Why so serious?
In FFVII, Sephiroth was able to use his telekinesis to restrain eight powerful warriors for about a minute or so. The entire party is visibly in pain, Red XIII is just the only one who pointed it out. That pain is the result of his body being pulled apart by Sephiroth's telekinesis. If all he did was restrain them, they wouldn't have been in any sort of pain. They just would've found themselves unable to move of their own free will. However, that's not the case. Red XIII announces to his teammates that it feels as though his limbs are being ripped off, which means that Sephiroth is using telekinesis to pull on their bodies and, thus, cause them pain.Yet again i desagree...
You're saying Sephiroth can rip bodies apart with telekinesis based only on a statement made by Red, he could simply say that because of the pain he feels, again we never see Sephiroth do this to anyone, so you can't assume that he can do that, based only on that statement.
Also if Cloud broke free in FFVII of Sephiroths "mental prison", he could most likely also do it again in AC, after beating Safer Sephiroth he got stronger so who knows if he can't get free much more easily or if Sephiroth can still paralize him anymore, probably he can't and that's why does not use it.
Another thing to keep in mind is the fact that his mental powers were spread amongst eight people. That means Cloud only received about 1/8th of the full effect. Yes, he did get stronger between the end of FFVII and Advent Children, but he obviously didn't get eight times as strong as he used to be. That's just ridiculous. So, if 1/8th of Sephiroth's mental abilities can keep Cloud restrained and in pain for a full minute, just imagine what he could do if all of his abilities were focused on Cloud. It's safe to assume that he could quite literally rip Cloud's body apart.
And yes, Sephiroth can no longer control Cloud's mind using his JENOVA Cells. That's not what I'm referring to. I'm talking about Sephiroth's telekinesis. Over the course of FFVII, Sephiroth uses his power over JENOVA Cells to take over Cloud's mind. Despite this, at the end of the game, Cloud is able to outwill Sephiroth and regain control of his own body. However, I'm talking about Sephiroth's ability to manipulate Cloud's physical body using telekinesis. It took the entire party a full minute to break free of Sephiroth's telekinesis. That means that all eight of them, working together, were able to free themselves after sixty seconds. How could Cloud do the same on his own before Sephiroth can cleave him in half?
Yes, he does survive those attacks in FFVII, but only because Sephiroth isn't focusing solely on him. Rather, he's dealing with Cloud and two other fighters. There's strength in numbers. I don't think you realize just how big an advantage Cloud and the party had during that fight. The fact that it was 3-on-1 means that Sephiroth's focus is split, not to mention that he has far more raw power to deal with. Honestly, the fact that Cloud and the party survived the fight against Safer Sephiroth says almost nothing about Cloud as an individual. All it says is that Crisis AVALANCHE, as a team, was able to defeat Safer Sephiroth.I did not know that AC Sephiroth was stronger then Safer Sephiroth, that's a pretty good point but still if Cloud is able to survive Super Nova and so on in FFVII, and if he is also stronger in AC, then he probably could also survive those same attacks in AC. And Sephiroth as i showed you does use a portion of his powers against Cloud it does not matter how many times he uses it, because he never used them with Zack (we probably did not have them yet there) but that alone is a sign that Sephiroth used abilities against Cloud that he never showed against Zack, meaning he takes Cloud more seariously then Zack.
And yes, the fact that Sephiroth only used his telekinesis once does make a difference. First off, he only used it to save himself some time, not because he had to. Second, you never answered my question. How do you think Cloud could survive an attack from Sephiroth if he can't even move? If Sephiroth had chosen to focus his telekinetic powers on Cloud, he would've been, at best, frozen in place and, at worst, ripped to shreds right from the get-go. The fact that Sephiroth refused to do that says that he doesn't take Cloud seriously at all.
Against Zack, Sephiroth used his full range of abilities. He didn't hold anything back. Against Cloud, Sephiroth held back the vast majority of his available powers, instead choosing to focus solely on swordsmanship to prove to Cloud that, even on his own terms, he was still better. Tell me, then, Jimmy, if Sephiroth was taking Cloud seriously, why didn't he use his telekinesis to restrain him? Why didn't he turn intangible? Why didn't he use Magic or Supernova? If he thought of Cloud as a threat, I would think that he'd have used everything at his disposal to finish him off as quickly as possible. But he didn't. Instead, he messed around with Cloud as much as possible, ignoring several opportunities to end the fight.
The fact that Safer Sephiroth was stronger than Bizarro Sephiroth definitely doesn't mean that he wasn't fatigued by his previous battle with the party. Yes, Safer Sephiroth has far more raw power than Bizarro Sephiroth, but that doesn't change the fact that he was damaged by the party's attacks during the previous fight. Just because his attacks were more powerful doesn't mean he had more stamina. Without any outside influences, Safer Sephiroth is more powerful than Bizarro Sephiroth in every conceivable way. However, there were outside influences that effected the stamina Sephiroth had by the time he actually reached that stage. Safer Sephiroth was still faster, more powerful, and more durable, but he had sustained injuries from his battle with the party.I also desagree with the fact that Safer Sephiroth, who is a different and more powerful form then Bizarro Sephiroth, was fatigued at all by the party attacks. Safer Sephiroth is tougher then Bizarro Sephiroth as you know, if he was tired then he should have been weaker not stronger. Also you're right Cloud did have the help of his teammates, all of which are strong in their own way, as we see when they are fighting Bahamut (except Caith Sith i don't think he helped at all), but i believe that apart from Vincent (who i do not know how much streght he as) they are all weaker then Cloud, at least we know Tifa is because she was beaten by Yazoo or Loz (i mix them up) while Cloud defeats Kadaj who is as strong as Yazoo or Loz. So yes they were a key factor in the win against Sephiroth, but i don't think that, that factor alone is the only reason why Cloud was able to beat Safer Sephiroth.
And yes, at the time of FFVII, Cloud was the strongest member of the party. But just because Cloud was the strongest doesn't change the fact that the other party members helped. Regardless of who it is you're up against and who you're allying yourself with, an 8-on-1 fight is definitely not a fair battle. Even with that being said, the party members are all strong fighters in their own right and could definitely provide Cloud with more-than-sufficient help. Regardless of whatever you have to say about them, the fact remains that Sephiroth wasn't up against Cloud alone. He was up against Cloud, who was being aided by seven powerful warriors.
Yes, Cloud is able to defeat Sephiroth...after his body had been ripped to shreds by Crisis AVALANCHE. Sephiroth had just spent the last couple of hours getting his ass kicked by eight fighters armed with Materia. He was already exhausted by the time Cloud came in to finish him off.Also the last battle of FFVII, is precisely Cloud alone vs Sephiroth, a battle which Cloud wins alone.
Yes, that's two victories for Cloud against Sephiroth...neither of which he actually earned. Those victories were handed to him by Sephiroth's inability to take him seriously.So that's two victories for Cloud against Sephiroth, and another one which we can consider a draw in the Mako Reactor scene.