Last Movie You've Seen

"The Ruins" - 3/10

I don't know how I manage to see trash films like this. It's horrible. The characters are retarded and the movie has some of the most unnecesary gory scenes I've seen later. And I don't know what's with this "plants killing people is scary" ideea....because this movie is just disgusting...and not even close to scary.

"The Mummy: Tomb of the dragon emperor" - 5/10

Lucky me...another "good" movie. I didn't understand a thing out of it. Jet Li was probably on drugs during the movie. Also the new Evelyn was ... I don't even know how to name her. This movie is just a huge "Whatever".

"Kung Pow: Enter the fist" 6/10

This movie has two memorable scenes: the fight with the cow and that dog that barks and the barking sound comes out about 5 seconds later. But otherwise....nothig special. The voices are extremely's like one of those youtube videos where some random person puts himself over the actual voices. Bleh...
Meet Dave - 7/10

Nothing too special, just another funny Eddie Murphy movie :D

The Incredible Hulk - 9/10

Much better then the previous one, action packed and a great cast. When I heard that Edward Norton was going to play the Hulk I was a bit skeptical tbh, but he nailed it.
For those that are not too familiar with The Hulk, this movie will be confusing and well not that awesome, so I suggest reading a little background if this is the first time you encounter 'The Hulk'.
The 6th Sense

Yes I only just saw this movie for the first time last night. Unfortunately the ending was spoiled for me but it was still very enjoyable never-the-less :D

American Pie 2 - 6/10

Although I like comedies and such, but this movie was disgusting. Some bits were actually funny though. Only this earned the six points.

A South African movie about six days in the life of a young thug. I quite enjoyed it, I was able to pay attention despite the subtitles so all in all a great movie.

Da Vinci Code

I have to say this: ZOMG WOW ZAT WAZ INCDEIBL :gasp:
Before I give it back to my friend I must watch it 3 more times so that I could understand it some more. The movie makes me think....

Red Cliff, 9/10.

This movie was well put together I thought. The battles and fight scenes were great to watch. Zhang Fei's bad temper and Sun Shang Xiang's way of locking acupuncture joints with horses and people made me laugh (no they were not injured).
I can't wait to view part 2 of this movie. That is when the real battle begins!
Tropic Thunder


It was okay. It wasn't amazingly funny, or well acted, but it had it's moments, and it livened up an otherwise dull night.
The Crucible


I had to watch this movie in English this week, and I must say I really enjoyed it. The acting was very good and the storyline was extremely engrossing. It really does give you good insight into the Salem witch trials and just how out of hand and horrifiying that event was.
Last film I saw was The Aviator. I should watch it again before I make a proper judgement, but my reaction was lukewarm.

Martin Scorsese is easily my favourite director, and his style was a little watered down in this movie, but the direction was still great nonetheless. Leo Di Caprio was great in it, as was Alec Baldwin. The effects were good too, and all the settings etc were all fantastic, it was very pleasing on the eye.

The one thing that was missing though was the story. For all the technical brilliance of the movie, I just didn't care much for the characters, and their plight (primarily Di Carprio's, obviously). Plus, when films are long, they need to deserve it, they need to be something special if they approach 3 hours.

Overall, I'd say 7.5/10, a lot of good, mixed in with a fair bit of bad.
Boy in The striped Pyjamas

It was a good film, although not one I would actually pay to go see at the pictures, I can see why people would enjoy it, but I didn't think it was neither great or shit. It was a slow starter about a German boy who moves near a concentration camp because his dad got promoted (and is in charge of said camp) and he befriended a little jewish lad in the camp. It was disturbing in only what got said and what you knew was happening rather than what it showed.

Anyway...unexpected ending was unexpected, just a shame it took so long to bloody start. I expect I would enjoy the book it was based off 10x more. Some parts were really good, just the parts that werent....well, werent >_>

Il give it a.....7/10 I think
I saw a double feature of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Speed Racer

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Was utterly shit, it seemed far to rushed and I didn't like the whole computer generated thing either. All in all an incredibly shit movie which puts the rest of the series to shame.


Speed Racer
The special effects were unbelievable it was a crazy movie and best of all it didn't take itself seriously (any seriousness would have destroyed the movie). I actually really enjoyed this movie a lot and would recommend this movie to anyone (particularly if they are under the influence of an illicit substance :wacky: )

Just saw Eagle Eye as well. It was a decent action flick, but I believe it could've been much better. It reminded me far to much of Metal Gear Solid. The Patriots aspect of that game at least.
the last new film i saw was probably 'wanted' which i thought was awesome, i like action films like that


It makes 310 to Yuma look like a great movie (it was good, not great). They relied far too much on corny humor, they went back far too much on how Virgil Cole (Ed Harris) was practically literally stunted, and they practically shied away on drama.
No Country for Old Men

It was ok, I need to read the book and find out more about the characters and the odd ending.