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  1. L

    Yes or No Game

    not in the literal sense, all tho i have fed a monkey cheetos have you ever watched a person having open heart surgery
  2. L

    High School or College?

    in between, i graduated hs in june of 06...workin out finances for college still
  3. L

    Yes or No Game

    yup... ever found money in your pockets that you forgot was there
  4. L

    Where did you get your username from?

    my gf/queen/ lady....cassandra rose moore = Lady her opposite and perfect companion hence Lord Thorn
  5. L

    Who Likes Poems?

    well each to their own...heres another of mine FLASHES Images of a troubled past come to mind again, recalled so fast Each picture lasting less than a second Recalling related occurences as the current event hath beckoned The items portrayed in such images depend on the situation Each time...
  6. L

    Weirdest thing ever happened to you

    when i was 2 i stopped a ceiling fan on high speed with my day it fell out of the ceiling towards me while i was sitting on the couch
  7. L

    Who Likes Poems?

    it does tend to be a thing that grows on ya...specially if ppl like your work
  8. L

    Random Facts About Yourself

    im in a wheelchair i write poems sometimes i feel like dr phil i work at walmart(always low prices, always) i want to go to japan i have many many nns
  9. L

    Count down from 1,000

  10. L

    Claiming FF

    hmmmmm ill claim lulu X_2
  11. L

    Give the previous member a username

    radiance of muse
  12. L

    Home School

    honestly ... best of luck with that...i was basically court ordered to home school last half of my senior year because my dad was arrested and i was ordered to miss a lot.....i hated it and am still quite upset at what it did to me...(theres a story there but most ppl probably would...
  13. L

    Who Likes Poems?

    poems just so happens i am working on a book of poems.....heres 2 of mine AT THE CASTLE GATE At the arch of the castle gate It is your arrival I await The castle is like those of old A huge stone fortress of legends told Over the years many stories have been carved into the walls of...
  14. L

    Rate The Movie Above You

    7/10 not bad...but not great underworld
  15. L

    Name A Game

    i think it actually ends in y but ill give a a game and a y game just in case advent rising yakuza
  16. L

    Give the previous member a username

    Shimmering Seven Thread
  17. L

    Give the previous member a username

  18. L

    Yes or No Game

    yes but i would hate it could you live in a zoo?
  19. L

    Rate the Game above you...

    only played a demo and it froze six seconds in sooo .00001/10 jade empire
  20. L

    Yes or No Game

    nope it never moves on...or off...just around in circles...tis a wonder we arent always dizzy can a monkey fly?