never reach a conclusion.
Zack is stronger than Cloud.
Part of why Cloud is strong is because of Zack.

In the new RET-CON it may be that way, but it wasn't originally interpreted that way you know?

I mean Cloud killed Sephiroth while Zack couldn't, how does that equal him being stronger than Cloud? I haven't seen proof of any of this I know Zack isn't stronger than Sephiroth, and I know for FACT that Cloud is stronger than Sephiroth :gasp:

I mean Cloud has beaten anyone Zack could and then something just doesn't equate here :hmph:
They're too similar. But I'd say Cloud probably met and surpassed Zack's level at some point late in the game or after it.

Zack did kind of die. :/
Isn't it pretty obvious ? Cloud. He beat Seph and Zack couldn't it's as simple as that >_>

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