Last Movie You've Seen

I saw the movie Earthsea,

It's a about the world called Eartsea. There's a lad named Ged. He keeps having visions of a girl running around in a castle. Then he discovers he has incredible magician powers and he can see the furute.
The movie was okay but the villain (who's name I forgot) was even worse than Vayne. I really hated the whole Medieval style of clothing.
The movie was something like Harry Potter, but worse.

I think it was Die Hard 4, a good movie, I really like the kid actor that played the sidekick, he's pretty funny.

9/ 10
Nights in Rodanthe - 7/10

Really good movie based off of Nicholas Spark's book about two older people who, after having lots of problems in their personal lives, meet and teach each other how to both love and live again. My only complaint was that it seemed to rush through the character development quite a bit and they changed up a lot of what happened, but I suppose that happens a lot when a book is made into a movie. It was still really good, I just don't think it was nearly as good as A Walk to Remember or The Notebook.
Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King


One of the greatest films ever made, the cast is great, the storyline is well planned, it's got everything it's just a truely amazing film.

Saying that the entire trilology is immense.
last movie

The last movie i saw as an eye opening movie called Expelled you should check it out its very deep.
Indiana Jones: Kingdom Of the Crystal Skull


It was a decent addition to the series, manly because it doesn't venture far from the source material. You could literally pick them all up and believe they were made one after another rather then with 19 year space between.

While that is a plus for the life long fans, that is a negative when you compare it with today's standard of movie. It almost comes off as a B rated flick and some of the scenes such as Shia swinging throughout the jungle like George comes off as a laugh and falls short of anything other.

Overall it is worth a watch for those that have watched the series, but be forewarned...there are "Aliens".
last moovie i watched was Snatch, last night. It's a classic it is awesumly funny.
"i need protection don't i"
"From who...Ze germans"
Star Wars Episode 3 : Revenge of The Sith


I simply adore this movie. The lightsaber fights in particular are epic. I just wish that the film had more Yoda! Or, that the lightsaber fight between Palpatine and Yoda was longer D=
Teeth 8/10

I thought it was really good, bit of a slow starter but once it gets going I was just like xD

It was especially good how she could have sex if she wanted to without damaging any penises, but she could turn in an instant and bite it off :wacky:

I thought it was brilliant when that dog ate her step brothers nob.

Everyone should watch this film xD
Bobby Jones - The Golf Legend

The movie is about a man named Bobby who is the best and most skillful golf player in the world. I'm defenetly not into golf but this movie was honestly very good.

Burn After Reading

To be honest, I was rather disappointed overall with this movie. It had some great parts, especially the ending but for the most part it was rather dull. I had so much hope for this movie but it fell flat before me.

Well, I was bored a few hours ago and put it on Disney Channel +1. It was pretty average, possibly better than most Disney movies that I see. It had some funny moments in it, but that's maybe because I was such a big fan of Sister Sister many years ago. It has Tia and Tamera Mowry in it.

Iron Man

Bought it on dvd and sat my girlfriend down to watch it. Such good fun and I love Robert's actin' in it. Have no complaints about the movie puts me in a good mood watchin' it and singin' black sabbath:P
TITLE: Iron Man
RATING: explosive action packed with some very funny parts
COMMENT: tbh once agen it was a brilliant movie from MARVEL just like the others, the best point for me though was when he fought the Jet Fighters and when he actually put the suit on
SCORE: 9/10
Saw V

Disgusting. Movies that are characterized by torture don't really appeal to me much...though the story wasn't half bad. Probably the best Saw movie since the first, in my opinion.

Pineapple Express


It's one of the best films i've seen in a while it's full of laughter and James Franco played and exelent roll.

I'd recomend it to those who haven't seen it.
The Forbidden Kingdom.


Good movie with alot of action plus Jet Li playing as the Monkey King, Sun Wukong was great!
The Blair Witch Project


Since it was Halloween last night, my friend talked me into renting this movie with her and we stayed up late and watched it. It was kind of like Cloverfield in the sense that the whole movie was shown through events recorded from a video camera, and the story was both disturbing and mind-boggling. I enjoyed it to an extent, but honestly scary movies just aren't my thing.
Haha, Children Of The Corn.
For being such a horror movie buff, I can't believe I've never seen that one. Watching it for the first time was a hilarity--- basically because it's so old. Anyways, I thought it was pretty awesome. I loved some of those demented characters to absolute death.
