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  1. Kazzlin

    Help Beach Plugs

    Yes,they were. I wasted so much time looking for 'em and they were right in front of me. I feel pretty silly right now. Aw well,I least I got some good leveling out of it. Thanks,everyone!
  2. Kazzlin

    Help Beach Plugs

    I swear,when I scanned those things,it didn't say they were beach plugs. And yeah,I did try to manipulate them,but it didn't work. I'll try again,though.
  3. Kazzlin

    Help Beach Plugs

    Yeah,Ive tried the beaches around Costa Del Sol and around Gongaga Village. I've gotten lots of those egg-shaped Russian doll things and and the brown shell creatures with the long feelers,but no beach plugs. It's maddening,because I did fight a few of them when I first arrived in the area. But...
  4. Kazzlin

    Help Beach Plugs

    Okay,so I'm trying to get the Big Guard skill,but I've been running up and down the beaches for hours and B. Plugs don't seem to want to appear. Are they a rare creature or am I doing something wrong?
  5. Kazzlin

    Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep GamesCom Trailer [8/19]

    Cool, Leonard Nimoy!
  6. Kazzlin

    Boost GF's Magic

    As many times as I've played FF8,I've never noticed this. *facepalm* I'm currently re-playing it now and I'm gonna have to try it.
  7. Kazzlin

    Legendary Weapons

    I'm working on that now,I'm going to try to get all of them this time. So far I've got Yuna's and that was pretty easy,but time consuming. I'm currently trying to get Kimahri's,but I'm having a tough time with those damned butterflies!
  8. Kazzlin

    Hey everyone

    Thanks,everyone! This place is really cool,I can see I'm gonna like it here.
  9. Kazzlin

    Have you cried playing this Game?

    No,I didn't cry,but this is the first game I ever played,that made me really care about the characters. It's such a great story. Alright,maybe I choked up a little...
  10. Kazzlin

    Hey everyone

    Hi guys,I'm Kazzlin,but you can call me Kazz. I've joined,because I've recently started playing FFX again and had forgotten how much I loved it. Final Fantasy is my favorite game series and I wanted to meet some like-minded people. I thought it would be cool to have some folks that I could...