Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

Yet again i desagree...

You're saying Sephiroth can rip bodies apart with telekinesis based only on a statement made by Red, he could simply say that because of the pain he feels, again we never see Sephiroth do this to anyone, so you can't assume that he can do that, based only on that statement.
Also if Cloud broke free in FFVII of Sephiroths "mental prison", he could most likely also do it again in AC, after beating Safer Sephiroth he got stronger so who knows if he can't get free much more easily or if Sephiroth can still paralize him anymore, probably he can't and that's why does not use it.
In FFVII, Sephiroth was able to use his telekinesis to restrain eight powerful warriors for about a minute or so. The entire party is visibly in pain, Red XIII is just the only one who pointed it out. That pain is the result of his body being pulled apart by Sephiroth's telekinesis. If all he did was restrain them, they wouldn't have been in any sort of pain. They just would've found themselves unable to move of their own free will. However, that's not the case. Red XIII announces to his teammates that it feels as though his limbs are being ripped off, which means that Sephiroth is using telekinesis to pull on their bodies and, thus, cause them pain.

Another thing to keep in mind is the fact that his mental powers were spread amongst eight people. That means Cloud only received about 1/8th of the full effect. Yes, he did get stronger between the end of FFVII and Advent Children, but he obviously didn't get eight times as strong as he used to be. That's just ridiculous. So, if 1/8th of Sephiroth's mental abilities can keep Cloud restrained and in pain for a full minute, just imagine what he could do if all of his abilities were focused on Cloud. It's safe to assume that he could quite literally rip Cloud's body apart.

And yes, Sephiroth can no longer control Cloud's mind using his JENOVA Cells. That's not what I'm referring to. I'm talking about Sephiroth's telekinesis. Over the course of FFVII, Sephiroth uses his power over JENOVA Cells to take over Cloud's mind. Despite this, at the end of the game, Cloud is able to outwill Sephiroth and regain control of his own body. However, I'm talking about Sephiroth's ability to manipulate Cloud's physical body using telekinesis. It took the entire party a full minute to break free of Sephiroth's telekinesis. That means that all eight of them, working together, were able to free themselves after sixty seconds. How could Cloud do the same on his own before Sephiroth can cleave him in half?

I did not know that AC Sephiroth was stronger then Safer Sephiroth, that's a pretty good point but still if Cloud is able to survive Super Nova and so on in FFVII, and if he is also stronger in AC, then he probably could also survive those same attacks in AC. And Sephiroth as i showed you does use a portion of his powers against Cloud it does not matter how many times he uses it, because he never used them with Zack (we probably did not have them yet there) but that alone is a sign that Sephiroth used abilities against Cloud that he never showed against Zack, meaning he takes Cloud more seariously then Zack.
Yes, he does survive those attacks in FFVII, but only because Sephiroth isn't focusing solely on him. Rather, he's dealing with Cloud and two other fighters. There's strength in numbers. I don't think you realize just how big an advantage Cloud and the party had during that fight. The fact that it was 3-on-1 means that Sephiroth's focus is split, not to mention that he has far more raw power to deal with. Honestly, the fact that Cloud and the party survived the fight against Safer Sephiroth says almost nothing about Cloud as an individual. All it says is that Crisis AVALANCHE, as a team, was able to defeat Safer Sephiroth.

And yes, the fact that Sephiroth only used his telekinesis once does make a difference. First off, he only used it to save himself some time, not because he had to. Second, you never answered my question. How do you think Cloud could survive an attack from Sephiroth if he can't even move? If Sephiroth had chosen to focus his telekinetic powers on Cloud, he would've been, at best, frozen in place and, at worst, ripped to shreds right from the get-go. The fact that Sephiroth refused to do that says that he doesn't take Cloud seriously at all.

Against Zack, Sephiroth used his full range of abilities. He didn't hold anything back. Against Cloud, Sephiroth held back the vast majority of his available powers, instead choosing to focus solely on swordsmanship to prove to Cloud that, even on his own terms, he was still better. Tell me, then, Jimmy, if Sephiroth was taking Cloud seriously, why didn't he use his telekinesis to restrain him? Why didn't he turn intangible? Why didn't he use Magic or Supernova? If he thought of Cloud as a threat, I would think that he'd have used everything at his disposal to finish him off as quickly as possible. But he didn't. Instead, he messed around with Cloud as much as possible, ignoring several opportunities to end the fight.

I also desagree with the fact that Safer Sephiroth, who is a different and more powerful form then Bizarro Sephiroth, was fatigued at all by the party attacks. Safer Sephiroth is tougher then Bizarro Sephiroth as you know, if he was tired then he should have been weaker not stronger. Also you're right Cloud did have the help of his teammates, all of which are strong in their own way, as we see when they are fighting Bahamut (except Caith Sith i don't think he helped at all), but i believe that apart from Vincent (who i do not know how much streght he as) they are all weaker then Cloud, at least we know Tifa is because she was beaten by Yazoo or Loz (i mix them up) while Cloud defeats Kadaj who is as strong as Yazoo or Loz. So yes they were a key factor in the win against Sephiroth, but i don't think that, that factor alone is the only reason why Cloud was able to beat Safer Sephiroth.
The fact that Safer Sephiroth was stronger than Bizarro Sephiroth definitely doesn't mean that he wasn't fatigued by his previous battle with the party. Yes, Safer Sephiroth has far more raw power than Bizarro Sephiroth, but that doesn't change the fact that he was damaged by the party's attacks during the previous fight. Just because his attacks were more powerful doesn't mean he had more stamina. Without any outside influences, Safer Sephiroth is more powerful than Bizarro Sephiroth in every conceivable way. However, there were outside influences that effected the stamina Sephiroth had by the time he actually reached that stage. Safer Sephiroth was still faster, more powerful, and more durable, but he had sustained injuries from his battle with the party.

And yes, at the time of FFVII, Cloud was the strongest member of the party. But just because Cloud was the strongest doesn't change the fact that the other party members helped. Regardless of who it is you're up against and who you're allying yourself with, an 8-on-1 fight is definitely not a fair battle. Even with that being said, the party members are all strong fighters in their own right and could definitely provide Cloud with more-than-sufficient help. Regardless of whatever you have to say about them, the fact remains that Sephiroth wasn't up against Cloud alone. He was up against Cloud, who was being aided by seven powerful warriors.

