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  • yeaaa red. omg i got some awesome aviators from work for like 150 off theyre so cool im wearin em even at night :D
    Actually i came back about 10 minutes later into the sb and said. ''Tosh you still there :O''

    But you wernt :mokken: So aye :mokken: All your fault miss.
    i prefer red on you :mokken: that said, purple is kinda funky :hmmm: have you ever tried goin fully blonde? you should
    yeah i know all about those budget holidays :wacky: dating waiters are you :mokken: always tryna get your leg over eh char

    ...just playin ;)
    Don't worry daft shit doesn't happen too much. Unless you're me :( I was alright yesterday went out for a few drinks and I'm good day. I'll be out in a bit but I'll look to come on later see who's around :D
    Doin' fiiiiine. :jay: Lots of physics work this semester but after May I'll be all done with my math stuff for college. Then I can focus on doing the stuff I actually want to do. :hmph:

    I still have that card pinned up on my desk. Again, thank you. :griin:

    How are you?
    i love doin presentations just make it funny and itll be a breeze. with a name like avalon though 8 days was more than enough. :giggle:
    u kno when you click on someones profile in response then u have to go bck cause u forgot what was said ugh..


    7am damnnn, bet u were out with someone special tho ;) avalon sounded well interested u were in there char. maybe ill take u up on that offer. then u could take me up. see the play on words? im such a genius. im good just pissed cause the only day in the week its cloudy is the day i have off. :(
    ahhh char's been partying hard i like it, avalon keepin u busy i see :D and when you are qualified you better come land on my road and take me for a spin :mokken:
    Charrrrrlyyyyyy hows it goin gurl. Hope ur being careful flyin around why havent u taken me for a spin yet? :grumpy:

    liverpool are in a bad way btw tough luck hehe
    I've successfully scared the wits out of you and kel now. I am pleased. :ryan:

    It's pretty funny, tho, right?

    Conor and I both mutually agree that it really caught the swish of my hair :wacky:
    I ended up playing Assassin's creed all night to get the platinum, but hopefully tonight or tomorrow night. I will see you in the sb at some point and we will organise it
    Tomorrow night, well sunday night now! Also I will be getting Uncharted 3 so we can play that in a month or too as well
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