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  • That's awesome, Leeds is a top Uni and I hear it has an awesome night life.

    No, I've got one more year to go aka one more year I don't have to work full time! Get my results friday, not feeling good about them at all.

    Sounds like an awesome holiday, have fun!
    It's OK thanks, been a bit of a crazy few months for me. I don't work hard enough at Uni :lew: But hopefully it'll be alright in the end. Living in London now with the old man, potentially got a summer job sorted thankfully. And you?
    Can't seem to find any time for the forum any more!
    Sorry Char, I was in the library and checked the forum on my dying phone. How are things? It's been a bit of a crazy few months for me... I'll have to find you in the SB one day so we can catch up.
    You're thinking about drinking it aren't you :ahmed:

    I will accept this if it means you will start dancing on cam or something equally hawt slash embarrassing :grin:
    As vi say in Rasha, "davrok noz glasnost da vodka" vich means, how you say, "we have many fine drink".

    Yeah I have no idea what I'm doing either. I just ran with it.
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