Also the last battle of FFVII, is precisely Cloud alone vs Sephiroth, a battle which Cloud wins alone.
Yes, Cloud is able to defeat Sephiroth...after his body had been ripped to shreds by Crisis AVALANCHE. Sephiroth had just spent the last couple of hours getting his ass kicked by eight fighters armed with Materia. He was already exhausted by the time Cloud came in to finish him off.

So that's two victories for Cloud against Sephiroth, and another one which we can consider a draw in the Mako Reactor scene.
Yes, that's two victories for Cloud against Sephiroth...neither of which he actually earned. Those victories were handed to him by Sephiroth's inability to take him seriously.
I'm sorry but i desagree yet again.

You're saying Sephiroth was unable to rip them apart because they were 8!? I strongly desagree with this it is never suggested that Sephiroths attacks have less effect because they were split, also again saying that it felt as if his members are being ripped apart is not enough to say that they would be, it never happens, it's an assumption nothing more.

Also Super Nova, does the same amount of damage in an individual fight then against multiple opponents, it's an incredible destructive spell not simple magic which reduces damage if it hits all opponents instead of just one, so you're wrong with that. Making you're point about Cloud not being able to take the full impact of Super Nova or other Sephiroths attacks pointless. But if you don't believe me watch this videos, with Cloud fighting against Safer Sephiroth alone at max level, and a video of Cloud along with the others fighting the same boss and see if there is really a significant damage when he uses the attacks...

So as you see the comment about the power of his attacks being reduced is not correct.

I thought i already answered to your question in the previous post, Sephiroth does not use telekenesis on Cloud because as he as learned, while fighting Cloud on FFVII, Cloud can break free of it, and there is no way for him to know if it will even work on Cloud anymore. Also when Sephiroth first uses his mental power to stop the Cloud and team, he remains on the same spot, yet he does not move to finish them off with his sword or magic when he easily could have, perhaps it means that since he is focused he cannot move while using this particular skill as it's a battle of mind power. But if that's not a good enough reason, then i will say again that if Cloud can break free once he can do it again, this time probably much more faster and Sephiroth probably knew this and decided not to use it against him. Unless the directors state, that Sephiroth could have stopped Cloud with his mind alone and finish off there is no way you can state for a fact that he could have done that to kill Cloud in a instant. All they say according to you (for i have never seen this interview) is that Sephiroth did not use his full power to kill Cloud, they don't mention no blocking power that would kill Cloud in one hit.

Now as for the second part of your post, you say (and i desagree) that while fighting Zack, Sephiroth used his full streght, let's assume this is true. You believe that before FFVII events Sephiroth giving his best in a fight is stronger then Safer Sephiroth or AC Sephiroth not giving his maximum? You said it yourself Sephiroth gains an increase of power in FFVII and again in FFAC. Do you think this only includes magic and mental powers? Don't you think that he might have just gotten also better in terms of speed, physical streght, evasion and so on? I think this is highly probable.

Another thing that i believe is important, is that you insist Sephiroth was fatigued after all the fighting he had to endure, don't you think Cloud could also be tired??? I mean no matter how much help he had i imagine fighting Jenova, Bizarro Sephiroth, Safer Sephiroth might be a bit tiring as well don't you think? Yet after all that Cloud finds enough streght to finish Sephiroth.

Now i would also like to keep in mind that i am not trying to make Cloud stronger then Sephiroth, i'm trying to prove that he is stronger then Zack. And i believe that the only and more reliable point that we can use to prove this is by using the only thing that we have seen both Cloud and Zack do both, and that's fight Sephiroth and no matter how you look at it, Zack gets owned easily by Pre-VII Sephiroth, while Cloud is pierced through the chest by Pre-VII Sephiroth, but still as enough streght to send him crashing against a reactor injuring Sephiroth (i believe there is no doubt that Sephiroth was hurt from that). Cloud with his team is able to defeat both Bizarro and Safer Sephiroth. Cloud alone defeats Sephiroth in the end of FFVII. And finally Cloud defeats a super powerful Sephiroth in AC, not using full power.

Now some say Zack got stronger after the Mako exposer, personally i don't know if it's true or not, but i do know that he is strong enough to fight against an army and defeat Genesis, another great fighter as we see in his battle against Sephiroth, but certainly weaker then Sephiroth, as both he and Angelis together attacked Sephiroth and the footage shows Sephiroth standing in the same position blocking their attacks, and that's what Sephiroth does when he is fighting Genesis alone he blocks his attacks, and there is no way to tell if he is giving his all or not, just like there is no way to tell if he is using all of his power against Zack. So we can say for a fact that Zack is stronger then Genesis no argument there, but is Zack stronger then Sephiroth Pre-VII? There is no way to know, was Zacks increase in power signficant enough after the Mako exposure that he would do better against Sephiroth Pre-VII? No way we can tell...
Zack defeats Angelis before the Nibelheim incident and Angelis and Genesis seem to be at the same level in terms of power.

So you see, as far as acomplishments against Sephiroth, or men who fought Sephiroth, Cloud as a clear advantage over Zack, and this means in my opinion that Cloud is the stronger of the two.
I'm sorry but i desagree yet again.
Y'know, you don't have to keep saying that. I know it's polite and all, but this IS a debate. We're SUPPOSED to disagree. That's kind of how it works.

You're saying Sephiroth was unable to rip them apart because they were 8!? I strongly desagree with this it is never suggested that Sephiroths attacks have less effect because they were split, also again saying that it felt as if his members are being ripped apart is not enough to say that they would be, it never happens, it's an assumption nothing more.
Yes, I'm saying that Sephiroth was unable to rip them apart because there were eight of them. Think about it for a second. There were eight people involved in the battle. That's eight separate, individually powerful bodies that Sephiroth had to manipulate with his telekinesis. Honestly, your argument is just ridiculous. To suggest that it's no harder for Sephiroth to manipulate eight bodies as it is for him to manipulate one is nothing more than bias and fanboyism. By what logic does 8=1? It's only logical to assume that the strength and collective will of eight people far surpasses that of a single individual. I honestly don't know where you're pulling this information from. How do you know that Sephiroth's telekinetic powers don't weaken based on the number of individuals they're being used on? There's absolutely no evidence to support that anywhere in the FFVII Compilation.

And it is blatantly stated by Red XIII that it feels as though his limbs are being torn apart. The rest of the party is visibly in similar pain. If one of the party members directly says that it feels like he's being ripped to shreds, then guess what? It feels like he's being ripped to shreds. Seeing as how the rest of the party similarly expresses their discomfort, it's only logical to assume imagine that they're experiencing the same pain as Red was. Why would Sephiroth only focus his efforts on Red XIII?

