Last Movie You've Seen

Hancock 5/10

I'm not watching anymore superhero movies after that one. Will Smith shouldn't had played in that movie.
The Simpsons Movie 8/10

T'was pretty funny at parts, and I enjoyed it overall.
BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHT... pretty good, I lvoed the stories but the animation was horrific on all but 2 of the 6 parts.... why can't they get good anime director's to do these things? The Animatrix also had an abundance of bad animation. 8/10

NEWSIES... its been a long ass time since I last saw this flick... still good, I enjoyed it... Christian Bale was great. 8/10
This afternoon, I saw V for Vendetta, fucking unbelievable if you understand the story.


A very emotional movie about several soldiers fighting in Iraq, and how one is "stop-lossed", or forced to go back to the war zone, on the day he is supossed to get out of the army.

Ryan Phillipe did an amazing job and made his character's situation very believable. Channing Tatum seemed a bit out of place in the movie, but he did allright. Overall, it was a good movie, and I enjoyed watching it.
I just finished watching Paris Je T'Aime...
And I loved it! I knew I would, when I first heard about it ^^
Plus I like the idea of a movie made up of lots of little movies, all about everyone's favourite topic, LOVE!
And it had Natalie Portman in it, who's my favourite actress :D

I just got home from The Dark Knight… and as extreme as it may sound, I have only one explanation…

The Dark Knight is cinematic perfection.

From beginning to end, this film is absolutely awe inspiring… the visuals are intense, the story is wonderfully played out, and extremely full. In fact, there was literally not a single moment of wasted time on screen… no filler, no pointless relief, nothing. Plus the cast was by far the most impressive ever assembled for a feature film. I could not give this film enough praise… its intensity shocked the system, the truth to the characters was preserved brilliantly, and the whole thing was so magnificent and emotionally charged that certain parts of it brought me to tears… including an ending that is so poetic and amazing that… wow… it was just simply… wow.

And everything that has been said about Heath Ledger’s performance is true. He is the Joker. His brilliant portrayal of the madman surpasses all, and even leaves the legendary performance of Jack Nicholson in the realm of mere mediocrity. He absolutely deserves not only an Oscar nomination for Best Actor… but he deserves to win it… period. But his performance wasn’t the only one lighting up the screen… Bale and Caine are back in their rolls, playing them as if no time had passed at all since their first outing, which was great… but the two who, like Ledger, really stood out were Gary Oldman and Aaron Eckhart. I would certainly say that both men deserve Oscar nominations for Best Supporting Actor… they were both truly that good.

With all this, it is obvious that this movie is one you can not miss… but honestly, my praise for it cannot do it justice… it truly must be seen to be believed… and once you’ve seen it, you will understand the praise all too well.

This film receives 6 out of 5 overturned semis… not only is this the best comic to film adaptation of all time, but I would go as far to say that it is the best film I’ve ever seen... and with that, it has become my favorite. This film is truly cinematic perfection.

I saw Kung Fu Panda with my younger cousin. I laughed a few times, it was full of fun and like every average Dream Works film, it taught us a lesson :elmo:

Score : 8/10

But, after that I saw a couple of other films too...

The Exorcism Of Emily Rose: 9/10
Ice Age 2: 3/10
The Tuxedo: 9/10
I saw Mama Mia! today, and it was really good. I never knew that Meryl Streep could sing, much less Pierce Brosnan :gasp: They both did a really good job though, and I enjoyed the music. Overall, I'd give it a 8/10.
Mamma Mia!


It was just perfection. There's no other word I'd use to describe it. The cast were great, particularly Meryl Streep, and Julie Walters just stole the show. It was fantastic from start to finish, none of the songs felt like filler and it's the best film I've seen all year. Just beating Sex and the City. Me and my friend had to phone around 3 different cinemas after the one we wanted to go to had sold out, we ended up going to the 10 o'clock showing, and it was still packed. It made me happy, because it showed how popular ABBA still is. Bloody marvelous film.

It was okay. I didn't like how the director sloppily added an antagonist near the end of the movie, though. It messed up the flow of the story bigtime. Otherwise, it was pretty good. Will Smith did a great acting job as usual.
Takk you made me want to watch Dark Knight real bad now lol.

The last movie I watched was Hancock, I give it a 10 of course, it was funny, and interesting. I just didn't like the twist it had to it, don't wanna spoil it for those who want to but haven't seen it.
Step Up 2 The Streets

I absolutely LOVE this film at the moment, before I watched it I wasn't keen on street dancing whatsoever but now it seems somewhat amazing and artistic. Plus, the music on it is very catchy xD
movie title: constantine
rating: good graphics but not the best
comments: good storyline but again not the best (nothings perfect) but good acting. quite effective in my view but its not the movie that most people would choose and to be honest i just watched it cause its got keano reeves in it.
score: 8/10
The Dark Knight

One of the most anticipated movies of the year, The Dark Knight didn't disappoint... The late Heath Ledger portrayed a truly creepy and violent version of The Joker, which is why i support his posthumous nomination for the Best Supporting Actor in this year's Oscars... Christian Bale was superb, as always, as the Batman / Bruce Wayne...

And not forgetting supporting actors like Gary Oldman (getting more screentime as Gordon), Morgan Freeman (Wayne Ent. CEO Lucius Fox), as well as Aaron Eckhart (Two-Face)...
Little Nicky

It was entertaining, but not as funny as I expected it to be. >_> There were a few laughs but not THAT many... I still enjoyed it though and I thought Rhys Ifans was great in it. x)
The Dark Knight


It was simply an AMAZING film, all the actors were brilliant, and it was one of the best comic book movies I've seen for a long time. The Joker in particular was superb! I'd totally go and see this again, but after the hype's died down. I don't like crowded cinemas D=
Savin Private Ryan 10/10

Epic film is epic. It just has you gripped from start to finish, I love it, I could watch it over and over (Vin Diesel should SO not get dead early on or at all though -__-) Everyone should see this film

I Am Legend - 7/10

It was good but I wouldn't say it was epic or anything, afew friends told me how fabbo it was but I just didn't thiunk it was all that. I cried when the dog died though, didn't see that coming >_> Twats. The ending was utter SHITE aswel.

Unbreakable 7/10

I didn't really pay enough attention watching it 'cause it was late although it was an ok film it just seemed to kick in a little late
cloverfield 9/10
i loved it for its feel it kind of felt like you were in the movie
only downside everyone died
bucket list 10/10
pretty funny for a movie trying to be serious
"CATS BEAT ME TO IT" LMAO:funnyface: