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  1. Travnia

    RPB - Vicarious Contention - [open]

    Sadistic joy gleamed in Travnia’s eyes as Unity fell to her knees sapped of her strength. The forsaken spirits had dispersed claiming a percentage of Unity’s strength as trophy. Muttering inaudible spells from her knelt post, she continued to fight on. Unity had summoned to her aid a colossal...
  2. Travnia

    RPB - Vicarious Contention - [open]

    The black locusts had caused only minor damage before they were reduced to ashes. Emerging from a ring of fire, still grinning across the way, Unity again could not hold her tongue. “Impressive. But it really is disappointing to meet someone this rude - so rude that he would only respond with...
  3. Travnia

    Happy Halloween....
  4. Travnia

    RPB - Vicarious Contention - [open]

    Travnia looked on, unsurprised, as Unity out manoeuvred the razor shrapnel, with the aid of unseen magic. The scream looked to have rattled her, to a lesser extent. She began to speak once more. “For what do you battle?” Casting more spells, she brought about the coming of stone as vile rock...
  5. Travnia

    RPB - Vicarious Contention - [open]

    An unusual voice drew Travnia’s gaze. Above the last cries of the dying, the voice was spoken with confidence and boldness. “Greetings” It was accompanied with an irregular blast bearing the hallmarks of magic. The blast formed a clearing in the battle, at the epicentre lay the origin of the...
  6. Travnia

    Isn't it pathetic

    I prefer not to speak of it.:monsmash:
  7. Travnia

    Isn't it pathetic

    Originally. Fife now.
  8. Travnia

    Isn't it pathetic

    In Fraserburgh we eat our dead.
  9. Travnia

    Isn't it pathetic

  10. Travnia

    Isn't it pathetic

    Sure. Just remember, I'm the man.
  11. Travnia

    Isn't it pathetic

    I'll marry you
  12. Travnia

    RPB - Vicarious Contention - [open]

    [Travnia Biography] Vicarious Contention The Tauris Empire Emerging from the dark ages of magic and sorcery, the young Empire represented the new age. Looking to the stars for scientific reason and meaningful existence, the Imperial council doctrine preached a socialist message of...
  13. Travnia

    Britain going back to the dark ages?

    I'll answer that. After WW2 US, UK, France and Soviet Union all kept troops in Germany incase Germany attempted any further attacks from the wehrmacht. Over time these fears were put to bed as the Soviets became the new enemy, having troops in Germany so close to the iron curtain was benefitial...
  14. Travnia

    we be spendin most our life

    At 4:30 in the morning I'm milkin' cows. Jedediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows, Fool
  15. Travnia

    Britain going back to the dark ages?

    Stop giving foriegn aid to Israel, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, India Kashmir and Jordan. Stop having slush funds for un-needed projects - such as the weston beach pier which cost over £50M. How does a pier cost £50M? Stop the £100 Billion renewed trident defence project. I'm all for security but...
  16. Travnia

    What do you want to see in future FF games?

    Most people have covered features of the game Id like to see, Id also like to see much darker worlds and much darker characters. The newer titles have characters have seem to look alike and all have crazy funky clothes, instead Id like to see characters that have more of a pre FFX era look and...
  17. Travnia

    get FFIX & X or FFXIII

    Help me decide, I havent played FFXIII yet, but all the trailers have failed to inspire me to purchase, instead I want to reown FFIX and FFX which were taken from me years ago and its been so long since I last played them it would be like playing them new again. Whats gonna be more fun...
  18. Travnia

    RPB mini tournament

    It can be upped based on a vote by competitors, but keeping it small helps it be a battle and not an unfinished novel which can happen from time to time (people dont see it through to the end and dont post anymore); the bigger tournaments are more suited to longer battles. Thanks for the entry...
  19. Travnia

    RPB mini tournament

    This would require a minimum of 4 players. Will be quick matches with some limitations to (5-6 posts each), matches may include a little twist to them to keep them from same old style of game... may. I don't mind administrating and setting up matches for anyone interested, have done this many...
  20. Travnia

    2010 RPB Tournament Interest Check

    I realise that this is reviving a dead thread, but did anything come of this? If not how about a small mini tournament with only 4 players - winners advance. Something short and snappy to bring a bit of life back in this forum.