Also Super Nova, does the same amount of damage in an individual fight then against multiple opponents, it's an incredible destructive spell not simple magic which reduces damage if it hits all opponents instead of just one, so you're wrong with that. Making you're point about Cloud not being able to take the full impact of Super Nova or other Sephiroths attacks pointless. But if you don't believe me watch this videos, with Cloud fighting against Safer Sephiroth alone at max level, and a video of Cloud along with the others fighting the same boss and see if there is really a significant damage when he uses the attacks...

So as you see the comment about the power of his attacks being reduced is not correct.
Did you just use Gameplay Mechanics to support your argument? Honestly, that's just complete BS. Gameplay elements- much less elements like HP and statistics- rarely carry over into the storyline. Things like Hit Points never carry over into the storyline, at least not when it comes to games like JRPG's. To use the total damage of an attack in gameplay as evidence to support your argument is simply ridiculous. Even so, I wasn't talking about Cloud's ability to survive the impact of a Supernova. Obviously, Sephiroth couldn't simply destroy the entire arena with the attack and had to target a specific portion of the battlefield. With three warriors flying around him as opposed to one, don't you think he'd have a harder time hitting them? Especially when you take into consideration the fact that someone else could simply leap in front of Cloud and cast Barrier to protect him. Furthermore, I imagine it would be significantly more difficult to cast Supernova while trying to withstand the onslaught of three powerful warriors. Had Cloud been fighting on his own, Sephiroth could easily have kept him at bay as he summoned the attack.

I thought i already answered to your question in the previous post, Sephiroth does not use telekenesis on Cloud because as he as learned, while fighting Cloud on FFVII, Cloud can break free of it, and there is no way for him to know if it will even work on Cloud anymore. Also when Sephiroth first uses his mental power to stop the Cloud and team, he remains on the same spot, yet he does not move to finish them off with his sword or magic when he easily could have, perhaps it means that since he is focused he cannot move while using this particular skill as it's a battle of mind power. But if that's not a good enough reason, then i will say again that if Cloud can break free once he can do it again, this time probably much more faster and Sephiroth probably knew this and decided not to use it against him. Unless the directors state, that Sephiroth could have stopped Cloud with his mind alone and finish off there is no way you can state for a fact that he could have done that to kill Cloud in a instant. All they say according to you (for i have never seen this interview) is that Sephiroth did not use his full power to kill Cloud, they don't mention no blocking power that would kill Cloud in one hit.
Too bad Cloud can't break free of Sephiroth's telekinesis on his own. As I've already said, Sephiroth's telekinesis and his ability to manipulate Cloud's JENOVA Cells are two completely different powers. The fact that Cloud can resist his mind control doesn't mean that he can break free of his telekinesis. Yes, Cloud did demonstrate the ability to fight off Sephiroth's ability to manipulate his mind, but it took the entire party to resist his telekinetic powers. Even then, it took them over a minute to do so. Again, I remind you that, had Cloud been on his own, Sephiroth could simply have focused explicitly on him. Without the strength of his teammates to back him up, Cloud would never have broken free, especially not before Sephiroth could gut him like a fish. You really seem to underestimate the fact that, when Cloud resisted Sephiroth's telekinesis, he had seven other people backing him up. 8>1. What's so hard to understand about that?

And yes, Sephiroth wasn't moving because, even without taking into consideration the fact that he was in a cocoon-like state (read: Bizarro Sephiroth), he was manipulating eight people. To reiterate, had Cloud been on his own, Sephiroth wouldn't have needed nearly the same amount of strength to restrain him. He definitely wouldn't have required his entire reserves of telekinetic power. About one-half of Sephiroth's focus would've been more than sufficient. Hell, I doubt that he'd even need that much. All he has to do is keep Cloud still for a few seconds as he proceeds to chop him into tiny pieces. Even 1/8th of his telekinetic ability kept Cloud still for over a minute.

Now as for the second part of your post, you say (and i desagree) that while fighting Zack, Sephiroth used his full streght, let's assume this is true. You believe that before FFVII events Sephiroth giving his best in a fight is stronger then Safer Sephiroth or AC Sephiroth not giving his maximum? You said it yourself Sephiroth gains an increase of power in FFVII and again in FFAC. Do you think this only includes magic and mental powers? Don't you think that he might have just gotten also better in terms of speed, physical streght, evasion and so on? I think this is highly probable.
Yes, I do think that it only includes magic and mental powers. Sephiroth never does anything that lead me to believe he got a boost in physical strength. Before Crisis Core, I assumed that that was the case. However, over the course of CC, we see Sephiroth performing feats of physical strength and speed that easily match anything we see in Advent Children. Yes, Sephiroth gained many abilities during his dip in the Lifestream, but I see no reason to believe that he received any kind of boost in the way of his physical abilities, especially considering he was chopping up the Junon Cannon well before the Nibelheim Incident.

Another thing that i believe is important, is that you insist Sephiroth was fatigued after all the fighting he had to endure, don't you think Cloud could also be tired??? I mean no matter how much help he had i imagine fighting Jenova, Bizarro Sephiroth, Safer Sephiroth might be a bit tiring as well don't you think? Yet after all that Cloud finds enough streght to finish Sephiroth.
Yes, Cloud would probably be tired, but not nearly as exhausted as Sephiroth would be. Had Cloud just spent the past two hours getting the shit beaten out of him by eight powerful warriors armed with Materia? No? Then your argument is null and void. Sephiroth had endured far more punishment by the time Cloud arrived in the Lifestream to clean up the mess the party left behind. If Cloud were in Sephiroth's place, he would've died a few minutes into the battle. I honestly don't see where you're going with this. Cloud had just finished an 8-on-1 battle followed by a 3-on-1 battle. In both of these fights, Cloud was part of the group, whereas Sephiroth was on his own. Really, Jimmy, now you're just grasping at straws.

