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  1. BlueMage

    Original The Abyss Is Forever

    Why? He's taking it very well, unless I'm hurting his feelings by doing this where the rest of the board can see.
  2. BlueMage

    Original The Abyss Is Forever

    "That's your opinion, and I disagree." That's the argument you're choosing? Fair enough. I've said my piece. But, if you really want to divide the audience into "some people may like a choice of action, some may not mind, some may not care, and some, (In your case) do not like it. " Then right...
  3. BlueMage

    Original The Abyss Is Forever

    Alright, let's continue. Now, what's the best way to put this... PART 1 It was an "Illusion Spell" and Genjutsu means "Illusion Technique." Naruto is a 15 year old Ninja with a demon inside him. Filden is "a 16 year old ninja, and a born summoner" who will make a pact with a spirit...
  4. BlueMage

    Original Burden

    After you finish the book, you might want to get someone to look at it. They can highlight the tiny errors, and then fix them before you send it to a professional Editor.
  5. BlueMage

    Original Burden

    After reading your prologue, this is very good. Very, very good. There is one comment I have to make. You need to name the city and the mountains, because you said the words "City" and "mountain" several times in the first paragraphs. See what I mean?
  6. BlueMage

    Original Urban Dynasty: War for the Neighborhood

    Well, the quality is consistent. Another good entry. Except, you left everything Centered. Also, it really apparent in this chapter that you wrote this in a script-like format, especially since you added those Youtube links. They're a really neat touch, but their a bit of a crutch. To quote TV...
  7. BlueMage

    Original The Abyss Is Forever

    Okay. Let's handle this one comment at a time, so that neither one of us is overwhelmed. Upon reviewing what I have said, I was not clear enough. What I meant to say is that your "Introduction Memoir" is weak. It's not an introduction at all. It's more of a tease, which is the type of thing...
  8. BlueMage

    Original The Abyss Is Forever

    I didn't want to repeat what unphased had said. He did cover the most important points. I'll explain myself better later. But, I've got to go. I won't be online until tonight or tomorrow.
  9. BlueMage

    Original The Abyss Is Forever

    I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I'll respond witha short question. Do you actuallly want comments, or do you want people to just say "I love this chapter, keep writing"? I'm not trying to be mean. I'm not trying to say "You suck. This sucks. You should quit writing." My main comment is that...
  10. BlueMage

    Fan Fiction Fellow Writers - Come Chat!

    Bah. Sorry. I got confused by your Yuffie avatar.
  11. BlueMage

    Fan Fiction Personal Work- Final Fantasy- The Fallen kingdom

    Well, you've definitely got me intrigued. When are you going to write it?
  12. BlueMage

    Original The Abyss Is Forever

    I've only read chapter 1, and I have to agree with Unphased (We're even the same age. Funny coincidence). It's anime-ish, you use some words too often, your description is a tad choppy. My difference is, that I did not enjoy the story, because the flow was disjointed. For starters, you should...
  13. BlueMage

    Fan Fiction Fellow Writers - Come Chat!

    Except that BB is a Reality Show, and what BH is undertaking is scripted comedy. Reality Shows are about watching these, almost, cartoon characters, scream, argue, have sex with each other. It's like watching animals at the zoo, you laugh at these "people" and think, "If they're faking it, it's...
  14. BlueMage

    Fan Fiction Fellow Writers - Come Chat!

    Of course, I didn't mean it as hard set rule. If the story is genuinely good, then you can expect to have success in attracting new readers. It just depends on how the story goes. EDIT: Oh, yeah, about voting people off. I feel it's a bad idea for comedies, because you mess up the character...
  15. BlueMage

    Fan Fiction Fellow Writers - Come Chat!

    Bahamut's Heir: Seems to me, that if you do a, how would you call it, "friends insert" fic, then you should really only expect for whoever you're inserting to be reading it. Which limits your reading base to however many FFF Members you insert. In addition, it seems unlikely that you'll nail...
  16. BlueMage

    Fan Fiction Fellow Writers - Come Chat!

    Sorry, about that. I lumped you two together when I shouldn't have. My bad. But my advise still stands for those that are thinking "I'll quit, if no one posts soon." You should do it because you want to write it, not because you want people to applaud you. You're usually not going to find...
  17. BlueMage

    Fan Fiction Final Fantasy Fan Fic

    I've read chapter one, and I'll tell you what I think. Firstly, I'm afraid I'm at a disadvantage that I haven't played Crisis Core, so I'm going with what I know from FF7, and what I can find on Wikipedia. Overall, the story flows very nicely in this first chapter, and the description is fair...
  18. BlueMage

    Fan Fiction Fellow Writers - Come Chat!

    Let me spread a little wisdom to you two. I used to start plenty of fics, and I'd usually abandoned them because nobody was posting. So, all my writing and planning was just wasted effort on my part. Firstly, what I discovered, is that you've got to write a story for yourself - because the...
  19. BlueMage

    Original Urban Dynasty: War for the Neighborhood

    Here I am, and I'll tell you what I think. Overall, you're off to a good start: The description paints a good picture, and the dialog is running smoothly. Now, firstly, I've got to ask, is English your first language? Because you have some odd mispellings: "murbered" when you mean "murdered."...
  20. BlueMage

    Fan Fiction Fellow Writers - Come Chat!

    ^I'll check it out. Hi, everyone. You can call me BlueMage. I'm new around here and don't know anyone. But, I'm hoping to meet new people. I once turned down an invite to a party because I didn't know anyone at the thing, then my friend replied, "That's how you meet new people." So, with that...