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  1. J

    Fan Fiction Final Fantasy VII: The Past of the Cetra

    Hey, you guys could read MY story in the meantime! :D
  2. J

    Fan Fiction The Beasting: A Final Fantasy VII Story

    Well, I'm glad I could touch a non-FFVII fan. Mission accomplished! And no, Tonu isn't a character in the game. There was a weapons seller in Cosmo Canyon in the game, but those characters weren't typically too deep. And even in a place such as Cosmo Canyon, I figured that a weapons dealer...
  3. J

    Fan Fiction The Beasting: A Final Fantasy VII Story

    There shouldn't be any spelling errors...unless we're talking typos. As for the grammar, this is an off-the-cuff first draft, so I didn't proof-read it. Anyway, the inspiration for this came from discussing the game. Spending time on these forums has really brought me back to the story. I had...
  4. J

    Fan Fiction The Beasting: A Final Fantasy VII Story

    So...any thoughts? Anybody? Crickets? No?
  5. J

    Fan Fiction The Beasting: A Final Fantasy VII Story

    OK, so, if you're reading this, you probably have debated with me on the FFVII board, and know that I aboslutely loathe Advent Children. If you don't know...well, now you know! Anyway, I fancy myself as a writer. I write just about every day, and have since I was a little kid. After I played...
  6. J

    Fan Fiction Final Fantasy VII: The Past of the Cetra

    Just a well thought-out story. I really enjoyed it so far. I've always had a place in my heart for fanfiction, and this really was a great read. I like how you took the universe and made it your own. Very, very well done. Unfortunately, I'm colorblind, so the blue, purple, and red texts that...
  7. J

    Interpreting FFVII's ending.

    The water could be attributed to natural causes. I know it was only 500 years later, but I think the landmass changes meant as a way to show how much the world had changed in the years since the game, albiet a bit enhanced. I think the picture of Midgar left in ruins illustrates without words...
  8. J

    Interpreting FFVII's ending.

    Let me weigh in here, maybe as a mediator of sorts...and after watching the ending again (thanks for the link, Ronin), I think I have it figured out. Cloud realizes that the Promise Land is actually the afterlife. That is very important to the story, and I've read a bunch of arguments here and...
  9. J

    Interpreting FFVII's ending.

    Ronin, it is a pleasure to talk with you. Just when I thought I knew how smart you are, you surprise me yet again. Solid post, man. Again, I do have a couple of points I'd like to talk about, even though I agree with everything else. The problem I have with that is every[/li] animal is...
  10. J

    Who IS Cloud?

    Well, at 26 years old, I sure hope I don't bully problems! :D Actually, I'm quite self-confident. I really thought that showed in my writing. Guess not! Being cocky is having an attitude, and is sometimes a cover for the lack of confidence. It's not always a bad thing, but cockiness can...
  11. J

    Interpreting FFVII's ending.

    Ronin, I usually agree with everything you say, but a quick little thing here... Our violence is no more common than that of any other animal, it is only magnified by the fact that we are so self-aware, and so advanced technologically. Otherwise, every animal in the kingdom is as violent as we...
  12. J

    Who IS Cloud?

    Thanks for having my back on this one, Juneau. "Cocky" is a negative term.
  13. J

    Interpreting FFVII's ending.

    This has to be the best thread on this website. Just fantastic efforts all around. Great job, guys. Great points. The game was so consistant throughout that it makes me want to believe that humanity is gone, and, as you said in an earlier post, that the laughter at the end was symbolic...or...
  14. J

    Who IS Cloud?

    Not at all. Being sure of yourself and being cocky are two totally different things. Cloud would have to be a dick about his abilities in order to be cocky, but he wasn't that way. He was self-assured, and he needed to be.
  15. J

    Interpreting FFVII's ending.

    It probably wasn't that they got wiped out. But maybe 500 years later, they did? Maybe the designers were taking a shot at the dire nature of our own world. You know, one crisis averted, another one over the horizon? I'm probably reading WAAAAAAY too much into this. I wonder if the developers...
  16. J

    Who IS Cloud?

    GREAT topic, GunbladeGirl! Cloud is/was a very outgoing, heroic person. There can't be any argument (another reason I hate Advent Children). The whole point of him discovering who he was was that he found out he wasn't so dissimilar from Zack all along. He was a badass, he was strong, he was...
  17. J

    Interpreting FFVII's ending.

    Nice post, Summoner, and I'm glad you're not taking Advent Children into account. I'd want to agree with you, but there are so many ways to take the ending that it's hard to pinpoint one and say "This is it,". My initial reaction was "Oh my god, Meteor hit!" and humanity was wiped out. And I...
  18. J

    Best President

    Like I said, it's all personal opinion. But I have to say, it sounds as if your tastes lean more towards the eye candy side of film making, rather than the deep plots. And that's fine. There's an audience for every kind of film. My whole point here, though, is that I firmly believe Advent...
  19. J

    Best President

    I admit that the enjoyability of Advent Children comes down to a matter of opinion. That's fine. But as Eisprinz says, the movie wasn't really intended to be a "good movie" as much as it was intended to be a doped-up anime. It was masturbatory and hollow. That is a fact. You obviously don't see...
  20. J

    Those pesky files!

    It's a really small point, but it's also a really good one. Nice job, Ery. I think, like most who have posted here, that Hojo probably didn't let anyone else know about it. Also, I think it was guarded well by the secret lock (and the boss that follows...Lost Numbers, right?) so it wasn't like...