Now i would also like to keep in mind that i am not trying to make Cloud stronger then Sephiroth, i'm trying to prove that he is stronger then Zack. And i believe that the only and more reliable point that we can use to prove this is by using the only thing that we have seen both Cloud and Zack do both, and that's fight Sephiroth and no matter how you look at it, Zack gets owned easily by Pre-VII Sephiroth, while Cloud is pierced through the chest by Pre-VII Sephiroth, but still as enough streght to send him crashing against a reactor injuring Sephiroth (i believe there is no doubt that Sephiroth was hurt from that). Cloud with his team is able to defeat both Bizarro and Safer Sephiroth. Cloud alone defeats Sephiroth in the end of FFVII. And finally Cloud defeats a super powerful Sephiroth in AC, not using full power.
Yes, but as I've said many times, Sephiroth was taking Zack seriously, whereas he was just toying around with Cloud. Yes, both of them fought Sephiroth at one point or another, but the scenarios were too different for us to make a comparison. Against Zack, Sephiroth fights seriously and was simply trying to get his opponent out of the way so he could escape with JENOVA. If Cloud had been in his place, he would've suffered the same fate. None of his one-on-one fights against Sephiroth can be used as evidence because Sephiroth never takes him seriously. Not once does he exert any sort of effort while fighting against Cloud. He limits himself to swordsmanship alone and outright refuses to use any of his other abilities simply because he doesn't consider Cloud a threat. Really, I don't see what's so hard to comprehend about that. Against Zack, Sephiroth exerts effort. Against Cloud, Sephiroth does not exert effort.

Now some say Zack got stronger after the Mako exposer, personally i don't know if it's true or not, but i do know that he is strong enough to fight against an army and defeat Genesis, another great fighter as we see in his battle against Sephiroth, but certainly weaker then Sephiroth, as both he and Angelis together attacked Sephiroth and the footage shows Sephiroth standing in the same position blocking their attacks, and that's what Sephiroth does when he is fighting Genesis alone he blocks his attacks,
It doesn't really matter whether or not Zack got stronger after the second Mako exposure. Regardless of whether that's true or not, he still defeated an army of ShinRa MP's and Genesis. Speaking of Genesis, he's not that much weaker than Sephiroth, if at all. Yes, Sephiroth managed to block all of his attacks, but it isn't as though Sephiroth got in any hits on Genesis, either. The two of them would've been evenly matched if Angeal hadn't interfered. Yes, when the fight starts out, Sephiroth is easily deflecting Angeal and Genesis's attacks, but that was nothing more than a friendly training match. Only when Genesis charges in for a one-on-one confrontation do either of them decide to start taking the fight seriously. Once both of them are giving it their all, they're evenly matched.

and there is no way to tell if he is giving his all or not, just like there is no way to tell if he is using all of his power against Zack. So we can say for a fact that Zack is stronger then Genesis no argument there, but is Zack stronger then Sephiroth Pre-VII? There is no way to know, was Zacks increase in power signficant enough after the Mako exposure that he would do better against Sephiroth Pre-VII? No way we can tell...
Zack defeats Angelis before the Nibelheim incident and Angelis and Genesis seem to be at the same level in terms of power.
No, Zack isn't stronger than Pre-Nibelheim Sephiroth. He is, however, stronger than Genesis. Again, you ignore the fact that, by the time Nibelheim came around, Sephiroth had already been training for about a year since his bout against Genesis while Genesis himself was wandering around the Planet somewhere. By the time Zack fought against Sephiroth, he had surpassed Genesis. And yes, he was taking Zack seriously. You can see it in Last Order and Crisis Core. Nowhere in the Compilation is it ever implied that Sephiroth was holding back against Zack. It is, however, confirmed that he holds back against Cloud every time they fight.

Oh, and Angeal is below Genesis in terms of strength, so it's not much of a stretch to see Zack defeating him.

So you see, as far as acomplishments against Sephiroth, or men who fought Sephiroth, Cloud as a clear advantage over Zack, and this means in my opinion that Cloud is the stronger of the two.
No...As far as accomplishments against Sephiroth go, both Cloud and Zack did terribly against him. The only difference is that Sephiroth took Zack seriously, whereas he just doesn't consider Cloud a threat. As such, Cloud appeared as though he put up a fight when, in reality, he was at Sephiroth's mercy the whole time.
There are a lot of people who have not had the chance yet to play this game, nor have they found themselves in specific places of the game you folks are discussing when it comes to Crisis Core. Please use spoiler tags around what you're discussing things such as
Zack killed Genesis and Angeal, etc...
because of the simple fact that people might not know this and don't want the game to be ruined for them. If you do not use spoiler tags in your posts I will be forced to delete them and close down this thread and hand out infractions for not using spoilers. This rather disappointing and very upsetting. Let's keep it civil as well. No need to get heated. Thank you.
No need to start with the fanboyism or other type of insult, not that i really care but still...

You have no evidence that Sephiroths mental powers would be more effective against a single person, Sephiroth is as the creators say the strongest character in FFVII universe, who is to say to just because he as to worry about 8, 20 or 1 makes a differance to him? Nobody.

You don't know if it is true that their bodies would be torn apart if they were not able to block Sephiroths power, for all we know they could have simply died, i think you're confusing the fact that Red was in a lot of pain and was only trying to describe his pain, with the fact that Sephiroth is not a Scanner. I'm guessing if you don't like to see people explode you should not watch this...


Just because we see Sephiroth apparently also jumping pretty high and slicing the Junon canon while fighting Genesis with a simple wave of his sword, does not mean that he as not also improved in terms of streght, evasion and so on...and we also see that kind of action in AC does not mean at all that he as not improved, in my opinion both he and Cloud are moving faster in AC, but that's a matter of perspective. Anyway the point is that if he increases his mental power and magic skills there is no reason not to believe that he does not improve his fighting skills as well, if he is stronger then he was in FFVII in AC, i'm sure it also includes overall skill.

No i don't think gameplay mechanisms are either noobish (as Puck said) or fanboysm or whatever else you said, they serve the purpose of contradicting the argument where you state that the power of the attack was divided to the three opponents, it's not true and no matter what gameplay mechanisms prove it.

You are also wrong when you say Cloud can't break free of Sephiroths telekinesis, he does it alone and so do the others (Tifa, Barret, and so on...) If a weaker Cloud in FFVII could break free of telekinetic powers then a stronger Cloud in AC could do that as well, as for the time it takes it's a matter of perpective, also if you think Sephiroth did not paralize Cloud because he did not feel like it or was toying with him, then why does he not stop Cloud from moving when Cloud is about to finish him? He had enough time to do it, yet he did not. Either it was because Cloud was too fast or because he knew he could not use his telekenetic powers to stop him.

I don't think it's "grasping at straws" to admit that if the most powerful creature in FFVII universe was tired for fighting Cloud and team, that Cloud who just before fighting Sephiroth battled Jenova with his comrades, who was impriosioned by Sephiroths telekinesis and yet still found the streght break free and who fought two other powerful forms of Sephiroth was also tired and fatigued. If anything it actually serves to render your point about Sephiroth being tired null.

