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    Stabbing Westward

    i really like them. someone used to call their music "makeout music" which i kind of understand. maybe because the guitar riffs are trying to sound intense?
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    she annoys me. and she is trying to stay relevent by starting fights with other artists.i turn the radio off when she comes on.
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    Anyone play guitar?

    im just starting to play...probably not qualified to answer those questions yet though
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    Online Music Panel

    hey guys. i wanted to share something with you i thought was pretty cool. i just joined The Music Scope's online music panel. they ask you your opinions on music (duh!) and a bunch of other topics too. its a totally anonymous research study but i thought it was pretty interesting that people...
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    Ludo’s New Song

    Has anyone heard Ludo’s new song? Its freaking amazing something I could definitely listen to all day, everyday. I was on their myspace and saw that they are coming to LA on Nov. 6th. Anyone else going to one of their concerts?
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    Baby Makin' Music

    Anyone have other mood-setting suggestions for music? Preferably R&B…
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    Official Body Music Video

    Marques Houston just posted his official video for Body on his myspace... ( I've watched this video a couple times and I can't really decide what I think about it...on one hand I really like the song but on the other hand I'm not really feeling it...has anyone else...
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    What do you think of Sugar Ray's newest?

    I was so excited when I heard Sugar Ray was coming out with a new album. It’s been a while since they’ve come out with something, and the new album is awesome! Amazon has it for $4 and some of their old hits like Every Morning and Fly come with it. What do you guys think of the new album? How...
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    New documentary

    Just saw the trailer for the new documentary called “Expelled” coming out on the 21st. It features Ben Stein and has a storyline based off religion and science. Seems really interesting!
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    The most embarrassing CD in your collection

    Jonas Brothers....I know I know..i'm not gay. It's actually my little sisters' CD but i listen to Burnin' Up is just too catchy *ashamed*
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    Best Soundtrack

    i actually like a lot of the songs on here...well...actually for X-2. The Yuna lookalike..i forget the name..she has a nice voice :] I think that was sweetbox singing right?
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    Last Movie You've Seen

    last movie The last movie i saw as an eye opening movie called Expelled you should check it out its very deep.
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    What's your favourite band?

    Fav Band I would have to say I really love Cold play and Dealth cab for cute and Copeland...Who else does too.
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    What Are You Currently Listening To? V3

    right now. Right now I am listening to copelands new album and it is getting through the day. The song are totally amazing.