Search results

  1. Jacqui

    FFVIII - Worth Getting?

    Of course they were. It's just that some of the younger gamers, who are used to the PS3/XBOX360 games, may feel that the graphics aren't worth bothering with. I'm not saying all, or even most. Just some. Thing is, you can use this argument for any ff game if you're a fan...
  2. Jacqui

    Eating Disorders

    I am a recovering bulimic/compulsive overeater. It's difficult. But I understand why people get funny about it. I started with my eating disorder when I was 19 or 20. Before that I couldn't get into my head why someone would do anything so destructive. I guess I was a little naive...I soon found...
  3. Jacqui

    best music in game?

    The one with the vocals- I can't remember the name but it's on my MP3 player, and I just think it's so sweet :)
  4. Jacqui

    If America had kept the numbers different...

    didn't some come out on the snes? sorry, i may be getting confuzzled
  5. Jacqui

    FFX-2 Brother?

    Well, it's accepted in a lot of cultures. There was a show on Channel 4 about it a few weeks ago, about how some families have been marrying into their own families for such a long time that it's become a bit of a problem. Thing is, if it's accepted in so many cultures, then why are the Al Bhed...
  6. Jacqui

    which ff? There's a thread here where you'll find a discussion on everybody's favourite Final Fantasy games Happy discussion :)
  7. Jacqui

    I disapprove of the new forum banner

    I've done two! I work for the sponsor supermarket, who pays for my entry fee, and I make up for it by sponsoring myself the cost of the fee... So much fun :) And so PINK!
  8. Jacqui

    Happy Birthday Squee!!!

    Happy birthday :)
  9. Jacqui

    I disapprove of the new forum banner

    Oh for Goodness sake. I can't believe this even exists. It's for breast cancer awareness, the bloody banner's not going to cure breast cancer or anything. Personally I love it, I think it's a shame that more forums don't do things like this. Who cares which characters are on the banner- it's the...
  10. Jacqui

    Favorite Stand-Up Comedian

    Damn, forgive me, that was the wrong thread. I'm hoping to go and see Russell Howard in January though
  11. Jacqui

    Rinoa Envy & Craving Theory (major spoilers allowed, included, etc)

    Hmm... My main problem with Rinoa to begin with was that I hardly ever used her, and I disliked her because I thought she had some sort of weird witchy control over Squall (I'm not a major Squall lover either). To me, it was basically Squall being moody, Squall going to space and suddenly...
  12. Jacqui

    Favorite Esper

    Cúchulainn, the Impure, assuming he's the big fat one. I just really like his (assuming it's a him) design. I think he's kinda sweet
  13. Jacqui

    FFX-2 FFX-2 General Discussion

    You know, when I said level 76, I mean training level 76 not Via level 76- I've only been to level 51 in Via Infinito And I would have been totally happy with this game, had I not realised that a lot of the music goes with what Shinra was singing when you first go to Mushroom Rock "Gullwings...
  14. Jacqui

    Vegetarian Vampires

    I've always known about the concept of vegetarian vampires because my favourite cartoon as a kid was Count Duckula. It makes no sense, outside of a kids' cartoon where the main character is a duck, because the whole point of vamps was the biting and the blood sucking- it's quite a sexual myth...
  15. Jacqui

    FFX-2 FFX-2 General Discussion

    I've never got to the end of that thing- the highest level I've ever been to was 76... And I don't have the game, or a PS2 at the moment, so I can't go and try to make my way up to it either. Boo.
  16. Jacqui

    FFX-2 FFX-2 General Discussion

    I don't really like 4- "look, we're doing a show, and by the way, you can't go train this chapter" was it basically, at least in my mind I think I agree with you on terms of best chapters.
  17. Jacqui

    FFX-2 FFX-2 General Discussion

    But that's the point, isn't it? It's not meant to be as serious as X, because in X, Yuna had that huge responsibility hanging over her throughout the whole game, which is absent in X-2, so she's going to be enjoying herself more, knowing that she's not heading step by step towards an untimely...
  18. Jacqui

    Age = maturity?

    I'm 25 next week, yet I'd say that I was less mature than a lot of 21 year olds. Not all of them, perhaps not even the majority. Then again, there are people older than me that I am more mature than. Age just means that you've had more time, it doesn't mean you've had more experience
  19. Jacqui

    Help The "Home" Glitch

    Oh excellent! I've used most of my money paying Yojimbo, but I've got some weapon with gillionnaire for Auron, so I've got that. Does that work only when I've got Auron in the frontline or is it like No Encounters, which works no matter where your character is in the list?
  20. Jacqui

    Help The "Home" Glitch

    Yikes, how do you get those? Yuna and Lulu have their celestials, so Yuna has double AP anyway, Tidus has an ascalon, but that's about it with the double AP thing so far