Mood: Tired
I've already been out, yet the effects of the tropical storm that's supposed to hit us are already here. Had to walk home fast since there was a huge downpour of rain that lasted about 10 seconds, yet I didn't want to take the risk of staying through another one.
All of my room...
Talent competition. Not just singing (not that there can't be any singing. :wacky:), but anything that you can record yourself doing. I didn't see one last year, so I thought it'd be nice if we had one this time. :hmmm:
Back in high school, I used to pull them at least 2 times a week. The following Summer, almost every day. :damon:
But now that I am in college and have a really tight schedule that I have to live by, I can't risk losing any good sleep. :hmmm: Since the days I do go to school last for at least 4...
I've actually heard this song before, but at that time for some reason, it didn't really get my attention. But today I thought about how it could be a good song to hoop to, and eventually thought about a possible routine in my head as the song played. Up to now, it is stuck in my head. :wacky...
I did like the piano version of this song. When I last played through this game, I followed the game a bit more slowly whenever I heard it or when the game was in Laguna's point of view.
As for the actual song, it didn't really impress me. The melody itself is pretty nice, but I noticed that...
Forum Name: Pandora
vB Level: 15
Mention count: 16
VMs count: 473
Usernote count: 7
Friend Count: 60
Referral Count: 0
Number of achievements: 24
Join date: September 29, 2010
Rep Power: 1839138
Most frequented section: Roleplay Central
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Did this instead of...
Unless more than one happy thing happened with you, the only thing I managed to hear (from le Ringo) was that you are engaged. :yay: I congratulate you ~
I thought you had disappeared from FFF as well . :sad3: I didn't think I was going to come back. Life had just booted forum time out of my...
That would apply to me, although I don't write poetry often, so it's usually between me RPing, creating RP characters and writing short stories, character bios for stories, or excerpts from future novels. If I work on one group, I'll falter on the other. I tend to like writing when it's long...
Tia ! :jess:
I've been wonderful . :gonk: Didn't recognize your profile at first until I looked at your username changes. :wacky:
And I heard happy news about you ~ :jess:
Mood: Apathetic
I find myself doing assignments late at night or early in the morning before they're due. :hmph: I'm getting annoyed by it. My academic future is at stake, yet I haven't managed to stop procrastinating yet. Tried to, yes, but I haven't stopped completely. Luckily, tonight, all I...
I managed to get one of my projects done literally hours from when it was due. Even though the conditions before that occurred weren't very pleasant. Had no money for the bus, so I had to leave early to walk to school (about 30-45 minutes long), but I didn't leave early enough to get breakfast...
Guild Wars 2 was my first MMO, and I'm sad that the beta weekend is now over. :sad3: Before that happened, I managed to get Demitra (seen in Ringo's screenshots) up to level 11, and I had just bought the novice training book for her so that she could finally start using traits. I often went to...
Mood: Tranquil
I was supposed to have a fire spinning gig today at a grand opening of a McDonalds (I think it's weird too), but the manager only wanted two performers out of our group of 8-10 people. The money earned was instead going to be used to by fuel for us all. That, and my best friend...
Any idea when the RP starts? I was curious if you would accept bios after it started, as I already have a character made that could fit in this RP rather well. But due to school and other things, I can't join right away or anytime soon. :hmmm: But I am interested ~
I think the only one I experience the most frequently is coughing and hiccuping, since if I cough too much, it'll cause me to get the hiccups, and at that point if I cough at all, automatic hic. It's annoying. :hmph: But something I have to live with, I suppose.
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