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  1. mousebiscuit

    What's the worst Final Fantasy game?

    You just made me want to get a PsOne (or Ps2... sad to say mine got stolen) and hunt down a copy of FF IX. It's an amazing game and I haven't had the pleasure of playing it in years. : (
  2. mousebiscuit

    Are the older titles in the series better ?

    When FF IV originally came out on the SNES there was no other game like that available to the American gaming public at large. All the Japanese RPGs released in the states prior to that were simple affairs like Dragon Quest and the original FF, which although providing entertaining hack and...
  3. mousebiscuit

    Best Story in FF

    Final Fantasy Tactics Like PreZ posted, it is an extremely intricate story and bravely explores the dark side of religion, government and greed. The game pulls no punches even til the bitter end. A daring feat of digital storytelling. My runner up would be FF VI. It has such an awesome cast of...
  4. mousebiscuit

    What's the worst Final Fantasy game?

    Umm.... those are some interesting opinions? If you were to actually judge which FF game was the worst based on average game reviews it would be CC. But I've already posted that it was the worst one for me earlier. What I actually wanted to say was that FF 12's gameplay is meant to emulate an...
  5. mousebiscuit

    Thoughts of an Old-School FF and Square Player

    Actually Square were doing pretty well as a company before VII came out. They had many successful titles on the SNES including Crono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, and Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 2 in Japan.) However they made a huge gamble with FF VII, and were also faced with the difficult...
  6. mousebiscuit

    Thoughts of an Old-School FF and Square Player

    Yea that scene was embarrassing. I wasn't really referring that far back though... FF 1-5 saw the series going through most of it's major developments but none of it culminated til VI was released. It was the pinnacle of 16-bit gaming and set the tone for Square games to come in terms of...
  7. mousebiscuit

    Thoughts of an Old-School FF and Square Player

    I suppose the reason I had such a problem with FFX's storyline is that I couldn't help but compare it to older Squaresoft games and therefore found it lacking. What you say is true, though... it does touch upon those themes. However, I didn't feel as though it did nearly as a good a job of that...
  8. mousebiscuit

    The worst FF game ever?

    I've played and beaten Mystic Quest and can safely say that it is a lackluster title which bears little to no resemblance to it's predecessors and therefore can barely even be considered a true FF game. However the worst game bearing the FF moniker is indisputably Crystal Chronicles. That game...
  9. mousebiscuit

    The worst FF game ever?

    Just for the record (sorry if someone else in this thread already posted what I'm about to say but I havent bothered reading through all the replies) but Tactics Ogre was originally released as an SNES game but never saw the light of day in America til Atlus ported it to the PsOne. It was a...
  10. mousebiscuit

    Thoughts of an Old-School FF and Square Player

    Phew. Thank goodness the first reply was a good one. ( I don't mind if people disagree with what I said but I was honestly expecting to get flamed right off the bat. ) Actually I just wanted to say that Square and Enix go back to the 8-bit days as competitors in the RPG market. Enix is...
  11. mousebiscuit

    General Final Fantasy Favorites/Worsts

    Favourite Hero:Celes Favourite Villain:Kefka Favourite FF title:FFVI Favourite FF character:King Edgar Favourite FF male character:Shadow Favourite FF female character:Aeris Favourite Non-human FF character:Red XIII Favourite Non-human male FF character:Rubicant Favourite Non-human female FF...
  12. mousebiscuit

    Thoughts of an Old-School FF and Square Player

    Hi everyone. I've been playing the FF series since it's very first incarnation on the 8-bit NES (Famicom) system and have been with the series and other Squaresoft (now Square-Enix) for literally most of my life. I have seen the FF series grow from a rather basic, D&D inspired level-grinder into...