Last Movie You've Seen

Ghosts 6/10

Fact is, the movie only lasts for 35 minutes. Costumes are weird apart from Michael Jackson. I couldn't believe that behind the mayor's mask it was Michael too. There were two main characters and both of them were MJ.
The movie was made in 1997. Dance moves are good (duh!!)

Watch it and laugh I guess :elmo:
The Da Vinci Code 10/10

I was extremely skeptical about watching this movie at first because I thought it was going to a Bible-thumping, Jesus-loving movie, but boy was I wrong o_o It was epiiiiiiiicccccc. The storyline was awesome, it really makes you think about things and some of the stuff is so in-depth it's amazing. It's one of those movies you have to really pay attention to and observe every detail, otherwise you could possibly get lost. Tom Hanks and Ian McKellen pulled off some seriously awesome roles. Really great movie and would def watch again.
Iron Man!!

Loved it! But I rate a 9/10.

It lacked a lot of fighting action. :monsmash:

But Robert Downey Jr. was perfect for the part! :)
The last movie I saw was INDIANA JONES and the KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL.

I must say, I am quite impressed by this film. It has proven that you can take an old franchise and revitalize it with a new story for a new generation while not losing what made the franchise so great to begin with. The film has wild adventure, amusing one liners, and plenty of action, all the while telling a story that, while moving the franchise from fantasy to sci-fi, manages to retain its roots in archeological mysteries and wonderment.

From the beginning of the film, it is 100% a loyal and deserving sequel, much more so than 1984's Temple of Doom could possibly dream to be. Starting of with a great action sequence, the tone is set for the film, and its a wild ride with great fun, awe-inspiring visuals, and just enough fan service to not over shadow the film, but make you feel "in" the know. And while some of these may not be needed, they are quite cool nonetheless. The ark, of course, is a spiffy little tidbit, and its played so quickly and so low key, that I really don't understand why anyone would slight the film for it... I mean, hell... even The Last Crusade made a similar reference, except that actually had character acknowledgement of it, making it a much heavier reference than what is in this film... blah, anyway! There is also a line near the end that got a couple laughs (I smirked at it, myself) because of its indirect reference of another film, but I won't say what was said, I'll just let you see it for yourself.

Anyway, in the long haul, this is definitely a great sequel to the franchise. If I were to place it among the others, it would probably be just as good as Last Crusade, leaving Raiders always the best. That said, my enjoyment of the film was probably higher than all the others. Even though I feel that Raiders was the best of the films, I had always enjoyed Last Crusade more than it, but this one has taken that mantle away from it. I truly enjoyed this film, even with my minor gripe (which is actually fairly lame and was much of an after thought to the film's finale, so I will not say what it was in this review, just know that it is extremely minor).

All in all... I give it a solid 4 out of 5 knives in a gunfight... any and all Indy fans will enjoy this film, methinks... okay... maybe not all, because there are undoubtedly going to be a slew of anal-retentive "purists" who will feel as though Lucas has raped their childhood, yet again... but I'd recommend ignoring those psychos, and going to see this film at your earliest convenience. It really is great fun, and I will certainly be seeing it again this weekend.

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Wolf Creek - 3/10

According to the case it was the scariest film of the year. My. ARSE. It was a slow starter, was barely gruesome, and just had a fair bit of screaming in it

It was based on a true story, that's about as interesting as it got. I can't say Id recommend this mockery of a film
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Rating: 4/10

I gave it a four because it puts me to sleep faster than alkaseltzer+. Make sure all your family and friends have seen this movie. If you don't, then you can never be sure that someone close to you won't want to watch it, forcing you to watch yet again. That's the only reason I subjected myself to LotR. Boring on so many levels.
National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets 10/10

This movie was an absolutely excellent movie and amazing follow-up from the first one. I liked seeing more interaction with Ben's father in this one and the actual 'bad guy' in the story surprised me at the end!
I certainly didn't expect him to sacrifice his life in order for Ben to get out and the City of Gold to be discovered!
The plotline was excellent,
especially the kidnapping of the President. o_o
The suspense was intense. All in all a very excellent movie!
Death Note! 10/10

The Death Note Movie was in theaters for 2 days only, and i saw it last night. it was AWESOME! They actually took the English anime VAs and dubbed them over the Japanese acting. it was suprisingly good :D

Bastards, they raped the book. OH NOES we can't show the FBI like this, they must all be good guys. BASTARDS. Argh It's totally pointless, I hate them.


