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  1. raito404

    Favorite Fight Scene

    My favorite fight scene was the fight between cloud and sepiroth especially when the fight was about to end when cloud is tired and sepitroth grab his shirt and strike his sword while cloud blocking his attacks and finally stabs cloud on the lower part of the shoulder.. that was cool...:lol:
  2. raito404

    Hello, I'm a new user...

    Yokuso!!! have fun...:lol:
  3. raito404

    The Secret Boss?

    i have aquestion my friend told me that eden from ff8 is a secret boss in ff5 is that true?
  4. raito404


    tnx alot guys!...yeah and especially the girs too!!:lol:
  5. raito404

    Opera House

    uhmm.. i don't get you... what do you mean?^_^
  6. raito404

    Least Favorite Character

    i have to go with selphie... yeah she's cute but she's my weakest character along with quistis...
  7. raito404

    Which Version of Final Fantasy IV do you Prefer?

    while walking, venturing in the world map thru land air or sea you would notice it jerks like the characters are having somekind of seizure....^_^
  8. raito404

    The man in the slums

    zack died before the events of FF7 game...
  9. raito404

    Favourite Chocobo

    of course its the golden chocobo! The harder to get the better!:)
  10. raito404

    Fav summon

    BAHAMUT! Kaze's red gun looks a little similar to bahamut's head...^_^
  11. raito404

    New FFXIII Scans

  12. raito404

    Which class are you

    i'm a red mage....well it was ok...^_^
  13. raito404

    Who's more perveted? Cloud or Vincent?

    Tell me you love that image.:sad:
  14. raito404

    Who's more perveted? Cloud or Vincent?

    The one who made that gif image is a pervert not cloud...
  15. raito404

    Which Version of Final Fantasy IV do you Prefer?

    Snes version was better. But the gba graphics was good but lots of glitches.
  16. raito404

    Anime Death Note

    My current favorite anime is death note!!! Here's a little about the story: Light Yagami is a brilliant, but bored, high school student who resents the crime and corruption in the world. His life undergoes a drastic change when he discovers a mysterious notebook, known as the "Death Note"...
  17. raito404

    What's your mood?

    Mood:i don't know Reason:i still don't know
  18. raito404

    Are you going to buy this game?

    i will surely play this game! I feel better playing a portable ff game than in a console cause you can bring it anywhere! you can level up while riding a bus! or maybe while waiting in a very long line or maybe while pooping! lol!^_^
  19. raito404


    They should've plan this game for the gba or the ds....
  20. raito404

    What did you name your party members

    Knight:Goku W.Mage:Sanzo B.Mage:Hakkai Ninja:Gojyo I named it after the characters of the anime Gensoumaden Saiyuki to think that they really are the main characters.....