Also in Last Order...
Which follows the sequence of Crisis Core pretty well, the only thing you can argue about is that Sephiroth wanted to finish Zack quickly to go stay with his mother, yet if Sephiroth was in such a hurry why did he kill everyone in Nibelheim? Why not simply got and see his mother? So besides that point there is nothing that indicates Sephiroth was giving his max at all against Sephiroth, it just proves who weak Zack is compared to Sephiroth, no matter how many Shinra soldiers or SOLDIERS he kileld which we don't even know for sure, keep in mind he resisted the Shinra army but you are wrong when you say that he won, because he lost. I'm not gonna talk about Genesis again because i believe that i already proved (in previous posts) that defeating Genesis means nothing to prove that Zack is superior to Cloud

And i don't understand how you can say that as far as Sephiroth goes both Cloud and Zack did terrible, i already explained twice what Cloud did in comparison to Zack, and the only argument that you have is that a weaker Pre FFVII Sephiroth was giving his max against Zack, while a stronger Sephiroth was not giving his max when he fought Cloud and lost, twice on one on one, and another two times with Clouds friends helping him.

I'm sorry but i don't see where the doubt is that Cloud does better much better while fighting Sephiroth, then Zack could ever dream of doing.

And i will also mark as spoilers my previous posts sorry about that Garnet, i got carried away;)
No i don't think gameplay mechanisms are either noobish (as Puck said) or fanboysm or whatever else you said, they serve the purpose of contradicting the argument where you state that the power of the attack was divided to the three opponents, it's not true and no matter what gameplay mechanisms prove it.
It's not that it's n00bish, it's that it's fruitless.

If we did judge by game mechanics, Cloud would be way over his head, anyway. A level 75 Zack can dish out an amount of 25,000 damage.
It's not that it's n00bish, it's that it's fruitless.

If we did judge by game mechanics, Cloud would be way over his head, anyway. A level 75 Zack can dish out an amount of 25,000 damage.

Yes you're right, comparing it between games is pointless because as it seems the mechanism of Crisis Core is completely different then FFVII, but i only used it to counter the fact that oathkeeper said about Super Nova and Pale Horse and so on doing more damage to a single opponent then three of them.
You have no evidence that Sephiroths mental powers would be more effective against a single person, Sephiroth is as the creators say the strongest character in FFVII universe, who is to say to just because he as to worry about 8, 20 or 1 makes a differance to him? Nobody.
Actually, I do have evidence: simple, fundamental logic. The strength of eight people working together is obviously greater than the strength of one individual. That means that eight people are going to be significantly more difficult to hold than one person. To deny that is basically saying that you're going to defy logical thought in order to prove your point. You've yet to provide me with evidence to support your own claim. All you've done is say that "it doesn't make a difference how many people they are," which doesn't make any sense to begin with. It's just basic common sense. Eight people working together are more difficult to hold in place than one individual. I'm sorry, but you're going to need a better argument than "It doesn't matter. He's the mighty SEPHIROSU!"

You don't know if it is true that their bodies would be torn apart if they were not able to block Sephiroths power, for all we know they could have simply died, i think you're confusing the fact that Red was in a lot of pain and was only trying to describe his pain, with the fact that Sephiroth is not a Scanner. I'm guessing if you don't like to see people explode you should not watch this...
Yes, Red was in a lot of pain...because Sephiroth was using telekinesis to pull on his limbs to the point where it caused him physical pain. I don't see why else Red would be in any sort of discomfort. Furthermore, that was when Sephiroth's power was spread amongst eight people. If he decided to focus all of that telekinetic energy on one person, that person would find it much more difficult to break free...provided, of course, his body doesn't simply get torn apart by the sheer telekinetic pressure. No, Sephiroth wasn't making them explode. He was using telekinesis to prevent them (all eight of them) from moving (for a full minute), all the while causing them a great deal of physical pain by pulling on their limbs.


Just because we see Sephiroth apparently also jumping pretty high and slicing the Junon canon while fighting Genesis with a simple wave of his sword, does not mean that he as not also improved in terms of streght, evasion and so on...and we also see that kind of action in AC does not mean at all that he as not improved, in my opinion both he and Cloud are moving faster in AC, but that's a matter of perspective. Anyway the point is that if he increases his mental power and magic skills there is no reason not to believe that he does not improve his fighting skills as well, if he is stronger then he was in FFVII in AC, i'm sure it also includes overall skill.
Too bad Sephiroth never does anything to suggest that he received a boost in physical strength from his dip in the Lifestream. Everything that he's done during Advent Children, he's done in Crisis Core. There is no reason for anyone to believe that he is, physically speaking, stronger than he was Pre-Nibelheim. And yes, the fact that we see that kind of action in AC does prove that he isn't improved, because he doesn't display any physical abilities that he didn't display at some point in Crisis Core.

Furthermore, it's perfectly reasonable to believe that he only received a magical and mental boost from his time spent in the Lifestream. The Lifestream is, after all, nothing more than concentrated Spirit Energy...or, in other words, that which makes magic possible in the first place. It's only logical to assume, then, that Sephiroth would get a boost in terms of magical strength by spending a significant period of time in the Lifestream. However, nowhere is it ever stated that spending a large amount of time in the Lifestream would grant someone a boost in terms of physical abilities.

No i don't think gameplay mechanisms are either noobish (as Puck said) or fanboysm or whatever else you said, they serve the purpose of contradicting the argument where you state that the power of the attack was divided to the three opponents, it's not true and no matter what gameplay mechanisms prove it.
Yeah, but that's wrong. Gameplay mechanics hardly ever carry over that accurately into the storyline. For example, whenever we see magical Spells cast in the storyline, they're always quite different from their representations in gameplay. The same can be said for the characters' Limits. Why, then, should Supernova be any different? Besides, in gameplay, Cloud is able to survive direct hits from machine gun fire, swords, powerful spells, etc. However, in Advent Children, Cloud is vulnerable to basic iron and bullets. These are just a few of the MANY examples of things that don't carry over from gameplay.

