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  1. Demonata

    Original She Walks

    She walks in circles, damned and alone. Her center point is a rock, the very rock she slides her fingers upon as she walks. The ground beneath her has eroded away, nothing but sand beneath her toes. Nothing but nothing, as she would like to say. Time is of no relevance; time is not kept. The sun...
  2. Demonata

    SOTW 108 Voting Thread

    Number 2. I love the concept and the coloring used. It's a lovely balance.
  3. Demonata

    Is the Economy Affecting you?

    I'm 19, have two jobs, full time student and living alone. -_- Of course it affects me. When I use to make money it was fine, back in the time of high school, but now it's just not enough to get me any where. I can't get enough it seems for the basic's and I'm running out of time to get...
  4. Demonata

    Are you a hoarder or a neat freak?

    Neat FREAK SPAZ I have to have everything in order every minute of everyday. I spaz out if I have too much of something and I get rid of a lot of stuff in a week. :3 I can't have more than the allowed amount of books on my shelf, 29, and well... yeah I'm a freak. XD
  5. Demonata

    XBox Left 4 Dead

    I've picked up a demo of Left 4 Dead 2, and let me tell ya... the whole idea is amazing. I can't wait for it to come out for everyone to place. I love the added extras, the plays, and the who graphical effect. Left 4 Dead was beyond one of my favorite games. I put all of my halo away for a...
  6. Demonata

    SOTW 107 Voting Thread

    I went for number 13. The simplicity is amazing. I love the use of color, the cut on the image, and the little extra around the edges. The image size is also a plus too, seeing that they got so much into a small place and made it work. good job! :D
  7. Demonata

    Original Red

    I love the imagery you use through out the whole story. You make me feel like i'm there, you make me hear, feel, smell, etc. All my senses kick in and it just works. Lovely. :) I had a chilling feeling while reading. XD I love your evil character. I'm pretty sure that if this was longer...
  8. Demonata

    Original Sweet Tingles

    So, I don't usually write love stories, and this is in the end not a love story per say. IT kind of revolves around the idea of love though, and that is not usually common for me. This is a first time try at something like this, so I would love to know what you think of it. Also, this is a...
  9. Demonata

    Demon's One Stop Shop

    :) Hope ya like it love! :D
  10. Demonata

    Demon's One Stop Shop

    Sorry this took forever. Is this what you were looking for? If not, I'm willing to retry. :D
  11. Demonata

    Demon's One Stop Shop

    Alright, I hope you like this. If not I'm more than willing to try again. :)
  12. Demonata

    Demon's One Stop Shop

    Alright, I'm new to this but I'm pretty sure I've got the basics. I'll make you anything really, just request it. What I need is listed below. Just, give me a bit of liberty here. I can do just about anything, but sometimes I have to experiment to get what you're looking for. As do almost...
  13. Demonata


    I'm Shanelle, 19, USA. I have ADHD, and live drug free. I've jumped out of a plane. I have an allergy to corn syrup (this means no candy in the USA) I love making graphics. and well, I'm a nice person. Generally. Nice to be here. Told to come by .Riona :)