hohooo that is awesome. You must be nervous lmao cuz that is a masssssssive step hahaha. Youl be like..all grown up in the big city
Edinburgh was amazing. You forget that in Scotland youv got one of the most exciting cities in the world just down from you. Its somewhere you can never ever get bored. So many awesome things to see. Its strange to be walking down the road with a huge castle to one side of you and massive cliffs to the other overlooking the ocean. All this whilst being in the middle of a street filled with shops, bars and street performers juggling knives and sticking swords down theyre throat whilst the bagpipes play in the background. I enjoyed it more than Germany. The amount of tourists though was insane. You english people were absolutely everywhere as were the Americans.
Think il be heading away to amsterdam for a weekend sometime next year. Jims desperate to go somewhere. He was jealous that we were in Edinburgh having an awesome time and he wasnt haha.
I didn't do as well as I wanted but I'm still through with no resits so I guess I'm happy.
This summer I've been working 12 night shifts at a frozen seafood factory. It's a pathetic wage and I fucking hate my life during the week but it's experience and money I suppose. Should be out my overdraft with plenty to spare so looking forward to buying a new game and some new clothes.
Congrats on your results! TBH, I had no doubt you would do well so there. I'm pumped for you, Uni is a great experience. I wish I could be a fresher again.
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