Zack's death


ShinRa Guard
Jan 10, 2007
Did anyone really think it was wierd that Zack could go up against Sephiroth (and maybe get defeated but still fought well) and yet was killed by a coupla soldiers. I mean im all for main characters i like dying if it adds to the story and is done well, but i just thought this was too wierd to be touching.
^ Yes, a lot of bullets which he couldn't dodge because he was helping Cloud escape as well. I believe Cloud was basically comatose at the time, so he really wasn't much help to Zack, who was trying to save two lives.
zack and cloud ( at the time had mako poisoning ) had just escaped from nibelhiem and were getting away to live in midgar and zack was planning to start a mercanary buisness but shinra didn't want there to be any witnesses to the sephiroth incident so they order them to be assasinated. along the way they got a ride from some guy with a truck but a shinra helicopter was following them and was planning to shoot them. zack saw the helicopter and told cloud to run while soldiers were shooting the mess out of him. cloud got away ( slightly injured ) but zack had died

and well thats basically the story
Not exactly. They didn't have Mako poisining, Cloud just hadn't gotten use to the Jenova cells in his body.
there are many story's to clouds sickness

1) some say mako poisoning ( he was in a glass tank full of mako )

2) others say he was injured

3) some say it had something to do with jenova
First off, the Zack/Sephiroth battle was not long. If you saw LO and you think that's how it went, you're wrong. Tifa got knocked down. Zack got cut down. Cloud came inside from outside and used Zack's sword to stab Sephiroth in the back. So Zack was not really much a challenge for Sephiroth. And then he got gunned down by Shinra soliders outside of Midgar, where they shot him, at point blank range.

As for why Zack and Cloud didn't have the same reactions to the "treatment" they recieved after both being mortally wounded after attacking Sephiroth in the Nibelheim reactor is because Zack was in SOLDIER. He was already exposed to mako. Cloud wasn't. When they were hurt, they were both put in mako tubes and shot up with Jenova cells. Zack wasn't affected much by the mako because he'd already recieved treatment but was messed up by the Jenova cells. When he got over that, he managed to take Cloud and escape. Cloud was severely messed up, because he was introduced to both at one time. So he was undergoing light mako poisoning and the effects of the Jenova cells. If he wouldn't have been introduced to mako, he would've never survived the large mako posioning he got when he fell into the lifestream. And if he never fell into the lifestream, he certainly couldn't have traveled through it to deal the final blows to Sephiroth. See how one plot event builds on another? Stack them three miles high, baby! That's why FFVII's the best!
Not exactly. They didn't have Mako poisining, Cloud just hadn't gotten use to the Jenova cells in his body.

Actually Cloud was suffering from Mako poisoning. His body couldn't handle the mako unlike Zack's who could. Zack had been infused with Mako and that's how he was able to be in SOLDIER and handle being in the Mako vats. Cloud on the other hand, could not and was clearly suffering severely from it. That's why his head just bobs up and down and he's so sick. It's Mako Poisoning
This is my take on why Cloud stood a chance against Sephiroth and why Zack didn't.

Cloud and Zack were both submerged into the mako tanks at Nibelhiem mansion. Zack had already been given a high dosage of mako injections upon becoming a first class soldier, so his body rejected the mako as well as the jenova cells. Cloud on the other hand became practically comotose.

The reason why Zack put up a pliable fight against Sephiroth the first time around was because Zack and Sephiroth were both first class, mako infused soldiers. Sephiroth, at the time, hadn't consumed the vast amount of mako that he had when Cloud fought him later on in the game.
Actually Cloud was suffering from Mako poisoning. His body couldn't handle the mako unlike Zack's who could. Zack had been infused with Mako and that's how he was able to be in SOLDIER and handle being in the Mako vats. Cloud on the other hand, could not and was clearly suffering severely from it. That's why his head just bobs up and down and he's so sick. It's Mako Poisoning

I dunno, he seemed to be in the same state that those cloaked men were in before the reunion. I don't think they had Mako poisining, they were just suffering from the effects of Jenova's cells too.......Cloud didn't really look like he did in Middel.
Three of us just posted the same thing. It was mako poisoning just not as high of a dose as when he's in Mideel. Also, he did have Jenova cells put in him. So if you think he resembles the Sephiroth clones, then you might not be too far off because he got exposed to both at once.

I believe this covers both those arguements.
He was weakend by carring cloud and then couldn't take the hits.
In the truck he's doing the same motion he did in Middel. You guys might be right, it could also have been Mako poisoning.
its kind of odd that Zack could take on a army of Soldiers but got killed by like 3-4 of them.....
hhahah...LO was the only one where he took on a bunch of soldiers...
LO is such a piece of crap. Since so many people missed the YouTube video I posted when they played through FFVII, thats why SE made LO to better explain what happened. Apparently the plot was too complex for the gamers... or something. Anyhow, they completely botched the project. It came with a LOT of mistakes... a lot of meaningful mistakes... like making Zack into more than he was.
As for the original question in this topic, I'd have to say that one would have a better chance going up against Sephiroth with a katana and sword than against soldiers with guns. That goes for anyone; humans or a fantasy character like Zack.