Last Movie You've Seen

Saw IV
I never liked Saw movies I don't think it's scary it's most likely disgusting O_O , like when in Saw III that girl open Saw dude head now that's not scary :monster:
American pie: Beta house
9/10: i have a really twisted sense of humour and thus i found this film extremely funny. it had a lack of storyline as such it was just a kind of war of dysfunctional behavior between two college frat houses
Fight Club (1999-what? I like old movies?:P)


Great movie, can be quite confusing if you don't pay attention. It explains very well the duality of nature and a possible development of an alternate consciousness.

Anyone could be the "Nameless" person and "Tyler" :wacky:
Rocky Horror Picture Show

This film is brilliant! XD The songs are ace, one thing that can really ruin a musical is bad songs (I felt that with Sweeney Todd) but I loved all of them, Time Warp obviously being a classic. And the film reminds me so much of those really weird dreams I have... I loved it. :wacky:
Enchanted 8/10

I didn't think I was going to like this movie, but it was actually pretty cute. It had alot of funny moments in it, and I found myself really liking the actors. If you like "Dr. McDreamy" off of Grey's Anatomy, you will definately be happy with his performance. The movie had a pretty good storyline, and it's good to watch at least once. It's really more of a chick-flick, so I wouldn't recommend it for the guys; even though I completely doubt any would watch it anyway :P
Princess Mononoke

It wasn't a terrible anime film, but I didn't enjoy it much. Not enough fighting. I got tired of watching wolves speak with boars and monkeys. The animation was pretty cool, though.
Moulin Rouge


Overall I enjoyed it, and I loved the colours and costumes and I thought that the story was great. My one disappointment though was that I was expecting original songs... not that some of the songs weren't good but, I just think it would have been a lot better that way. It was the main let down that stood out to me anyway.
Robocop III


I gave it a point because it was terrible to the point that I laughed at it. "My friends call me Murphy. You call me........Robocop." Oh, god. xD
Alice in Wonderland


The book is one of my favourite's ever, the film was alright I guess. I think I'm a bit too old now to be able to watch the film and enjoy it without over-analysing everything though. >< I would have probably liked it more if I had watched it as a kid beforehand, for the whole nostalgia effect... I didn't even know it was made into a film. :wacky:
Alice in Wonderland
Scaaaaaary :wacky:

Anyway, The Ring


Its not an AMAZING film but I can pass as decent especially since its got Naomi Watts in it ;), it is actually pretty scary in some places to be honest...but then again if I'm scared of Alice in Wonderland then make your own judgement. The visuals are superb in the film too!

...I got I am Legend on BluRay today aswell so I need to make some time to watch that too!

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Haha, don't worry, I was scared at the care bears movie. :wacky:

Just watched The Blues Brothers. 10/10 =D Goddd this film had everything! Car chases, explosions, music, humour, mad exes. XD I loved how Jake and Elwood managed to stay cool throughout the whole thing, especially when the woman kept trying to kill them, and they'd just get up and say 'We better get off to work' or whatever. xD
I'd be too, "Secret Bear says not to worry. No one can keep a secret like Secret Bear." :wacky: Like whaaaaaaa?

I finally watched I am Legend today!


Film was fantastic although I was absolutely devastated when Sam died :sad2:
I still need to watch the alternative ending though thats on the disc...and Will Smith is awesome in this film too!

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I watched 'The Color Purple' yesterday. I found it really enjoyable. I was really surprised with Whoopi Goldberg, sometimes you can forget how good an actor someone like her can be.

I'd give it 9/10
Gangs of New York
I've just finished it and was quite disappointed with it especially since it was a Scorsese film. He seemed to have too many elements and it made everything seem half-baked since it was all over the place. DiCaprio and Diaz also were terrible. The only true great thing about the film was Daniel Day-Lewis who was excellent in this as Bill 'The Butcher' Cutting.
Titanic - 10/10

Yes, 10. I'm a big sap really, but I love this film. <3 I never usually cry at it but I must admit my eyes did water a tad. >_> Kate and Leo are just great in it, and I love the story... it's just a legend of a film. ><
Like others, the last movie I saw was IRON MAN, the first of what is sure to be a great Summer movie season!

This film was simply amazing! It begans wit ha cliffhaning moment then returns to a day or so before after the title, but the build up to the scene is just as entertaining as the shock scene. In fact, the entertainment valua of this movie is simply a shock to my system. There seriously was not a single moment in the film where I wasn't entertained. From the very beginning the film retains a perfect blend of humor and action, it was really surprising.

Not a single moment of the film was bad, slow, or even a little sluggish, imo. The origin story was told great, especially considering it sorta had to compete with its animated film version, the developement of the suit was simply fun, the tests were extremely action packed, and then his first real battle was jaw dropping in scenes and all around a joy to watch. Everything was awesome, right up to its final scene that cuts to credits with probably the best ending of a superhero movie... ever... not to mention the amazing post credits scene with Sam Jackon as Nick Fury, during which he makes mention of the Avenger Initiative... too damn cool!

Anyway, the story and character interaction is perfect, the cast for the film could not have been chosen better, and the casting director(s) seriously need to be given an award for putting this cast together. Not a single person was out of place, or less good than any other within their given roles. It was simply an amazing experience to watch this cast work so well together.

I give it a perfect 5 out of 5 fire extinguishing robots... you should go see this movie today! Seriously, I almost never give a film a perfect score... so what are you still doing here? Go see it! Go on! GO!

Rocky Balboa
The sixth Rocky film was surprisingly really good. It doesn't hit the heights of the first couple but this was a nice and well put together film (the fight/training scenes were cool) and it ends the series on a good note. No serious complaints whatsoever.
Baby Mama: 7/10

I saw this movie last weekend, and I can't bring myself to give it an 8. I mean, Tina Fey and that other lady are pretty funny together, but it wasn't like I was dying of laughter or anything. I actually almost fell asleep once because I was so tired, but I expect movies to keep me awake at least. Still, it was a little better than decent.
iron man 9/10 a great movie.

i love the ending after the credits. and when tony stark says "the truth is... I AM IRON MAN" it was just breath taking.