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  • Is that a multi-seater? :hmmm: I love flying, so once you have your "I totally won't crash this thing" certificate you should take me for a glide :ohoho:

    That's alright then, I can't stand smoking :damon: My mum smokes so I grew up to hate the shit out of it, even though she was the most considerate person of all time when it came to where the smoke blew and where she smoked and such.
    Liverpool people can be weird as hell too :wacky:

    What do you do outside when you're not getting drunk or shouting at tall boys? :ohoho:

    Smoker's teeth? :ahmed:
    Yeah I didn't pick the bestest spot in the UK to live when I had never spoken to a British person beyond VOIP chat for MMORPGs xD

    I prefer PC gaming because it's easier to drop in to a game, since my work is on the computer :wacky:
    You should add me to PSN too then, Belazor (HRD to guess, I know :wacky:)

    Yeah there's few pictures because before I moved here I never went out :wacky:
    600 :ohoho: I'm doing a quick browse just now :megusta2: Your smile is identical in all of them :wacky:
    Y u no list Jason Statham? =[

    Living here is grief at times, sometimes I run into people who talk thick Glaswegian and I just stand there going "...Yes." PokerFace.jpg xD

    While I commend you for choosing the correct console, anything made by Bethesda should be played on a PC :mokken:

    Is it too late to delete all my old photos where I look like a tosser? :sad3:
    Drunk bish :wacky: I will stalk you at some point :megusta2: Worry not, I have completely pure intentions :monocle:
    Name some examples, maybe some actors - I'm not really into F1 even though I think it's cool to watch :wacky:

    I'm not into wrestling either :wacky: UFC is pretty decent though :griin:

    Well classing me as a Glasgow guy... I am still immigrant into your country :grin:

    Y u no play then? There's always ways to acquire it if the retail price scares you off :whistle:
    Well duh, if I met Jason Statham or Robert Downey Jr or any of the dozens of badass actors I like I'd probably look even more awkward than I did in those two pictures :wacky:

    Randy Couture is a badass UFC fighter (recently retired) and Mick Foley is some WWE wrestling dude, I don't really watch it but I was dragged along :wacky:

    Are you saying you would naturally be suspicious of my claim that I did, in fact, punch a grizzly bear in the face? This in spite of the fact that I am from Norway, and it is a common fact that Skyrim is a Norway simulator. Therefore you should already know I have fought dragons, giants and mammoths :ahmed:
    I'm not insulting him :mokken: I was subtly trying to say that I was distracted by the hawtie, i.e. you :wacky:

    Have you met every famous rally driver? :hmmm:
    The closest I have is this: (Randy Couture) and this: (Mick Foley)

    It's okay to give away my master plan because you will be so convinced you will forget I said it :mokken:
    There is a guy in that picture? :huh: :-)griin:)

    I do indeed know of them, Petter in particular is legendary for his poor grasp of English :wacky: I remember a Top Gear episode they were in Lillehammer doing snow rally with him, and Clarkson basically had to give up speaking to him because they were essentially asking eachother the way to the beach in loud voices :lol:

    *starts badly MSPainting an image of a grizzly and me together* (she will never know! :monocle:)

    PS: I also used my supreme stalker skills to add you on FB :griin:
    I'm glad you're able to take a compliment :wacky: I hate it when people insist on arguing with you if you give them a compliment :rage:

    I could tell he was Finnish by the name, and now that you mentioned it I may have heard that name before :hmmm:

    This is true :ryan: I still think I should go punch a grizzly bear in the face or something to regain my status, though :hmmm:
    I love long hair on wimmins :ohoho: And you do not need any hair to cover up any part of your face :ahmed: (wasn't sure if that's what you was saying :wacky:)

    Schumacher? That's the only F1 driver I know of xD

    Well bollocks, I have negative macho points now, don't I? :sad3:
    If you pulled faces in the Tumblr video I didn't notice :wacky: But I blame any lack of noticing on your long hair and awesome accent :ahmed:

    Lmao awwww :D Kitty doesn't like getting pictures taken either xD

    I has no kitty at the moment, I did when I was a kid though :ryan:

    So in substitute, here are two pics I had to comment on on Reddit:

    (Don't click "View comments", I don't want to lose further macho points :wacky:)
    D'aww why do you hate being videoed? You're way too pretty to not be made immortal via the medium of video :sad3:

    From what I've seen of you thus far you are indeed lovely ^_^

    And I shall stay true to that word, so long as you don't learn my one weakness... cats :ahmed: For I am but a mortal, unable to resist their divine fluffiness :okay:
    I will :mokken:

    Make another Tumblr video except pretend I'm a private who just told you to get tee fook after you told me to wash the latrines :wacky: I bet you're cute when you're shouty :britt:

    I guess you would be a softie though, since you release all the aggression at the poor infantry :okay:

    I am of course not a softie at all, but rather the manliest of men. Big guns and explosions, and fast motorbikes, and so on. :monocle:
    I'll remember this for when you do tell me to do something :ahmed:

    I bet you are bossy always :ahmed: Otherwise you wouldn't enjoy shouting at them :wacky:
    Gotta love my mum's logic... :lol:

    Challenge Accepted. I'm going to defy your orders, you better think of a way to punish me :kinky:
    apparently i clicked thanks for one of your posts a few days ago. that didn't actually happen, and i don't remember doing anything of the sort :hmmm:
    Next you'll be telling me Star Wars isn't real either :gasp2:

    Belazor, Belozaur, Belz, Fillip, Fil - all of these work :wacky: But try any of this "Ph" bullshit and you'll find yourself on the receiving end of a nickname shared by a certain pastry :ahmed:

    What do you do to boys who disobey your orders? :britt:
    But there is no air force in Code Geass so Britannian Army is all there is :rage:

    YES MA'AM :gasp:

    Don't the boys find it weird to take orders from a girl a whole foot shorter than they are? :wacky:
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