Search results

  1. Tsutanai

    What is your max HP?

    99,999 with Yuna, but she has a +30% HP thingy on, so I guess that doesn't count. My Tidus, Yuna and Rikku (my usual team) all have about 75,000. Not enough. >=(
  2. Tsutanai

    The Summon left in the shadows

    Yojimbo is my favourite, 'cause he loves me even though I bargained for him...but my worst? Bahamut. I hate him in every FF game. I don't know why. I hate him in FF: Advent Children, too.
  3. Tsutanai

    Copies of the celestrial weapons

    I didn't even know about those effects. I don't think they apply when you replicate a Celestial Weapon, and it doesn't give it the same name or anything...
  4. Tsutanai

    Zanmato Note: I can't spell

    I confess, I only beat one final aeon outright, and that was Ixion. I actually found it to be one of the worst though 'cause (if I remember rightly) you fight Ixion twice? The others got Zanmato. And so did Penance, which I regret, but...Is Penance beatable any other way? I used a cheat disk...
  5. Tsutanai

    Favourite Summoner

    Belgemine. I've always loved her, she's so cool and her voice is just like "meh, Yuna, you're crap." (You know she WANTS to say that)
  6. Tsutanai

    What Did You Name Tidus?

    I wish I'd left him as Tidus, but I called him Eli.
  7. Tsutanai

    What's your Blitzball team?

    Tidus RF Shaami LF Tatts MF Jassu RB Naida LB Ronso GK I don't remember the Ronso goalie's name.. Someone stole my Keepa when I let him go. =( And I didn't think to get Brother before anyone else, because he has the highest stats out of anyone, I think. He's awesome, but I suck because his team...
  8. Tsutanai

    100% Ending

    Umm... Did you talk to the Moogle the first time round? I'm pretty sure you need to do it, though, so if you haven't done it either time, you probably will have to go through again.
  9. Tsutanai

    OST song names...

    Help please? I'm having trouble finding one of my favourite songs, mostly because the order and names of the songs on the game (when you listen in Luca) are totally different to how they are on the soundtrack... The song I'm looking for is "#M58 - Nostalgia". I'm not sure where the song plays...
  10. Tsutanai

    Pronunciation of Tidus

    Neither. I say it like "tih-dus" and I don't care that it's wrong. <.<;
  11. Tsutanai

    How long did it take you to get the Sun Sigil?

    I tried for days and kept on failing miserably... So I got a friend to do it. Took him a few tries, but he did it. ^^
  12. Tsutanai

    Potential Aeon

    Hmm... Probably Penance, Yunalesca or Evrae. About the only things I had trouble with ('cept the dark aeons, of course. ;P)!