Recent content by Rydrum2112

  1. R

    [12/31] Square Enix Launches Countdown Website For Mysterious New Game

    probably another lame mobile game.
  2. R

    Article: *SPOILERS* FFX|X-2 Remaster voice drama leaks out! FFX-3 becoming increasingly likely

    please please let me hear "April fools" coming soon.
  3. R

    [06/11] Square's new plan: Eidos = online, Japan = smartphone gaming

    2012? shouldn't it be 1987-2003
  4. R

    [09/09] Limited Edition Final Fantasy X Vita Incoming

    ^You didn't hear? They are going to be renaming it FFXV-vs Tidus Returns...
  5. R

    [18/07/2013] Lightning Returns: 13 days trailer.

    You sure? I think after multiple playthroughs you get a link to ao S-E countdown site for a social mobile card game...
  6. R

    [11/06] Final Fantasy Versus XIII confirmed as Final Fantasy XV

    Why are their NO female roles in the game so far? Sort of odd to me.
  7. R

    [11/06] Final Fantasy Versus XIII confirmed as Final Fantasy XV

    Looked interesting- I would still prefer to have FF13vs and a FF15 but at this point, something > nothing.
  8. R

    Article: Snow is back! As Governor of the "City of Pleasure"

    Sorry, Fleur- I did not mean to seem like I was correcting you. I thought I would just state the difference between them for non-USA people, so someone with the info could state which is the appropriate term.
  9. R

    Article: Snow is back! As Governor of the "City of Pleasure"

    Mayor is the appropriate term for a city leader, Governor is next level up.
  10. R

    Article: Square-Enix trademarks "FINAL FANTASY AGITO"

    This has no chance of being the Western version of type-0?
  11. R

    Article: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn set for August 27 release

    I love the idea of rereleasing a failed MMO-long term game with less then a year left on the system's life.
  12. R

    [09/05] Disasterrific! Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster screens debut

    isn't brother the creepiest person in the final fantasy universe? i mean jonesing your cousin that much is "creepy" at best.
  13. R

    Should Final Fantasy return to the PC?

    You mean drake escapes from the deadly deep end of the kiddie pool and made it to the new pool? Thanks for the spoiler tag!!:x3:
  14. R

    Should Final Fantasy return to the PC?

    I actually played FF7 & FF8 on PC - didn't own a ps1. Good times, also FF8 came with the Boco minigame which could get cool items for giving GF's abilities.
  15. R

    [30/04] Square Enix confirm lay-offs at European and UK offices

    "with bosses blaming US sales figures" Yeah- it is def. the fault the consumers fault... *Edit: there is something not right about the translation because "variance" isn't the term they are looking for, maybe "difference"?