Last Movie You've Seen

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. I gave it a 9/10 because it was far better than the first two. I was completely satisfied with how it turned out and it was emotionally driven. The fights were fantastic and better than I had anticipated. I knocked off a point for some cheezy lines in some areas.
I watched "Day of the Dead".


A piece of junk. Zombies who find it amusing to walk on the walls and run faster than the "survivors". Classic storyline, clasic flesh eating morons behind every corner....zombie film. It ends so lame. Why does that black guy have to die? He's so cool. Anyway....

I recomend it only to zombie film fans.:wink:
Resident Evil Extinction.

I saw it when it came out in the cinema, but I've just seen it again last week because I bought the DVD.

It's really good, an it does seemed to have improved a bit. It's still a bit cheesy and stuff, but It was cool seeing Ali Larter as Claire, and Milla was even more kick ass in this one!

The Mist.


It was a good movie overall, but the ending just put me off. I didn't like it at all, although I do think it was very dramatic. Still, it's one of those movies that I would watch more than twice.
im going to go see prom night on saterday (with my new girlfriend :D) so im gonna rate it a 8/10 just for that hahaha (scary movie with girlfriend = huging whole movie lmao = great movie)
Resident Evil Extinction.

I saw it when it came out in the cinema, but I've just seen it again last week because I bought the DVD.

It's really good, an it does seemed to have improved a bit. It's still a bit cheesy and stuff, but It was cool seeing Ali Larter as Claire, and Milla was even more kick ass in this one!


the main guy looks like the flood from halo (so they need to fix that next time or something...)
Blood In, Blood Out (1993)


Well, It's classic movie, I really liked it, great story, you it's old so you'd still the acting was kinda lame, but still a great movie.
Last Movie I Watched: Resident Evil: Extinction

Mint film, not as good as resurrection but quite good anyways.
The last movie I watched, well actually Last 3 movies i watched...was the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

I love these movies. The only thing I don't like, is the super long ending of the last one. It just drags on FOREVER.....I mean couldn't they have just ended it like 20 mins before they did?

Other than that...great trilogy. I rate it 8/10

Last new movie i watched? probably the Mist. I loved it. Ending is super sad. I almost cried.
Chicken Little


Eh, alright. I didn't really like it, but it certainly kept the children at my daycare all occupied. There was some pretty entertaining stuff, but I thought the scenes for "father and son" was a little too corny for my taste. Hah, what'd you except, eh?
8 Mile
It wasn't the greatest movie around, and the only thing I liked about it is that I recognized some areas in Detroit and the metropolitan area. I never seemed to care for the characters and could care less on what happened to them
Spirited Away

Watched it again with my mate last night and I just love it, it's so sweet and magical I could watchit over and over and not get bored
Live and Let Die - One of the better Bond films imo, with one hell of a tune to go with it. I missed the start off it though because I was in bed... I love the bit where the top of the bus gets sliced off, epic. XD
The Untouchables
Its amazing, it's violent, but the violence isn't there for violence's sake, it was part of the movie. It had great actors and it had so many good lines in it. It was orgasmic. Some bits were a bit unrealistic, but it doesnt matter because it was so good
This was a really stupid movie I can't believe I watched the whole thing. This is what happens where there is nothing good on tv. The acting was bad, and the special effects were worse. The most horrific thing about this movie was the plot which was the biggest failure I've ever known.
Terminator 2

Every time i see the movie, i still feel guilty for not been able to see such masterpiece on a theater. It just an awesome movie. Even after all those years, everything on the movies seems so perfect.


The movie was dubbed Blair Witch meets 9/11. Well that's not far off. The cameraman draws you in as you strive to visualise what the camera sees. Like War of the Worlds, the movie works because you only ever get to see the monster from a first person perspective and you only get a limited sight of it to. This creates tension like the Alien movies did and the horror is limited so the viewer is not subjected to a gore-fest like some of the other Hollywood horrors. There are also questions of the monsters presence. Where did it come from? What type of animal is it? Can it be killed? Is it alien? The length of the movie cannot answer these for us and again it adds to the realism of the movie. Because such a disaster has never taken place on our planet in our history, you cannot make it a glossy blockbuster like a war movie. You have to make this as realistic as possible. Filming it in hand-held camera works a treat especially with a back story and humour.
Street Kings
Almost completely worthless film. Cliched and predictable story/characters, badly scripted, poorly acted (overacted in some ways) by most and a lot of other mean things. Only saving grace was Hugh Laurie basically playing House but as a cop instead of a doctor. Even more bitter is that I was intending to watch There Will Be Blood instead.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall

I saw it on the release date last night with my Horton Hears a Who buddy. I really don't like comedy movies, but little did I know that this isn't any ordinary comedy movie; it's a ROMANTIC comedy! Noooo! However, it seems a bit more geared towards the male audience, so it isn't as bad genre-wise in this instance. However, it wasn't the best movie I've ever seen.

I found myself laughing at a few hilarious parts, a few witty parts, and a few purely stupid parts. Most of the characters are abstract and humorous, although a few are too cliche in their humor. I also paid attention to the audience, and they only laughed a bit more than I did, which wasn't incredibly much. It has more of a storyline than the average comedy, so that's a plus in my book.

I can't put my finger on why a portion of the 'funny' moments flopped for me, probably because I don't like the main actor. It's worth seeing if you like comedies though, because apparently my friends loved it.
Isn't the main character played by Russell Brand, probably the least unfunny and annoying comedian of the last 10 years?

Because if he was that'll be the reason.