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  1. L

    Favourite GF?

    My favorite gf would have to be eden cause his attack is just like hey monsters shit just got real.
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    Favorie Fal'cie

    So there are a few fal'cie in the game and i was wondering what you guys's opinions are on who your favorite one is, for myself i'd have to say it's titan. i mean come he's a bioemitter he eats the weaker species on pulse and the through his so called digestion process he has he creates a whole...
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    Need TRAPS? for the EASY trick.

    Yea it may seem easier but some people will find it hard enough to make repeat nirvana's so it some ways it is easier but then again it's not cause either way ur killing toises whether it be for traps or for plat ingots right now i'm not to worried on final weapons yet im working on collecting...
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    too emotional?

    Alright i admit there is a lot of drama in this game but like everyone said that's what makes an rpg expecially final fantasy's eight all that was was a huge love story i mean yes there other sub plots but it's a love story i mean even 7 had a lot of drama in it with aeris and cloud and...
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    Ya i have to agree grinding isn't worth it all that much till you get the growth egg but if you do want to grind before you start doing the hunts the big wolf and behemoth are your best bet if your not wanting to farm toises
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    Strongest character

    For me yes fang strongest attack but suprisingly magic wise it goes hope than sazh than vanielle than light
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    Help Help with Ozma

    Alright ozma is damn near unbeatable i need help weapons i should use? Accessories? certain party? i mean idk i've tried at least a hundred times and can't beat him someone please give me some help.
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    Favorite party to use.

    Ok so i don't know if there's a thread for this already or not but if there is just delete this one. So my question to you die hard 13 fans out there is what people do you use in your party and who is ur leader. I personally like: Sazh: leader/Rav Fang:Com...
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    Help FFXIII: Stuck On Dahaka

    I found that the first time i faced him he never even got up after bein staggered, i used sazh, lightning, and i believe snow but fang is better. Just buff and debuff first than use tri disaster and cerberus and he'll go down pretty easily but if you do happen to have trouble with your health...
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    Harder battle yiazmat or omega mark 12?

    I don't know if there's a thread for this yet or not but i was wanting to know from you other diehard 12 fans who was a harder battle for you, yiazmat or omega mark 12 i personally had a tougher time with yiazmat just from the shear time of the battle i faced him for like twelve hours straight...
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    Boss Fights!

    Who in your opinion is the hardest enemy boss or not to battle? Ok so there are definitely a lot of hard battles in this game especially if you power level out the ass but i'd have to say that the hardest battle for me and i was maxed out at the time was Hecotoncheir i really hated that battle...
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    Help Help against sin

    Ok i've not seen this thread yet so here goes, so i've gotten to the end of the game and am stuck at sin right after u blow him out of the sky and i cant figure out how to beat him he keeps sucking me into him and then boom game over. if anyone knows any good strategies i'd appreciate it greatly...
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    FFXIII: Love It or Hate It?

    I just beat the game like a week ago and i loved it there were some hard fights throughout which i liked and the story was pretty good but compared to 7 and the others it's kinda shit inovative yes but not the best in the series.
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    Help FFXIII: Barthelandus, the second encounter

    i prefer to use the party light/sazh/fang but i did switch it up to get the superstar achievement and sorts. but i recommend debuff him asap whilst also buffing your party, it took me a while to beat him too but if u stick in there you'll beat it. just as soon as u have imperil, deshell, and...