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  1. R

    Is it worth geting

    It takes a really bad game on the ds to dissapoint me and as its a ff my hopes were high but the rest of this entire forum seem`s to be about downfall`s.Should I get it know nothing about the fighting system or monster or anything for that matter so a thogher run through would be helpfull
  2. R

    Which Final Fantasy game should I get?

    Id have to suggest having a look on youtube at different battle systems for XII and any other`s your intrested in .... twas what I did .... XII :)
  3. R

    Who are your main guys?

    I dont know about having a mian three ..... eevryone todl me to keep them all about the same level? Contradictory?Or me being a fool reading noobs threads?
  4. R

    The Hunt for the Cluckatrice

    Help Well I just did this hunt Can`t see your problem other then you making yourself one . You dont need sleep ,and you want the other`s alerted cause you wanna kill em all. Kill everything in the area ,leave,come back and when the chick`s were there. I simply went in all guns blazing...
  5. R

    In-depth guide to beating ELDER WYRM

    Ive also got plenty (50,000) of gil to use on helpfull magick and weapons etc. Im level`s 24-27 . Really dont won`t to train anymore.
  6. R

    What easier ELDER WYRM or PARAMA RIFT

    Which is easier when im at level 25ish . Please dont tell me to train i've been doin that constinatly since level 18. OR even better a in-depth guide to beating elder WYRM would be of greatest help PS-Ive got to much gil so magick and weapon suggestiion`s also:)
  7. R

    Geremsythe Waterway key?WHERE

    Hey so ...... I killed the wraith mark and im on on pudding one . And I here I need a key to get to the west sluice area. But where the hell is it and how do I get it. Or have I missed somthing and I can get there through some simple door something. I think im ready for whats downthere...
  8. R

    Is my weapon selection stupid (6 war hammers)?

    kk wel it`s half an half with war hammer`s and dragonsbane with a few killer bows unequipped just in case
  9. R

    Is demonsbane behind the passage through raithwall's? Is it worth it?

    I beat the wall is exiting and entering the tomb over and over worth it.
  10. R

    Bubble Belt or Bubble Spell?

    I heard about this for health points ,So what where how when thx. PS-Hope im not making to many threads Thx for all the help
  11. R

    Okay this will sound so daft to you lot but I hear people talkin of 3000 health, how?

    How can you get that much health I can so far calculate 2000 with augments liscece and some levling up but beyond that is beyond me.
  12. R

    Where is best place to train when at level 21-24?

    Dont no where to train im just at the point were you find elder wyrm
  13. R

    Elder Wyrm or Tiamat help

    Well thx guys... I think ....but the main thing which way is easier elder wyrm or parima rift?
  14. R

    Elder Wyrm or Tiamat help

    Is he optional and if he is do I go south instead?
  15. R

    Is my weapon selection stupid (6 war hammers)?

    Everyone say`s it is ,but no one can tell me why apart from (You`ll have no ranged power) I use quickening`s for ranged enimies. PS-The war hammer is currently most powerfull weapon available at 65 attack power. Any idea`s/thought`s on the toic or other possiblities as I have 55000 gil.
  16. R


    If ya dont have any quickening`s at that point then ya are kinda out of luck but |presume ya have so I say use them.
  17. R

    What level should I be?

    What level should I be just after I found the optional boss at hennne mines. And at this point where would be the best place to level up. PS-Am currently Vaan-23 Fran-23 Basch-23 Ashe-22 Baltheir-22 Penelo-20:mad: Thx.XxX