You are also wrong when you say Cloud can't break free of Sephiroths telekinesis, he does it alone and so do the others (Tifa, Barret, and so on...) If a weaker Cloud in FFVII could break free of telekinetic powers then a stronger Cloud in AC could do that as well, as for the time it takes it's a matter of perpective, also if you think Sephiroth did not paralize Cloud because he did not feel like it or was toying with him, then why does he not stop Cloud from moving when Cloud is about to finish him? He had enough time to do it, yet he did not. Either it was because Cloud was too fast or because he knew he could not use his telekenetic powers to stop him.
Yes, Cloud does break free of Sephiroth's telekinesis, but he only does so with the help of everyone else. Sephiroth only had one singular power source, and it was spread amongst the eight members of Crisis AVALANCHE. What part of that is so difficult to understand? Sephiroth wasn't focusing all of his telekinetic powers on one single person, he was restraining eight fighters. So yes, Cloud can break free of Sephiroth's long as he has help from the rest of Crisis AVALANCHE. If he were on his own, he never would've been able to break free. Had he been going up against ALL of Sephiroth's telekinetic powers, he would've been faced with approximately eight times the pressure. Now, if it took all of Crisis AVALANCHE (working together to fight the SAME POWER SOURCE) a full minute to break free of Sephiroth's telekinesis, how could Cloud even hope to break free on his own?

Furthermore, Sephiroth didn't use his telekinesis to stop Omnislash V.5 because...well...he still wasn't taking Cloud seriously. He didn't consider Cloud a threat. He'd never seen Omnislash V.5 before, but he thought that, because of how strong he was, he could just take the attack head-on and still laugh it off. There were a variety of ways he could've avoided it, such as lowering his altitude a bit. However, even with that in mind, he didn't do a thing because he didn't think that Cloud could so much as damage him.

I don't think it's "grasping at straws" to admit that if the most powerful creature in FFVII universe was tired for fighting Cloud and team, that Cloud who just before fighting Sephiroth battled Jenova with his comrades, who was impriosioned by Sephiroths telekinesis and yet still found the streght break free and who fought two other powerful forms of Sephiroth was also tired and fatigued. If anything it actually serves to render your point about Sephiroth being tired null.
Yes. Sephiroth was tired. He was tired because he fought Cloud and his team. If Cloud had been fighting Sephiroth on his own from the very beginning of that fight, he wouldn't have lasted two minutes. Honestly, Cloud had just finished gang-banging Sephiroth with seven other people. You can't really consider their duel in the Lifestream to be a fair fight. I just...don't know how you even think that this is an argument, to be honest with you. You contradict yourself on even the most fundamental level. Sephiroth had just gotten finished fighting against eight different people, then Cloud arrived after he'd gotten the crap beaten out of him by those eight people. Yes, Cloud was also fighting Sephiroth, but he was among those eight people. If it weren't for the rest of Crisis AVALANCHE fighting alongside of Cloud, he would've been crushed in a matter of minutes.

Also in Last Order...
Which follows the sequence of Crisis Core pretty well, the only thing you can argue about is that Sephiroth wanted to finish Zack quickly to go stay with his mother, yet if Sephiroth was in such a hurry why did he kill everyone in Nibelheim? Why not simply got and see his mother? So besides that point there is nothing that indicates Sephiroth was giving his max at all against Sephiroth, it just proves who weak Zack is compared to Sephiroth, no matter how many Shinra soldiers or SOLDIERS he kileld which we don't even know for sure, keep in mind he resisted the Shinra army but you are wrong when you say that he won, because he lost. I'm not gonna talk about Genesis again because i believe that i already proved (in previous posts) that defeating Genesis means nothing to prove that Zack is superior to Cloud
Sephiroth killed everyone in Nibelheim quickly so that they wouldn't offer him any resistance when he tried to escape with JENOVA later on. Think about it. One of them could've called ShinRa and allerted them of Sephiroth's mutiny. Had Sephiroth simply rushed into the Reactor, I'm pretty sure SOMEONE would've noticed him walking out with the severed head of an evil space alien. Sephiroth was definitely giving it his all against Zack. There's just no evidence that suggests otherwise. The fact of the matter is that, yes, Zack is weak against Sephiroth, but Cloud is just as weak as Zack is against him. The difference between their respective fights against Sephy is that Sephiroth was, without a doubt, "shooting to kill" when he fought against Zack, whereas he didn't even recognize Cloud as a threat. That's just how it is. Until you present me with solid evidence to the contrary, I refuse to think otherwise.

And no, you didn't prove anything about Genesis. All you did was provide "evidence" that I easily countered. Until you explain to my why my own evidence is incorrect, I don't see why I should consider you correct. Tell me, how is Genesis not an impressive feat? As I explained, Genesis did keep up with Sephiroth. That's something neither Cloud nor Zack was able to do.

And i don't understand how you can say that as far as Sephiroth goes both Cloud and Zack did terrible, i already explained twice what Cloud did in comparison to Zack, and the only argument that you have is that a weaker Pre FFVII Sephiroth was giving his max against Zack, while a stronger Sephiroth was not giving his max when he fought Cloud and lost, twice on one on one, and another two times with Clouds friends helping him.
Yes, Cloud did appear to do better than Zack, but it's only because, again, Sephiroth wasn't taking Cloud seriously. Sephiroth didn't use anything against Cloud that he didn't use against Zack. In fact, he used more of his abilities against Zack. Let's review. Against Cloud, Sephiroth used swordsmanship, flight, and telekinesis (but he didn't target Cloud). Against Zack, Sephiroth used swordsmanship, flight, Iakiri, Octoslash, and teleportation. How is Sephiroth not taking Zack seriously? He used just about every ability he had available to him.

Sephiroth might've lost to Cloud, but he practically handed him the wins. I mean, the guy leaves himself open to attack purposefully. He taunts Cloud, doesn't take any opportunities to just end the fight, uses a mere fraction of the abilities he has available to him...Compare this to his fight against Zack, in which he takes every opportunity to end the battle and uses every ability he has available.

I'm sorry but i don't see where the doubt is that Cloud does better much better while fighting Sephiroth, then Zack could ever dream of doing.
The doubt is in the fact that Sephiroth takes Zack seriously, whereas he toys around with Cloud and only uses a very small fraction of his powers.

