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  1. crazylloyd99

    ff x-3

    whel ther is a trailer in japan 2 the making of ffx-3 and im hoping it comes over her
  2. crazylloyd99

    Crisis Core zack and cloud

    i agre but in the movie it seamd as if cloud had forgot about zack and not got over his mako inconter
  3. crazylloyd99

    Cloud vs Vincent(can't controll chaos) - who wins?

    i fink cloud is a less experianc fighter then vincent and cloud can fly parshly and he only us 1 sword all hes done is madefide the buster sword
  4. crazylloyd99

    ff x-3

    is ther going 2 be a ff x-3 relaest soon or is it all a big prank on the ff fans if so why and why not make a ff x-3
  5. crazylloyd99

    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    i dont think so i think ther both the same power but i got 2 say that zack is stronger cos of the mako energy he carryed cloud all the way back to the city and he dint kill a whole army but he did kill narly all of the solders and he killed genasis and angel
  6. crazylloyd99

    Crisis Core zack and cloud

    does anyone els think that zack was like clouds dad in a way looking after him and cared 4 him and sacrefisted his life 4 him and give up the buster sword for him
  7. crazylloyd99

    faverit ff x charicter

    who is your faverit ff x charicter and y :ed:the game has so meany charicters that u cant miss them all
  8. crazylloyd99

    Most famous FF character?

    1,cloud 2,sephiroph 3,zack 4,areith 5,tidus 6,auron 7,vincent 8,tifa 9,cid this is a list of the most top ff people i fink if u agree or not it is the best group of people 2 av as a m8t lol
  9. crazylloyd99

    Crisis Core Do you really think that Cloud could beat seph

    i disagre i dont think setheroth was weakend in any way at all or evan killed cos of the averta now cloud is not weaker but is about the same streangeth as zack or tidus or both 2 gether cos cloud is fast and strong so he has the speed of tiuds and the strength of zack
  10. crazylloyd99

    Crisis Core Things that annoyed you?

    i hated the soldears at the end of the game y the hell do i try 2 kill them but only 1 is left and 3 off them apear above zack and shoot him dead y the hell is theat 4 and i apsolutly hated sepheroth y is it he can walk thro fire and not us
  11. crazylloyd99

    Crisis Core Do you really think that Cloud could beat seph

    but seph did have another fight with cloud in advanst child and seph lost the fight after a long strugle
  12. crazylloyd99

    ff 7 for psp

    whel the psp has just as many fans as the ps 3 or 360 so it might be a good idear to remake it on all consoles and dont forget the new ff game coming out soon
  13. crazylloyd99

    KHII goofy dead

    who thought goofy was dead when he riskt his life 2 safev the king and were you emotinol:rant:
  14. crazylloyd99

    the kings letter

    does any 1 have any ideer wat was writen on the letter the king sent if so wat:highfive:
  15. crazylloyd99


    ye but some of the worlds were new aswel so try that in the second 1 ther is a 1992 world and 1 world in black and whit
  16. crazylloyd99

    Crisis Core Analizing LOVELESS

    it is jenover if u all remember it fell from the sky the gift of the godess is the j cells in everyone of solder hao
  17. crazylloyd99

    Maleficent - The Heartless?

    well i dont have a big thery the 1 thing i thould of is that sora was a pure hart and malifisant was not she was evil wich filld her hart with hate and thats the reasson but sora gave his heart 2 kire and had no heart left so he was weak aginst the heartless but thats only a childs brain capasity
  18. crazylloyd99

    Roxas vs. Sora

    wi fight over something so triviel becaues if you think about it roxas is part of sora and sora is a part of roxas same with kire and namina its all logical us your brains and complet the game and find out wat im off about
  19. crazylloyd99

    vann luv pennelo

    if u got a ds get the follow on game wich is final fantasy x11 reverant wings then tell me wat u think mate
  20. crazylloyd99

    FFX-2 Soft spot for Brother?

    wat is it with u lot your all picking on him why dont you lot give him the benifit of the douet and yes he can be anoying but thats brother k