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  1. C

    Greatest Fighting Series

    Oh no no no sorry sorry i meant Melty Blood. i dont know how i even mistook it. I was watching Big Bang Beat videos when i posted this. disregard >.<
  2. C

    Games You "Own" At

    Super Smash Bros. is #1 in the ownage list then Then most 3d action platforms. Tekken (Baek is the real Ownzor) Guitar Freak Series Guitar Hero games (yep i rock hard) and oh yeah Dating Simulators gahahaha :DDDDDDDDDD
  3. C

    What's on your "To buy" list?

    1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl 2. Ookami 3. Metal Gear Solid 4 4. Final Fantasy XIII 5. I was never a fan of KH games but KH3 looks pretty bad ass. 6. Lost Planet 7. Dead Rising 8. Very old game but i still havent played it; Castlevania Symphony of the Night its gonna cost me alot of time to get these.
  4. C

    Do you like ANYTHING besides Square Enix Games?

    No Way! Before Square Enix games there were Konami Games Crapcom Games Nintendo Games Clover Studio games i was big fan of side-scrolling games like Megaman and Castlevania. Nippon Ichi games are pretty cool too (Disgea ect.) I like experimenting different game genre's. actually I play...
  5. C

    First Video game

    has anyone played Wai Wai World 2 SOS parsely Castle before? It was a crossover game with old Konami characters. That was the first video game i ever played. The first Wai Wai world kinda sucks.
  6. C

    Greatest Fighting Series

    As for 3-d fighting games Tekken it is all the way for me. Virtual fighter comes in second and then DOA just for the hot chicks. Actually no, lemme change that, Virutal Fighter, Bloody Roar THEN DOA. For 2-d fighters I became really interested in the Guilty Gear series. My second favorite in...
  7. C

    Playstation Tekken

    Its not that i dont understand the Timeline just the age's of certain characters threw me off. I think its just an error in the Tekken Zaibatsu page but they say Nina was 24 around Tekken 5 but it was more than a 19-20 years gap from T2 and T3. wouldnt that make her 5 years old during T2? Plus...
  8. C

    Playstation Favourite Capcom Series

    Its not up there but i grew up with Megaman. But the ones on the list i pick Resident Evil. I'd pick Onimusha but Re is better.
  9. C

    Playstation Tekken

    DOA just seemed too flashy for me, i like the game, it was just too flashy with visuals. Big bouncy breasts, kinky sexy clothing, panty flashes(trust me i like that stuff i honestly do) but overall I didnt think it was that great of a fighting game. It was more visually appealing than solid...