By the way, I apologize, as well, Garnet. I got caught up in the heat of the moment, I suppose...
Thanks guys for the deep discussion. im really enjoying reading this. I just thought i'd give my opinion in one matter. Although i agree with certain elements from both you guys, i just think one of the arguments is ridiculous, and thats the sephy spreading his tk amongst eight people wouldn't make a difference. Are you kidding me?? of course it would, take one blue jug of water and pour it into 8 green jugs. the 8 green ones = AVALANCHE, and the blue one = sephiroth..the water is sephy's Tk power. so if he spreads 2 litres of his Tk into 8 green jugs equally none of the eight would have all 2 litres of water.. therefore none are taking the full effect of power.. if he poured the 2litres of his tk (lol) into just the one green jug (cloud only) it would take all 2 litres aka the full power of the telekinesis.. if your willing to have gameplay support your argument but disregard basic logic, then thats sort of odd..
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Excuse me? I've been using the facts to prove that Cloud is not stronger than Zack. In all seriousness, if you expect to be taken seriously in a debate, you're at least going to have to try to support your argument. I've already provided several walls of text which, using facts from the FFVII Compilation, prove that Cloud has never shown himself to be any stronger than Zack. I suppose I could always review these facts, considering it was a few pages back and I wouldn't want to make anybody hunt for them.

First of all, Zack has, among other things, defeated Genesis in his prime (who was stated to be at least in the same league as Pre-Nibelheim Sephiroth), Bahamut and several other powerful Summon Spirits, Angeal, and over one hundred ShinRa MPs supported by three members of SOLDIER and who had air support. Keep in mind that, during all of these fights, Zack was alone. As in he had nobody there to help him. In SOLDIER, Zack was second only to Sephiroth himself in terms of combat ability, which means that he was among the best of the best.

Compare this to Cloud, who doesn't have nearly as many impressive feats of that magnitude to his name, at least not that he accomplished on his own. All that he did during FFVII, he did with the support of the entire party. In Advent Children, he, again, needed the party to help him defeat Bahamut. Yes, he put up a fight against Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz, but he never actually beats all three of them at once. Rather, he beat Yazoo and Loz, then fought Kadaj separately. I don't see how this puts him above Zack.

Returning to the subject of Sephiroth, Cloud never once defeats him in a fair, one-on-one fight that the both of them were taking seriously. Their first encounter (in the Mako Reactor) can't be counted because, by the time Sephiroth was made aware of Cloud's existence, he had already been stabbed through the back with a sword that was larger than he was. Cloud cheapshotted him from behind, which was the only reason he was able to lift and throw him into the Lifestream. If Sephiroth hadn't been impaled from behind when he wasn't paying attention, Cloud wouldn't have lasted two seconds.

Their second fight was in the Lifestream...or North Crater, depending on how you look at it. This one can't be counted, either, despite Jimmy's rather nonsensical argument that it can. Sephiroth, you see, had just had his body ripped to shreds by all of Crisis AVALANCHE. That means that, for the past couple of hours, he had been fighting against Cloud and seven other powerful fighters. After this 8-on-1 handicapped match, Sephiroth was bound to be exhausted considering...well...his physical body had been destroyed. So, by the time Cloud arrived on the scene to clean up his remains, Sephiroth was already in an extremely weakened state. Had Cloud just gotten finished fighting all of Crisis AVALANCHE? No? Then his own fatigue can't be used as an argument.

Then comes their duel in Advent Children, in which Sephiroth doesn't even consider Cloud a legitimate threat. He refuses to use any of his abilities other than swordsmanship, flight, and telekinesis (on one occasion, and he doesn't even use it against Cloud), and thus, is severely limiting himself for sake of prolonging Cloud's suffering. In fact, if that's not good enough, I'll list just a few of the ways Sephiroth could've ended the fight:
1. Sephiroth could have, again, simply held Cloud still with telekinesis. Assuming Cloud's body doesn't get ripped to shreds by the sheer telekinetic pressure sent his way by Sephiroth, he would be completely helpless to defend himself against Sephiroth's Masamune.
2. Sephiroth could have turned himself intangible. Cloud's sword would've gone right through him, at which point he would've turned tangible again and finished Cloud off.
3. Sephiroth could have bombarded Cloud with a repeated onslaught of Supernovas and magical spells. Yes, Cloud probably could've dodged the first few, but without the party to back him up, he wouldn't be able to last long at all before being blasted to smitherenes without even getting close enough to Sephiroth to hit him.
4. This is the big one. Sephiroth had Cloud pinned to the wall. Cloud was out of breath and struggling to so much as stand, whereas Sephiroth himself wasn't drained of stamina in the slightest. At this point, Sephiroth could've simply stabbed Cloud through one of his vital organs, thus ending the battle.

As you can see, Sephiroth was in complete control. The only reason it looked like Cloud was putting up a fight was because Sephiroth wasn't even trying. Compare this to Sephiroth's fight against Zack, in which he uses every ability available to him in order to finish his opponent off. Swordsmanship, flight, Iakiri, Octoslash, teleportation, the works. He doesn't pull any punches, which is why Zack loses so quickly.

Of course this was just a recap.
0m1n0u5, stop posting such short contributions. This is your last verbal warning.
Cloud duel with Sephiroth in FFVII in the North Crater happened and it as to be considered as one of their encounters, and the only thing that we can suspect is that Sephiroth was tired, as much as Cloud was. Nobody states that Sephiroth in the fight in the North Crater (last duel one on one with Cloud) allowed Cloud to finish him off.

Just like to point that out, cause i saw my name mentioned lol:P
Cloud duel with Sephiroth in FFVII in the North Crater happened and it as to be considered as one of their encounters, and the only thing that we can suspect is that Sephiroth was tired, as much as Cloud was. Nobody states that Sephiroth in the fight in the North Crater (last duel one on one with Cloud) allowed Cloud to finish him off.
Now you're just not listening to reason at all. This is just...not a logical argument in the slightest. Yes, Cloud was probably tired, but he hadn't been through nearly as much punishment as Sephiroth had. Sephiroth, unlike Cloud, had just gotten finished fighting against eight other people. For the vast majority of the fight, he was horrendously outnumbered. Cloud, meanwhile, had been in a group for that whole fight. Yes, he was also tired, but the only reason Cloud was tired in the first place was because he was weaker than Sephiroth to begin with. If Cloud were as strong as Sephiroth, he wouldn't have been tired by the time they fought in the North Crater, because he still would've had Crisis AVALANCHE to back him up.

I don't really see how you're even justifying this one. If you put one incredibly powerful person against eight strong individuals, then against three of those individuals in a second round, the first person is going to be tired. Cloud didn't fight Sephiroth on even terms. All Cloud did was come in after Sephiroth had been severely weakened to near-death by all of Crisis AVALANCE. If Cloud was tired, that was only a sign of his own weakness because he hadn't been through nearly as much as Sephiroth had.

