Last Movie You've Seen

10000 BC
I liked it, it was pretty interesting but I thought it was another 300 at the end of it. :/
The Happening


This movie was ok.. It certainly wasn't the best scary movie I've ever seen. The plot was interesting up to a point, but then it just became weird. As for the actors, Mark Walburg was the only one that did a good job imo. The woman that played his wife didn't a good job at all..

Go see it if you're bored and want a good laugh! :P
The Bodyguard
The last time I've seen that movie was years ago. But yesterday I bought it and watched it. Completely legend. Best movie of all time. A man gave his life to protect Rachel Marron, a famous singer, from unknown people who are trying to kill her. Little did they know... They fell in love...
I couldn't stop crying at the end :sorry:
Street Kings

story is interesting, however I've seen a story like that in another movie which is older and that's what I didn't like about it.
It's like we are running of ideas :gasp:
Kung Fu Hustle 9/10

I had absolutely o idea what was going on, missed the first 15 minutes or so it was all in subtitles but it was brilliant xD

I wanted to go to bed ages ago but it totaly grabbed my attention when this crazy woman beat the shit out of her husband and threw him out the window. Then a plant pot landed on his head

It was pretty much fighting all the way through although it was obviously a comedy, it was just great xD

And it was quite sweet in parts, specially near the end :wacky:
Kung Fu Panda


I like it a lot, which really surprised me. I thought it may bore me but no, that didn't happen at all. The movie and characters kept me intrigued, especially Po. Such a cute lovable Panda! The ending...uh, well let's just say that in ended pretty quick. There was the very last scene and before you know, the movie ended. Totally unexpected - hence, the 9/10 score. Still very nice though.
Family Guy: Blue Harvest


I didn't like it much actually it wasn't what I expected, I believe The Simpsons movie was better actually, it's not so funny at all even though they could do it -_- .
Knocked Up


After all the good things I've heard about this movie, I was pleasantly suprised to find that I hated it. Usually I like Katherine Heigal, but I found her performance not as good as I thought it would be.. The movie had a few funny parts here and there, but for the most part I found it boring.
Soul Plane


I fuckin love this movie. So funny.

Let's try to lengthen up posts like that in the future and put a bit of content in them. Throw in a few of the amusing parts of the movie or something :)
Blade Runner
I've wanted to see this movie from age ago; and i could finally watch it completely.

It's awesome, so full of topics, questions and scenes that kept you thinking for hours about their meaning.
Monster Inc.


Now this is one of the best movie I've ever watched I thought of watching it again, I find it pretty funny I say and I like animated movies. :monster:

10,000 B.C. is an excellent movie I thought. The storyline along with how the different animals and civilizations all had an important role. It all come together nicely and questions were answered with the right timing I thought. The whole time I couldn't stop watching the movie. Waiting to see what was going to happen next, right along with sharing the same feeling with certain characters. The love and strength of the main character is something everyone can relate to one time or another in their life time. Along with the pain and sorrow.

I totally agree with anyone who says this is a must see movie.
The Science of Sleep - 6/10

By Michael Gondry, so naturally rather confusing. >< Even more so because it was in 3 languages aswell. I really liked the dream sequences in it, I thought they were done well, but I found the general plot really bland. I thought the ending was stupid aswell, Stephane just lost his mind at Stephanie's place, but nothing really happened... although for all it was a boring conclusion I guess it kind of fitted the rest of the film, as nothing actually happened. o_O
I Am Legend


Meh I didn't like it at all, story was crap also the ending was crap I was going to die from boredom I was interested at all when I was watching in, also the Virus thing is just dull at least they should have explained the reason of Virus, not just start like that. -_-

12 Monkeys. It's an older movie and it's really confusing but the plot and message in the story was great. I loved the movie although it was kinda creepy what they were trying to do the whole time and that it could actually happen to us.
last night i watched the first 10/15 minutes of AVP 2 but i got bored of it and then last night i recorded Pathfinder, which i watched this morning witch is actually a good film, lots of blood gore and violence

Kung Fu Panda

Plot line, Character Animation, Music all five stars. Never have I laughed so hard at a Dreamworks movie. :monster:

Movie Title: I Am Legend
Rating: Very great, with Will smith in it!!
Comments: Prolly one of those great movies you guys would like around here, if you like creatures killing people..
Score: 9/10 for sure!!
Blade Runner
I've wanted to see this movie from age ago; and i could finally watch it completely.

It's awesome, so full of topics, questions and scenes that kept you thinking for hours about their meaning.

Seriously, I love you. LOVE Y O U. Blade Runner is one of my favorite movies, of all time. I find it to be a masterpiece. Thank god, someone has seen it. Anyway, the last movie, for me, was Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian. It was pretty good! Not too bad, at all. I enjoyed it. That dude that played Caspian set my loins on fire. So, maybe that's why I liked it soo much? Maybe. ;)