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  1. T

    For those that don't read the bestiary

    Some people spell so horribly. Makes me shudder.
  2. T

    Sage Monograph

    I don't have any "grimoires" or "monographs" or whatever. What are they and how do I start getting them?
  3. T

    Frog catching!!!

    Frogging was great fun. Quina was useful at times, but the attacks ranging between powerful and rubbish at random, kinda prevented me from overusing him/her. And oh, how is it supposed to be pronounced? Is it Like Kweena, or Keena?
  4. T

    Who thinks this is the worst Final Fantasy?

    I don't know what everyone's problem is. I LOVE this game! I found X-2 soooo much better than X. X is way to linear and you just follow the path through the game with no exploration. X-2 is my second favourite of all the FF games, and my fave is IX. The dressphere system is fantastic (much...
  5. T

    What did you call 'em?

    The first time around I left them all as they should be, second time Zidane was Brad (my name :P) and the other characters were just people I know. The third time, just to make things interesting, I called them all Binky, Dinky, Winky, Slinky, Pinky, Thinky, Tinky, and Drinky... I can't remember...
  6. T

    Count down from 1,000

  7. T

    SPOILERS Was 9 ruined by the ending?

    Quina could have been an undercover brother??? Huh? Like Eddie Griffin? :P What would other people have preferred for a final boss?
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    What Weapons would you use?

    Twin daggers definitely. They're sneaky and easy to move around. Or a nice set of claws. ...definitely NOT a fork! :P
  9. T

    Well what do we have here then?

    Hidey Hi Hello How's everybody on this forum to kick all other forums right in the groin? Final Fantasy rules so hard I can't even contain myself. Name's Brad. Introduce yourselves to me, if ya want. (P.S. I'm a noob to this forum... not to FF)