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  1. G

    Abortion - your views.

    It makes perfect sense. You just fail to see the sense it makes. Are you telling me that without the influence of your religion in you life that you would be exactly the same person you are today, have the same views on moral standards and so forth? Some how I very much doubt so. The things we...
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    Google Wave

    So I got my invite to use the Google Wave beta a few days ago. I think it's brilliant despite how it lacks all of it's functions and features. Maybe so good it's replacement for e-mail? quite possibly so. Does anyone else have a Google Wave account?
  3. G

    [V3] What's Your Mood?

    Mood: Run down. Reason: Feeling like I am coming down with the flu. It's an absolute pain in the backside because I probably will getting it. Thankfully though, I probably won't be ill for another 12 months if I am getting the flu.
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    Serious Is there a name for this type of person?

    I think what you are talking of is Abstinence or Sexual Abstinence. Or maybe even Asexuality. Or even Antisexualism. There are a few terms that describe what you are speaking of, some differ in ways to others. Though I am unsure if there is a term to describe the person. Have a read into these...
  5. G

    Abortion - your views.

    If a secular judgement cannot meet such preconditions then why are many aspects of our life dictated by those who base actions on religious beliefs? They may not come from a leader directly but certainly influenced by. And to say that Christian Pro-Lifers have a moral and more defensible...
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    push the person above u on an FF character

    *pushes Jumbo Cactuar onto The God of War*
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    Liberi Fatali in 2004 Summer Olympics

    How odd, makes it seem quite dramatic. lol I'd also like to know this
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    Raised with religion

    I was brought up in an open minded family. Which I am very grateful for in the long run. It has allowed me to keep an open mind not only when it comes to religion but many other matters I have approached in life. My parents do not follow any religion and as far as I am aware my Grandma is a...
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    You're certainly not the only person to get annoyed by something like that. It really irritates me also. I've see it so much on Facebook that I have stopped using it regularly, or maybe I should just stop being friends with these people? You're right about having no excuse because of Firefox's...
  10. G

    Abortion - your views.

    mothcorrupteth, I had been awaiting your reply which would bring religious views into the matter. In all honesty I was not expecting it to be brought into the matter so quickly. Your God is not the same as my God, your beliefs are not the same as my beliefs. Therefore I could never sin as you...
  11. G

    Is it possible to beat with no save?

    I think I have to agree with everyone else when they say it's a memory card promotion rather than to set you a challenge. I highly doubt that any sort of unlockables would be given also. But I'm surprised no-one has suggested this. We have all this talk about leaving you're PC/Playstation on...
  12. G

    Abortion - your views.

    Actually I have never seen any research a papers that claim the Brain has enough activity to be responsive within the Embryogenesis period (0-12 weeks). In fact as there is no Neocortex and the Thalmus does not connect until around week 26, without the Thalmus the brain cannot interpret anything...
  13. G

    Abortion - your views.

    It amuses me greatly that I managed to provoke such a response from someone that obviously did not read my post correctly and the ones that came before it. It amuses me more that you compare the persecution of Jews to abortion. I'd love to be able to tell you that the comparison is uncanny but...
  14. G

    [V5] What are you currently listening to?

    'Past Mistakes' by Tricky I absolutely love this song, in fact I love most of his work. He has such a different approach to the Rap/Hip-Hop genre that everything he does seem's original to him without getting recycled to death...
  15. G

    Dad Asks Daughter For Sex Through Facebook

    That is absolutely disgusting, I cannot believe a man would do something like that to any child never mind their daughter! Thankfully though the kid was smart enough to go and tell someone what had been going on. But what makes things like this worse is the fact that this man isn't the only...
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    May 2011

    I can't believe no-one has mentioned it yet but visit the TATE Galleries, even if you're not interested in art. It's a fantastic place to go. Also, take walk through Soho... Oh and while you're in England, make sure you try out Fish & Chips! And if you're in England on a Sunday, go find...
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    The DeviantArt Thread

    Nothing really on here right now but:
  18. G

    Parents who are just too embarrassed

    I never speak to my parents about anything anyway, never mind trying to talk to them about my sex life. I never did have the "birds and the bees" talk with them when I was getting to "that age" either. To be honest I don't think I would want to, my family tend to be very private people and only...
  19. G

    Favorite Music Composer?

    Other than Nobuo Uematsu, I'd have to say that Clint Mansell is one of my favourites due to his absolutely amazing work on Requiem for a Dream. Harry Gregson-Williams is another for most of his different work, especially his work on with Hybrid. But my all time favourite is Henryk Górecki, his...
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    Abortion - your views.

    StarGirl87 you make some very good points about embryo's being fully formed human. People don't seem to realise that up until a certain period after the abortion limit, fetus' are never conscious. So along with what I mentioned earlier about the not yet developed neocortex, they will never feel...