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  1. Kweh!

    Favorite TV Show

    Plenty of them. Dexter, Lost, Flight of the Conchords, The X-Files, Skins, Salatut Elämät. That's the current Top 6.
  2. Kweh!

    Final Fantasy name to name game

    Kefka, Adel, Lulu, Ultimecia, Ashe, Elmyra, Aeris, Setzer, Rik(k)u, Ultros, Shiva, Amarant, Tidus, Sephiroth, Hojo, Owzer, Red XIII, Irvine, Edea, Alma, Auron, Norg, Gau, Umaro, Odin, Nero, Ozma, Astos, Seymour, Reno, O'aka XXIII, Ifrit, Tietra, Angeal, Locke, Ex-Death, Heidegger, Raijin...
  3. Kweh!

    Help Help With EVRAE the WYRM of BEVELLE

    Haste/Slow has an important role in this battle. First of all you should use Power Break on him and make him blinded when possible. Then, cast haste on your characters and slow on Evrae. But remember, when Evrae gets under 10.000hp he casts haste on himself. If you cast slow on him after he...
  4. Kweh!

    What RPG Is As Good As A Final Fantasy Game?

    No one has said Legend of Dragoon yet? It's bloody amazing and it's also for PS (I'm not a fan of SNES games, other than Final Fantasy and Sword of Mana of course). Of course some people might not like it but in my opinion it was great. Additions were awesome (again some people might not like...
  5. Kweh!

    Did anyone ever...

    100% Zombie attack combined with Revive skill = sex. You just have to get two turns before bad breath.
  6. Kweh!

    The Most Exposed FF character

    Shiva and Lulu. I've never played X-2 but I can imagine that the women have quite revealing outfits. For men, meh, never even paid enough attention. Also, you can see under Ashe's skirt:ohshit:
  7. Kweh!

    What FF game are you currently playing

    I started FF6 last saturday. It's been years since I played it last time. So far I have advanced quite well, only a step away from World of Ruin.
  8. Kweh!

    The order in which you played all the FF games

    FF7, FF8, FF9, FF6, FF5, FF4, FF10, FF12. My brother bought FF7 right after its European release ^_^. And the rest of the FF games too, including the FF4-FF6's Playstation releases. So yeah you could say I am a hardcore fan. Beating FF7 when you are 7-8 years old with very very poor English is...
  9. Kweh!

    Yet to Complete.

    Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2. I'm stuck on both of them and it's been like five years since I played MGS1. MGS1 (spoilers) - I'm stuck on that battle against MGS MGS2 - I'm stuck on that part where you have to protect that girl by sniping all the landmines on her path and I can't see the mines...
  10. Kweh!

    Replay final fantasy xii?

    I'm sure that our opinions aren't so important to you. If you want to play the game then just do it. I try to replay all FF games atleast once per year. Sometimes even twice. And if you get bored of replaying the games again, try a challenge (there are plenty of challenges @
  11. Kweh!

    word association

  12. Kweh!

    Fan Art Final Fantasy: Speedpaints

    That's fantastic. The gun looks a bit weird and the soldier seems to be quite short, but overall it's a very good picture. Fantastic textures too.
  13. Kweh!

    Final Fantasy name to name game

    Kefka, Adel, Lulu, Ultimecia, Ashe, Elmyra, Aeris, Setzer, Rik(k)u, Ultros, Shiva, Amarant, Tidus, Sephiroth, Hojo, Owzer, Red XIII, Irvine, Edea, Alma, Auron, Norg, Gau, Umaro, Odin, Nero, Ozma, Astos, Seymour, Reno, O'aka XXIII, Ifrit, Tietra, Angeal, Locke, Ex-Death, Heidegger, Raijin...
  14. Kweh!

    Hello everyone.

    Heya and welcome.
  15. Kweh!

    Is basch A father?

    Definitely not. In my opinion, the father couldn't escape because Mimic Queen was blocking his path, just like when she was blocking your path when you were trying to escape with Basch. Doh.
  16. Kweh!

    Most Dissapointing Game.

    Spore. Definitely. Such a great idea but after all the game itself was very disappointing.
  17. Kweh!

    Do You...

    Definitely not. Well I haven't yet, maybe this year. Usually I know what I am going to buy in advance and just walk in and buy the item and leave. So manly.
  18. Kweh!

    regen in FFVII

    Yeah but don't forget that you could open your Playstation tray and "stop" the game. No one could do anything before you put the disk back in. The trick was that if your tray was open, regen would still heal you and no one could damage you.
  19. Kweh!

    celestial weapons

    Oh I guess I'm the only one who thinks that the Chocobo racing is easy. I got it on my, err. 3rd attempt I guess. And the 2nd wasn't was less than a second away from 0.0.0. Nirava is also easy to get. Time consuming but not as time consuming as the other ones. And you nee those aeons anyway...
  20. Kweh!

    IGNs Top Ten FF7 Characters

    Cid is #1. Face it. Mod Edit: Please put more effort into your posts in future. Say 'why' you think Cid is the best character. Thank you.