I'll just take this thread as it were meant to be taken, no Final Fantasy game is perfect, but no game must play like the previous one, with new technology comes new opportunities to game developers.
You can choose to debate about which game you like better, wether you're sick of it or not...
Those forum members are making the exact mistake you are, don't try to justify yourself about a topic that doesn't relate to the thread. The N word is only similar by the negative impact it has from someone who uses it, but they are divided completely by their meanings. Although I admit there...
Do you sit and wait for these games to be released? A game is a game, you play it to complete it, enjoy the storyline, take your mind off of the things happening around you. Do I care that Versus XIII hasn't made an official release time yet? Obviously not, especially when I have other things to...
Discrimination has many forms, and jokes can be one of them. You think it's harmless? Maybe you were granted the luxury of someone not attempting to state the joke you made is indeed very homophibic. You don't think that someone on here would say something against your opinion? No one has to...
1. First name as it appears on your birth certificate: Colten.
2. Nickname(s): Coltman, Coltster, Colt, Yogi.
3. Number of candles on your last birthday cake: None, my parents were too lazy to do that.
4. Hair color: Dark blonde.
5. Eye color: Green.
6. Piercings/tattoos? None.
7. Do you like...
If someone could give me advice on what is the best way to win this battle? Your help will be greatly appreciated.
My Character Status's: All characters are at Level 3 in their crystarium.
You're right, I misread it for some reason.
I guess the reality is the fact that from the look of the environment it's going to have a less sci-fi feel to it like XIII and construct it to look more modern, although i'm personally not a fan of wearing all black attire.
Well it either means an offensive word to describe a homosexual or a cigarette. I know where you're going with this but a joke doesn't make it acceptable if you're using "faggot" or other sexist & racial words to attack someone whether you mean it or not, and it's too unrealistic to use it's...
Love this,
How unethical to think it's ok to joke about sexism and racism like that and people don't expect it to be sexist or racist when they do it. I learned the hard way when the part-time girl I work with found it offensive that I jokingly stereotyped asians and she was willing to quit on...
I'd love it, although it was stated from a resource that the approach they were going with on Versus XIII was less fiction...but again what's non-fiction about monsters and swords that you can manipulate into using as a shield?
I don't appreciate having my opinion referred to as mental disability, especially coming from someone of a mature age as yours. Like I said, Versus XIII is coming, it can't possibly make you that upset it hasn't been released yet while these sequals for XIII are coming into play.
It's too big of an event to not promote the other upcoming titles...I mean their 1/4 away of being 100. This series is like the Lanvin of fashion, give us some good news already!
If only people thought like this:
"Buy the game if you enjoy XIII and part 2, Don't buy it if you didn't enjoy them. Final Fantasy isn't just a title that people have bought for the sake of the title, they weren't tricked by the developers into false belief of it being this good game that most...
Here's a few Characters I came up with and what costumes & inspirations were used, forgive the crappy scanning quality:
Sinfonia (Spanish for Symphony) - Top Right Corner
Saskia - Bottom Left Corner
Sinfonia's Facial Inspiration - Michele Morgan (Actress)
Sinfonia's Outfit
I've never attempted midnight releases, but I don't know how many times i've slept over in front of an H&M store just to get my hands on exclusive designer collaborative garments which would end up only lasting me a year or 2...pathetic, right?
Forgive me for my horrible scanning quality. I love the idea of costume design, wanted to know peoples opinion on this piece? I also added reference photos that gave me the idea.
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