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  1. Seth_Rahl


    Oops, one other thing. don't use summons on it. I heard it can give summons status effects too, though I've never tried it.
  2. Seth_Rahl

    Is Zodiac Spear worth it?

    He's right: It is pretty easy to get. Just be careful and patient. so that's how you get the other masamune....-_-
  3. Seth_Rahl


    Said above. Quickenings and Cura. Curaja is even better, if you take the time to look for it before fighting it. Just make sure you don't screw up the quickening, if you're getting disabled as often as you say you are. You might as well push the restart button if you do.
  4. Seth_Rahl

    Is Zodiac Spear worth it?

    See? Yiazmat. Within one hour. That is f****** incredible. so yeah, stick with said weapons if you really want to, but you can go for the spear if you like. It doesn't hurt, it just isn't the best out there.
  5. Seth_Rahl

    Old Xehanort Nomura Drawing

    It would make sense. If Xenahort had a form for all the new enemy types, then this "chaser" creature(s) would be most likely his new incarnation. I do think the nobodies will return, however. It was said that when a person is made into a heartless, the shell he/she leaves behind becomes a...
  6. Seth_Rahl

    Final Fantasy Characters that should be in the game (and involved in the Plot)

    That has been mentioned before in several threads outside of this forum, but it has come to dissagreement. the FF characters are "guests" of the worlds in KH. Sure, they may be involved in fighting or joining the heartless/ nobodies/??? , but they are guests. The disney characters are the ones...
  7. Seth_Rahl

    Disney Worlds?

    Finding Nemo? Ugh. Sorry, but Ugh. But yeah. go Toy Story! Hmm.....I have no info on this, sorry. But i'll post if I find anything.
  8. Seth_Rahl

    FFXii for the PS2

    Right. Gameplay and graphics are way beyond PS2 capability. Which is sad, since most people cant afford PS3's (I know I can't), but it had to be done. One plus is that it looks freaking amazing.
  9. Seth_Rahl

    Final Fantasy XIII - Relese date early?!

    Well, whatever the case, I hope it doesn't get released that early, because if it does, one thing is certain: It will suck. It is much too early to released now and to be good enough for hard-core ff fans to even think about that. And so I pray to whatever gods I believe in that you guys are...
  10. Seth_Rahl

    xiii for x360

    Exactly. Member above me has said what I was going to, but in more words.
  11. Seth_Rahl

    Kingdom Hearts III

    Has it already been announced for the PS3?
  12. Seth_Rahl

    Is Zodiac Spear worth it?

    In my opinion, no. In fact, really, I believe that the masamune (katana) is the most powerful weapon in the games. I got both the zodiac spear and masamune, and ended up using the masamune way more than the more than the spear. HOWEVER, I do suggest that you do get the spear anyways. Just have...
  13. Seth_Rahl

    Cloud & Dante vs Sephiroth & Vergil

    Don't write off vergil like that. Technically, he has more skill with the blade than dante, sephiroth and cloud, and is faster than any of them. Take that with his ability to create summoned swords at will, and he's as dangerous as any of the others. So like I said, don't write him off...
  14. Seth_Rahl

    FF XIII Battle System

    Maybe. But even that could get annoying if made wrong.
  15. Seth_Rahl

    FF XIII Battle System

    They said that the female protagonist is supposed to be based off of Cloud from FF7, at least personality wise. That sparks my interest. Yes, I have to agree w/ Nephany in that the encounter thing sounds stupid. What point is battles if you can't run away from ones you cant win? But i'll wait...
  16. Seth_Rahl

    Cloud & Dante vs Sephiroth & Vergil

    If we were talking about in the games, then I would vote for cloud and dante. But Sephiroth and Vergil are more like each other than they would like to admit, and that may serve as a benefit. It would have to depend on the time and circumstances sorrunding said battle. Vergil and Sephiroth...
  17. Seth_Rahl


    Hello everyone I am new here blah blah blah blah blah.... so, anybody wan't a chainsaw? *picks one up*