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  1. D

    Kefka's Voice

    I can't decide... I couldn't watch any of them for more than 5 seconds...
  2. D

    FFXII is the worst FF made

    I found this to be the most addicting FF I've played in a very long time. I beat the game in four days (not including the side quests) while the others took me months.
  3. D

    Lack of Magic or Forethought?

    Not when you have Silence shot equipped. That helped me out a lot. They also never miss and damage dealt is not dependent on the enemies' defense. The only real downside is that they're kind of slow to fire and they are no good against bubble shaped enemies.
  4. D

    Worth getting?

    It's more like a Gamecube game ported to the Wii. The decision to put it on the Wii came later down the line. It did come out on both systems, but on the Wii first (to coincide with the Wii's launch date), only like a month before the GC version came out. I have it on GC, but I've played the...
  5. D

    My first impressions

    The only thing about the non random battles is that if you try to run and you're in a huge open area, a lot of the times you're going to be running for a really long time. Some of the enemies like to chase you until you go off to the next area. It does make it a little more exciting though...
  6. D

    possibly the worst ff ever

    that would be I, II on PSP and III on DS. All were on NES. They're doing IV for DS I think. They finally re-released VI on GBA. It keeps crashing whenever I play anthology on my PS.
  7. D

    Why do people hate this game?

    Wow, your friend really knows how to tell games good from bad. I wish I was able to analyze and make an assumption on an entire game just by how the characters look. :P Anyways I like all of the FF's except for VIII... but yeah I don't think some of these reasons for not liking the game are...
  8. D

    Espers or Classics?

    Actually that started with FFVI. You actually learn almost everything from the espers in VI.
  9. D

    Worth getting?

    there's no caparison... should I get Sonic the Hedgehog or Resident Evil? It's whatever you feel like playing at the time. I do know that here in California at gamestop you can get the collectors edition for like $30. That's probably why I actually bought it. They're both good games though.
  10. D

    So were the Viera...

    think Godzilla: a-sexual...
  11. D

    Do you have to pay Per month?

    you can walk around all month picking up pennies off the ground and be able to pay for it every month. It's not that much money if you are able to afford everything else that's required to play the game.
  12. D

    Why do FFFan's hate this game?

    I liked the beginning... after that I just didn't understand why I was playing it. For me to like the game I need interesting characters to drive the story... which this didn't have. I also couldn't stand drawing magic. SO boring....
  13. D

    possibly the worst ff ever

    that game made me want to kill myself... but this game wasn't that bad. Any game with a lead character named Guy deserves a second chance.
  14. D

    FF7 - Bad News

    by that time we'll be able to travel inside the game and fight the monsters ourselves.
  15. D

    FF XII script imperfection

    they should have made up their own accents. A man speaking in a french accent wearing oakleys in a Final Fantasy game is uncalled for.
  16. D

    Espers or Classics?

    Espers were in FF6 and that had the most summon/chr interaction than any other... but lets face it. All summons/espers become useless at some point in every FF game (except for probably KOTR)... it's just that these ones become useless at an earlier stage than all the others. :P
  17. D

    FFXII is the worst FF made

    It wasn't the greatest, but I know that I'm not going to miss thousands and thousands of random battles. That's probably why I kinda liked chrono tigger better than the other FF's on the SNES.
  18. D

    Level Question

    Outside of Jahara you should use steal on those horse looking things, you could get almost double of what they drop. I don't remember the name of the item that they drop, but I made something like 30,000 gil selling them and had all my chrs gain 2 -3 levels in about an hour.
  19. D

    Who are your main guys?

    Yeah all my characters know everything and are at the same level so it doesn't matter who I use. But I do frequently have Fran and Penelo shooting from the back while casting healing spells. Everyone else is up front hacking away.
  20. D

    Did anybody use Tecknicks?

    I'd take 3 chrs and use Infuse on the other 3, giving me ten times the HP!!!