Last Movie You've Seen

I don't know the name of the movie, but it had Kurt Russell in it. It's some sci-fi movie. It's about the US army replacing their ordinary soldiers with soldiers that have been given superhuman abilities. Kurt Russell finds himself out of the job and left for dead on some random planet after getting the crap beaten out of him by one of the "super soldiers." From there, the movie's all about Russell getting revenge and being a badass while doing it.

It's a pretty crappy movie...but I was entertained as hell while watching it. Huh...weird. Not sure how that works out.

Anywho, I'm giving it a 7/10. Would've given it a worse rating if it didn't relieve my boredom for two hours.
I saw The Illusionist on Tv yesterday for the 2nd time


The first time was better than the 2nd obviously cause I already knew what was gana happen and especially in this movie if you know what and how it happens it's not as good.
Wildchild - 6.5/10

Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I'll give it that. It was full of cliches though, particularly at the start with the American view of the English as a bunch of snobby, prissy twits who like horses. And it got into the main story faaaar too quickly, the start was really rushed. It got better though, and did have a few funny moments, particularly from Juno Temple who imo was the best thing about this film.
The Dark Knight - 5/10

Very dissapointed with this movie.

Memento - 8/10

A great movie and nice perfomance by Guy Pearce. I hope Nolan gets back to his style, one which he has lost in the recent Batman films.
Seen it so many times before, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street.
Easily one of the greatest films in existense. The gothic style is just great, just what you'd expect from Tim Burton. The music is exelent; if people don't bother watching it because it's a musical, then they're either not open minded, immature. The story is very deep also, with many twists, especially towards the end. Overall the film is great, with extremily talented actors also, this is unmissable.

Terminator 2 10/10

Another film I never get bored of watching, although why I watched it on TV when there are adverts and there was loads cut out when I have it on DVD is beyond me, I always do that >_>

Any, it's just an epic film, as good as, if not better than the original :neomon:

We well need a terminamon >_>
American Pie Beta House. >>


It's good for doing what it's supposed to do, offering a unique insight to the crazy world of American universities. It's just a feel good kind of movie with a cheesy plot and crazy laughs. Nothing much more.
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor


While the film was entertaining, the plot made no sense at all. Yetis? Puh-lease! And then a Chinese woman, who had been speaking fluent mandarin throughout the movie, performed the "ancient spell" in ENGLISH. Did they just, like, get bored of making her speak mandarin?

And that woman who replaced Rachel Weisz as Evelyn was just...the worst actress of all time. She really was.

Overall, I had more fun taking the piss out of the "actors" with my friends than I did actually watching the movie.
most recent film i have seen would be,

you don't mess with the Zohan, it is funny, but weird at the same time as he sounds closer to being french than a mossad counter terrorist any way, i give it a 7/10 as it could have been better but it did have it's good bits
Last movie I saw was Tropic Thunder.

I was laughing pretty hard, but you know what kind of humor it is. It's not Oscar worthy; it's made to be stupid. Good thing is, my sides hurt when I came out and that's all that matters.

7/10 (Just for making me laugh)
I watched Million Dollar Baby again last night.


I still cringe at the part where Hilary Swank's character gets her nose pushed back into place because I bloody hate being hit on the nose, it feels horrible. I didn't go much on this movie when I first saw it but over time I've come to appreciate the subtleness of it all, and the deeper story.
I just saw Hamlet 2 last night, and it was pretty good for what it was worth. Not epic, but not a complete flop.

Steve Coogan is just adorable and charming as ever, and the play was absolutely ludicrous, which was great. I'm curious to see if they'll do some kind of take on it as an actual theatre production.

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I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry


Eh, I didn't really like this movie. When I first heard about it, I just knew it was going to be hilarious. It wasn't really though >_> If you're a fan of Adam Sandler you may like it, but it's definately not his best movie.
Last movie I saw, at the theater anyways, was Pineapple Express. Very funny. I enjoyed it. :) I think I'd give it a 7/10 overall.
Casino Royal


The new james bond I thought was better in acting over all than his predecesser.
Ive seen this movie a hundred times before and I still enjoyed it.
Cant wait till the next one
Movie: The Mist.
Rating: 7/10

Its a Stephen King novel I think and to be honest its one I would only watch the once. Its very what the hell and gory as hell.
The last cinema thing i went to was Hellboy 2: the golden army.

8.5 /10

I reckon someones already covered this but sod it, i'm doin it anyway.

Its obviously about the Golden Army, 70 x 70 indestructable machines, loadsa different creatures in this one. Hellboys still got a handfull of good one liners. dont wanna spoil anythin but one of the best bits is when
Hellboy and Abe are drunk as f**k, singin;
but i think the bit straight after is even better, or it could just be me.

the end was a bit weak, but i still recommend it.
The Lives of Others

its a german film we watched in my film class, but i loved it so much I had to buy it. It's a GREAT film. It takes place during the Cold War in East Germany, and it tells the story of a playwright who is placed under Stasi surveillance

Spiderman 3

Just saw this movie yesterday on TV. Well, the film was actually quite good, especially all those special effects and whatsnot. The plot was ok but there was a time when it kinda confused you (because too many things were happening at the same time.) Overall, the movie was satisfying.


And about two weeks ago I went to the movie theater and watched The Dark Knight! I totally fell in love with this one; I liked everything. The special effects were good, the fighting scenes were incredible and most of all, the Joker was just amazing! You know, normally the Joker is portrayed as an evil clown but on this movie....things were completely different. This time, the Joker was actually a madman. The actor was just amazing!


On that same day I watched the Tomb of the Lost Emperor and well, what do I have to say? The first two movies (The Mummy and The Mummy Returns) were really good. It had comedy and had a lot of action and the plot was convincing but this time... the plot was really weird. Whereas the first two movies were set in Egypt, this one was set in China, featuring an ancient evil emperor who is resurrected and wants to destroy the world (like all the evil bad guys xD). Thing is, this movie is not as good as the other ones. Confusing fight (and dark) scenes that will make you want to vomit (due to the camera shaking waaaay too much) and a weird plot will make you scream to get Imhotep back!

Walk the Line 5/10

Didnt think it was anything to spectacular really, it was decent enough to watch to pass the time, It didn't really interest me all that much, there's nothing that really stands out to me at all it's not anything I'l be watching again in a hurry

Ice Age II 10/10

Just as epic as the original. I love this film, tickles me everytime I watch it