The majority of the movie was good, it lacked the sarcasm of the book and I hate how they change every thing so that they can make moral judgements. It's a good movie and all, but it's nothing comapred to the book.
FMA Conqueror of Shambala = 8/10(it's my third time ,1 RAW, 1 subbed, 1 dubbed)

It won best animation in the Tokyo Int Anime Fair (I think 06). It was a good movie all in all with brilliant animation and good story continutation to the series. But I still understand why Al's body came back, because is the Gate supposed to be like God?
The last movie I saw in theaters was THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN.

I was impressed on its scale and telling of the story. Of the seven Narnia books, Prince Caspian was always my favorite, and Prince Caspian, himself, is my favorite Narnia character, so being impressed by the film should mean that much more. The casting was great and the acting was quite better than the first, as were the effects and choreography. Oh, and I must admit I loved Peter's duel, and the whole thing just kept me on the edge of my seat... it was very well done.

In fact, the film did an excellent job at recapturing the magic of Narnia 1300 years later while retaining the difference set forth in the book, and portraying such brilliantly upon screen. The big events are here in full force, and there is really something to be said about the director's ability to take a children's story and make it so all out on film, while maintaining a PG rating. Its obvious this film had a hard time reaching this rating, and sadly, with this knowledge, there is the aggitation in knowing that there is more to be seen, as there was with the first film. As such, I can't wait for the extended edition that, like the first film, will undoubtedly have plenty of extra footage, most of which will be within its battles, and in a film where the story was retained, and though the action was great, but just seemed like it had been edited a bit to reach the lower rating, that is a great thing to look forward to.

Now, even though its obviously edited in terms of violence, I don't reckon one would really notice unless you really look at the scenes... I went in to the theater knowing that Disney had edited the film's battles in order to recieve a PG rating from the MPAA, and this undoubtedly alerted me to the presence of the edited battles, thus, noticing where trims may have been was an accidental side effect... but I don't think anyone who is just watching the film casually would notice. And even if you did, its still a great movie, and is definately worth seeing.

Thus... I give it solid 4 out of 5 angry warrior mice... go ahead and see it in theaters while everyone else is busy watching Iron Man and Indy 4... I don't think you'll be dissapointed, especially if you enjoy fantasy, as this is the best fantasy film in years.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Errrmm, well I'll give it 2 ratings I guess.
- As a film in general 6/10
- An an Indy film 2/10

The acting was pretty good and Harrison Ford did a great job as Indy (the Fedora is amazing...I want it -__-), however, the first half of the film was just like whaaaa? I mean, it went from
CGI gophers
hiding in a fridge when an atomic bomb went off
and then to
aliens in an Indy film
. It was all a bit random.

All being said, overall I enjoyed the film it had its moment of humour and epic scenes but overall it didn't feel like an Indy film at all.
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"A walk to remember" 10/10

It's good to see a love story from time to time, especially a great one. It features Mandy Moore and Shane West and it shows how the coolest punk in high-school can fall in love with a girl that is the exact opposite of him. Also it has a sad ending which was perfect IMO.
What happens in Vegas


I saw this for my friends birthday, and while the plot was very predictable, Cameron Diaz was great, and it had quite a few funny moments. Tad too short, and too much of a chick flick for my liking though.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian


Just saw it earlier. It was pretty good, but the ending was kinda horrible. =/ Beautiful scenes and all though. I like the first Narnia better since they showed more creatures there (the Phoenix was my favorite) and here the only cool creatures that I saw were the griffins.
In the Valley of Elah.

I pretty much hate any films related to the war in Iraq, but this one was surprisingly decent. Don't care much for Tommy Lee Jones. Don't care much for Tommy Lee Jones in a pro-war racist republican role. But whatev. Charlize Theron saves arse in pretty much any movie she's in.


Would go up a point because the ending was pretty good, but everything before that dragged so much that I can't muster it. >_<
The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

I really enjoyed it, I thought that it was exciting and had some really good moments in it. There were some parts that had me thinking 'Wtf!? o_O' but overall I think it was a great film, even if it wasn't 'traditionally' Indie.
Best of Charlie Chaplin

Ah yes. The acting legend Charlie Chaplin. Since 1914 he made people laugh. Now, I imagined it was going to be boring, after all our world has many new things invented overa hundred years. Surprisingly I laughed so much I squeezed out a tear or two. Brilliant film.
Therefore I give it 8 out of 10
The last movie I saw was Transformers.

Not the most recent one, but the cartoon version from the '80s.

It was a little boring but it was certainly action packed and although it's only rated PG, one of the characters curses, which is always fun.