Last Movie You've Seen

Superhero Movie


Seriously, it only gets 2/10 because it had some moments where you could have a good giggle, apart from that it is one of the worst movies I have ever seen...albeit, it was expected. Really though, I advise not to go and see this film, it has to be a minor improvement on other films like this but it's still boring.
I started texting people half way through I was that bored. :wacky:
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The Incredible Hulk 7/10

This movie is soooo boring and the action sucks big time. There were a few cool action scenes and some nice jokes but overall a mediocre movie.
If it weren't for the appearance of Tony Stark at the end of the movie...I think I would have given it a 5/10.
It shows that the sequel movie might hold some promise.
STARGATE CONTINUUM... it was a pretty badass movie... much better than The Ark of Truth was, and it was nice to see SG-1 end with the
end of the System Lords
... I felt that fit quite nice. I also found it interesting and amusing that every member of SG-1, except Col. Mitchel,
had been killed by the end of the film (Jack by Ba'al; Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c by random Jaffa, and Vala by Teal'c)
. It was really entertaining, though it did remind me of the season finale of season 8 a bit... as well as many of the other time travel/alternate reality episodes that were made throughout the series.

Anyway, all in all it was a great end that I really enjoyed... 9/10.

The last movie I saw in theaters was THE INCREDIBLE HULK, the second film in Marvel Studios personal film universe!

Let me start off by saying... Ang Lee's Hulk is nothing but a distant memory and these new filmmakers knew to leave it dead. There are no reminders of that painful ordeal, and thank God for that. This film is a great distance better, and truly a worthy film for any fan, and even those who just watch movies. Even if you enjoyed Ang Lee's horrific Hulk, you'll still enjoy this one, but like I said, the best part is that you'll enjoy even if you hated that shit stain of a comic book adaptation.

The film begins with Banner in hiding... 158 days without incident. But it quickly turns into an exciting and well played action drama, with a huge emphasis on the action. But don't worry... its not mindless Hulk vs Military action with a Hulk that keeps growing... its well played, often emotional action played through sorrow and need. There are three turns as Hulk with action, with four total when including the controlled change... and each one gets better and better, until we get to see the final showdown between the hulking green monster and the abomination... which is a fight that was very pleasing to watch.

Anyway, obviously the filmmaking was top notch. The film followed suit with Iron Man, proving that Marvel's new venture wasn't just a one hit wonder. If it didn't have to compete with the stigma of its previous version, it surely would've done just as well as Iron Man, I think... it is defiantely worth much of the same praise. With two great movies under their belts, I am truly looking forward to everything else Marvel Studios is preparing to through at us... from Thor to Captain America... to an Iron Man sequel and the Avengers... I have high hopes for this connected series of films, and I'm almost certain I won't be let down... becasue if they can make the Hulk this good... God only knows whats coming next.

I give it a well earned 4 out of 5 contaminated soda bottles... this Hulk is definately worth your time and money.

Saw this on the Wednesday after work, the first half was good, it's was funny and enjoyable but after the big plot twist (which you can see a mile off) it's dragged down by the shitty plot developments and lack of funny. Will Smith and Jason Bateman were awesome though.
At home: 5cm Per Second
A beautiful anime! I didn't much like the ending, but the story was very touching and, as with The Place Promised and Voices of a Distant Star, the animation was incredible and highly artistic! ^_^ The music was also very nice, although I didn't like the ending theme. :/

In the cinema: Indiana Jones
I'd never seen an IJ movie before - something many people gasp at - so I wasn't sure what to expect. I thought it was an enjoyable movie, although some bits were overdone... I mean, what was with the
snake used as a rope
and the
mountain of scorpians that later went into a man's nose, mouth and eyes and basically ate him alive from inside and out
? >_<
The Fugitive last night, whatever channel. Seriously, that movie is a classic, no wonder it did so well. Can't wait to watch it again! 10/10

Saw it tonight. The acting is top-notch, the special effects are above perfect, the mostly historical storyline is very pleasing, enough to make any Spartan or free man proud. No more glory than that of the Spartan hero. I think that the special effects didn't shorten the film at all, and its pacing was good. It also makes you amazed at the Greeks in general.

Epic! I loved it!


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I thought it was an enjoyable movie, although some bits were overdone...

Thats Indie for you! It's just lighthearted fun most of the time. Comedy elements thrown in. Yeah its a bit cheesy, but thats what IJ is good for.

I mean... In Indie 3 he bumps into Hitler and gets his autograph. :P

Hmmm.. Last film I saw was Hancock. I give it 8/10. I realy enjoyed it. Yeah it wasnt as much of a comedy as it was advertised as being, but it was still a pretty good movie and good concept behind it.
Last movie I've seen was last summer and it was Harry Potter & The Order Of The Phoenix.But that will change on July 18th! :D
I went to watch Hancok yesterday, Id probably give it a 7.5/10

It was good but it wasn't as good as I expected it to be, it was really funny in parts and the effectws were pretty darn good but the plot just seemed to be abit....shit..... I dunno really, it was good but there was just something missing.....
Prince Caspian (Narnia)
I'd give it a solid 9/10, I actually enjoyed this film a lot more than what I expected to and it easily surpassed the first one in the way of pretty much everything. The acting was amazingly better (especially Prince Caspian), the effects were a lot better and there was far more humour in this one and the storyline was fantastic in my opinion. ^_^
I'd recommend seeing it!
Sex and The City - The Movie.

If you've seen the show, it's a 10/10, and if not, maybe about 7/10.

It was a great movie, and it tied up all the lose ends of the show nicely. Their were some really powerful scenes, the wedding, for example, when Charlotte screams "NO!" at Big, like a woman possessed after Carrie attacks him with the wedding bouquet. Well, it was just a really powerful scene in my opinion.

Kim Cattral as Samantha Jones was, as always, the show stealer. Every scene she was in was just fabulous.
Hancock - 4/10

This movie wasn't that great. I love Will Smith to death, but this definately wasn't his best movie. I do have to say that it has lots of good humor in it, but that doesn't make up for the fact that it had a very sorry excuse for a plot. I recommend spending your eight dollars on another movie and just renting this one when it comes out.
The last movie I seen was also Hancock. I liked it personally. If Will Smith wasn't in it, the movie wouldn't of been that good at all. Overall I give it a 7/10.
Old'ish movie, and I've seen it before countless times, but watched it few days ago and thought I'd make a comment on it...

Blade (the first one)... Hmmm. I don't know how to rate this, perhaps at about a 6-7/10... I think Wesley Snipes is an excellent Blade and I realy like the addition of Whistler, I think he's a pretty cool character... What I don't like is the fact that most of the vampires weren't very menacing, and most of them belonged to nightclubs, were twenty-something and pretty much all played out the same roles. Deacon Frost was ok, but they didnt utilise the character as much as they could have done.. As far as Marvel movies go, it had a very different feel to it. It was an ok movie, but it lacked something big. Same goes for all three movies... It was probably lacking Morbius realy, it would have been so much better if Morbius was in the movie! Would help give it a deeper plot, and an interesting character.
Title: Dont mess with a zohan
Ratin: A funny movie but if u were arabic u might not like it causse its raicest
Comments: Well dis movie is a funny movie dat i laughed so hard in i like almost pissed my self lol.
The bad thing is Adam Sandler talks in a arab acsent so its kind of hard to hear it but most of the time u can understand it.

Score 10/10 XDDD
A movie called The Protector, wasn't that great. Cool martial art scenes but storyline was kinda eh, and it jumped around a lot. I'd give it a 5/10.