Last Movie You've Seen

We watched The Number 23 tonight and that was a really good psychological thriller! It's Jim Carrey's newest movie and I swear it's so odd to see him play such a serious role and to hear the word 'fuck' come out of his mouth a lot. The ending was a rather unsuspecting twist, but so very good. I'd recommend anybody see this ^_^ I loved it, especially if you're into numerology.
We watched The Number 23 tonight and that was a really good psychological thriller! It's Jim Carrey's newest movie and I swear it's so odd to see him play such a serious role and to hear the word 'fuck' come out of his mouth a lot. The ending was a rather unsuspecting twist, but so very good. I'd recommend anybody see this ^_^ I loved it, especially if you're into numerology.

i loved that movie the end was twisted but it was so good. jim carrey was serious but he had some comedic moments
Well, I didn't have much choice in seeing it. xD We went to a rather small theater that was only showing maybe 5 movies... I didn't want to get stuck with '27 Dresses' and the only other thing playing at the same time was 'Meet the Spartans'.

Just hearing the name 27 dresses just burns out borefest o_O I have never heard of that movie before and now honestly I don't think I want to. I probably would have settled for meet the spartan's or another movie some random other movie... or just go to a restuarant and say this is better than any movie XP
We watched The Number 23 tonight and that was a really good psychological thriller! It's Jim Carrey's newest movie and I swear it's so odd to see him play such a serious role and to hear the word 'fuck' come out of his mouth a lot. The ending was a rather unsuspecting twist, but so very good. I'd recommend anybody see this ^_^ I loved it, especially if you're into numerology.

I've never seen this film, but I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which has Jim Carrey in it, and his role was a *serious* one for once, it was so weird! But it just proves what a great actor he really is, as I still thought that he was really good in the film. ^.^
I watched Cloverfield yesterday. It was good up til the end. Which I laughed at how pathetic it was and how i felt cheated.
i watched superbad the other day. the movie was rather long and kinda dull...until i started talking about it with my friends..then it started to seem funny..

teh only real bad thing about it, the ending was drawn out too long.
I just watched Rush Hour 3. I had a few lulz from watching that. Good story line and i love movies with Jackie Chan in them. Ive also seen 1 and 2 so i really wanted to see it. "You're Asian, stop humiliating yourself!"
Loved it
After the movie i actually thought for a second i could teleport too =D
The only bad thing about the movie was that I had to see it in one of those small theater rooms instead of those big rooms.
Movie: The Condemned

Rating: R

Comments: There were some cheesy lines, but I enjoyed the movie's plot. Ethically, it's awful, but it provides good entertainment. Watching criminals kill each other is a good time!

Score: 8/10
One of my favourite films such a thought provoking and well written written film with a great cast. It keeps you guessing all the way through and even when you get to the end you will still have questions!!
Alien Vs Predator: Requiem

The movie was.. how to say it.. average? Dunno, except by a few scenes and the fact that this movie it's kinda more violent that all previous movies of Alien or Predator, i didn't find nothing memorable.

Also, it has a lot of story mistakes about the stories and the movies x3
The last movie I saw was Sweeny Todd, thanks LA for telling me to see it:P

anywho, 9/10!!!

I loved this movie, lovely story line, great songs, and all the gore made it all the more better :wacky:
I watched two films actually....
The Eye - 8/10

Nice movie and pretty scary with all those sudden "Booo!!" scenes. The story seems pretty first because it really sucks in the end....I mean...why? Watch it and you'll see what I mean. And Jessica Alba looks nice.:rolleyes:

Cloverfield - 7/10

Kinda lame....I was expecting to see something more scary... not....mass panic. There was just a bloody scene...if you can call it like that. The end was soooo lame.....way tooo lame. least the shoulder camera ideea is nice....I could feel the panic...for like 30 minutes then it transformed into the most boring crap.:dry:
Run Lola Run - 10/10

Despite my friend screaming 'NOO DON'T BUY *THAT* FILM, IT'S TERRIBLE!!' at me in hmv, I thought it was great! Basically, it was about a girl (called Lola, funnily enough) who has 20 minutes to find 100,000 DM (German film) for her boyfriend, or else he will be killed by his mob boss. It was an action film, but the plot wasn't too heavy or complicated like a lot of them. It was uniquely directed aswell, there were parts of the film that went back in time, or were in animation. It showed how random life can be, and how the tiniest of details can change the outcome of a situation.
10 Things I hate About You - 8/10

Good film, I currently have a mancrush on Julia Stiles x_x I cried aswell at the end bit with the poem >.< Always sets me off lol.
well i just now got around to seeing taladega nights. funny movie, i liked it alot. will farrel can act and really make his characters believable.
Vantage Point.
And I can say that it was VERY good.
I'm usually rather good at predicting what will happen next in thrillers, but there were two scenes that totally threw me through the loop.

And it's very short, the entire thing is action packed. Great movie. <3
Last thing I've seen?

Actually been at least a month.

I saw Penelope, which was rather funny, but not exactly my kind of thing. I'm really sad to have missed Resident Evil: Extinction, I am Legend, and Die Hard 4.0. Guess I don't take so much of an interest in movies anymore.
Bridge to Terabithia-10/10

I remember reading the book vaguely when I was a child in elementary school, but I had forgotten a lot about this story, until I saw the movie. It was so excellently thought out and so well done, but those last 20 minutes until the credits was just absolutely heartbreaking...if you want to watch a tearjerker, this is definitely one of those types of movies. Excellent job, and teaches children the joys and the pain of growing up.