I mean, how else can I explain this? It's just simple logic, really. Sephiroth had been fighting for hours against eight individuals (one of which was Cloud), whereas Cloud had been fighting for hours against one individual with the help of seven other people. He had people there to support him, whereas Sephiroth did not. If Cloud had been put up against the rest of Crisis AVALANCHE, do you really think that he would've lasted more than two minutes? If Cloud had gone to North Crater alone, do you honestly believe that he could've taken Sephiroth out all by himself?

For a fight to be fair, both combatants have to start out at their full strength. If nothing else, neither of them can be handicapped. Sephiroth was handicapped in the sense that he had just spent the past eight hours fighting against eight people at one time. Cloud, being part of those eight people, was not handicapped, because he'd just spent the past couple of hours fighting against Sephiroth in a group of eight people. If he didn't have those eight people to support him, he wouldn't have even been able to beat Bizarro Sephiroth. The only reason Cloud lasted until the duel in North Crater is because he was a member of Crisis AVALANCHE. Had he been forced to take on Sephiroth in a fair fight, Cloud would've been dead in minutes. Now you're really grasping at straws. Your argument this time doesn't even make sense on a fundamental level.
No it's not, you're the one who is being stubborn (sorry but that's how i feel), you admit that Sephiroth was weakened and tired, and that Cloud was much more fresh because you ignore half the things Cloud and the gang, did before fighting Sephiroth, they descended through the North Crater, battled Jenova, and add to still find enough streght to break free of Sephiroths mental prison, destroy Bizarro Sephiroth, destroy Safer Sephiroth, and in the end find enough streght to destroy Sephiroth in a one on one duel with Cloud.

It's not so hard to understand that Cloud just be as equally or more tired after having to endure all this punishement. It's just pure denial.

Also in AC, the same thing can serve as argument, Cloud had already destroyed Bahamut (with his teammates), then went on a chase after Loz, Yazoo and Kadaj, battled and defeated Kadaj and after all that still battled Sephiroth and found enough streght to resist him and finish him, even though Sephiroth did not use his full power.

Also your argument about Sephiroth started shooting Super Novas until he finally hit Cloud is not relevant, no matter how much power he as there as to be a limit and a point as you already said when even him gets tired.

He does not block Cloud with his mental powers because most likely it would not work like it did not in FFVII, and disapearing when Cloud tried to hit him and then immediately reapering again does not mean he could hit Cloud and kill him, even reapearing it would take 1-2 seconds to do this, and if Cloud can block a bullet which travels much faster in a short range i'm pretty sure he can also block Sephiroth sword.

And again, no matter how much power Sephiroth used on Cloud, nobody can deny that he used his flying ability and his powers to gain advantage over Cloud, while with Zack he only uses hi sword skills. It's more then enough to prove that Cloud faced and did better against Sephiroth then Zack did. You can keep quoting all you want it does not change this simple and understandable fact. Thank you.
Cloud duel with Sephiroth in FFVII in the North Crater happened and it as to be considered as one of their encounters, and the only thing that we can suspect is that Sephiroth was tired, as much as Cloud was. Nobody states that Sephiroth in the fight in the North Crater (last duel one on one with Cloud) allowed Cloud to finish him off.

Just like to point that out, cause i saw my name mentioned lol:P

Didn't the 1 on 1 fight between them at North Crater take place inside Cloud's mind and as such wasn't actually a test of strength/fighting ability and is more of Cloud symbolically breaking the control that Sephiraoth had originally?

Not really going to get involved with this one but wanted to put that out there.
Didn't the 1 on 1 fight between them at North Crater take place inside Cloud's mind and as such wasn't actually a test of strength/fighting ability and is more of Cloud symbolically breaking the control that Sephiraoth had originally?

Not really going to get involved with this one but wanted to put that out there.

I don't know, where did you get this info from? It did not seem to be inside Clouds mind.
When you look at how the fight came about and what happened between the time after he beats him then it's pretty clear that the fight didn't happen in a physical sense. Sephiroth's body has been destroyed at this point anyway and even before that he wasn't entirely human to begin with.

The FF Wiki seems to go along with this sort of idea.

After destroying Sephiroth's body, his spirit made a mental assault upon Cloud, attempting to overcome his will as easily as it had done in the past and take Cloud's body as his own. However, Cloud's mental defenses had grown and he triumphed over Sephiroth's spirit with his ultimate technique, Omnislash, at which time Sephiroth's spirit was seemingly reclaimed by the Lifestream.
When you look at how the fight came about and what happened between the time after he beats him then it's pretty clear that the fight didn't happen in a physical sense. Sephiroth's body has been destroyed at this point anyway and even before that he wasn't entirely human to begin with.

The FF Wiki seems to go along with this sort of idea.

That's pretty interesting, so the last battle between Cloud and Sephiroth would have been another attempt of Sephiroth to control Cloud, and Clouds victory proves that Sephiroth can no longer influence Cloud anymore, and it does indeed prove that Cloud as grown in power.
Im new here and I just saw the post and I have been thinking about it a lot recently. I think that Cloud is more powerful than Zack for numerous reasons.

First thing first. Sephiroth is stronger than cloud as stated by developers. Oath Keeper I agree with Jimmy when he says there is a lot of assumptions about sephiroth abilities. He may be able to use mind control abilities but there is no way to prove the effect it would have on Cloud. Also devlopers said that Sephiroth did not EXERT himself during his fight with Cloud during AC. This doesn't mean he did not put forth effort though I would admit he did not put forth a lot. Also comparing the fight between Zack and Sephiroth during CC and his fight with Cloud in AC does not hold water since Sephiroth has different levekls of strength in both with him being stronger in AC. Sephiroth uses basic sword techinques against Zack in CC and against Cloud in AC and it is safe to say that Cloud faired better. Now even though sephiroth is stronger than cloud Clous still had a technique that could beat Sephiroth which is hard to say if Zack had. Omnislash 5 power and speed caught Sephiroth off gaurd which left Sephiroth stunned which defeated him. Similar to if u have an AK47 and body armor and I have a 9mm with one armor piercing round. Given the chance I can still take u down in one shot.

Another quick point. Some may laugh at me but I didnt take this as canon at first. But in AC Cloud and Sephiroth were slashing through buildings. I thought it was just to make a nice fight scene. I havent played CC yet but unless Zack has done this there is no comparison. The reason I take this as canon now is because I saw a video of Sephiroth cutting through the Junon Cannon in CC. if its in the game then it's canon to me