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  1. DR.PORN

    The Sephiroth and Shinra Massacre incident

    Ahhh that makes sense why they were being killed. So I'm guessing that the Jenova Cells in Cloud's body enable Sephiroth to read his thoughts as well since Sephiroth did not immediately order Cloud to get the Black Materia after he was freed. But Sephiroth must have known that Cloud was unlike...
  2. DR.PORN

    The Sephiroth and Shinra Massacre incident

    Lol. You made it sound like he was physically there. But no I don't think Cloud had anything to do with Jenova's escape. Just because Cloud is there doesn't mean his cells somehow connected Jenova and Sephiroth. The best I've come up with is that Cloud and the other's attack on Hojo that freed...
  3. DR.PORN

    The 'fire' at Nibelheim

    I don't know how to explain the physical looks, but the fact that the lab reports said one of the samples (Zack) had a #2 tattoo. This is the same report from the lab where Cloud and Zack escaped from. Now when you first examine the man in the tube in disc one, Cloud will comment that he has a...
  4. DR.PORN

    FFVII: LTD Debate Thread

    Clouds Tifas and Aeris's relationship As you know Cloud, at the beginning of the story, is mentally confused from being experimented on by Hojo. And Aeris still suffers emotional pains from losing Zack 5 years earlier and Tifa still, and always has, loves Cloud. But my question is do Cloud and...
  5. DR.PORN

    The Sephiroth and Shinra Massacre incident

    Are you joking? Lol. Did you even play the game? Because you don't even meet the real Sephiroth until Disc 2 or 3. The entire game he was inside a Mako Crystal until Cloud releases him with the Black Materia.
  6. DR.PORN

    The 'fire' at Nibelheim

    Perhaps he was so injured from being shot 17 times that he suffered those symptoms. And my theory is better than "some random guy" theory or anything else you guys have. Also Cloud would not have recognized him because he believe he is Zack himself. You know this because when he sees the picture...
  7. DR.PORN

    Kuja . . . Thong :S

    well the crotch looks no bigger than a womans were she in a thong. if you compare the men youve seen in speedos to kuja...
  8. DR.PORN

    The 'fire' at Nibelheim

    that sick man is zack. he had a #2 tatoo. I forget when, but you can see a cut scene where Zack escapes Hojo's lab with Cloud. Then they are attacked by Shinra Soldiers and Zack is shot near Midgar. Now if you ask the people around the sick man, they say that he was found near Midgar, badly...
  9. DR.PORN

    The Sephiroth and Shinra Massacre incident

    I just remembered this while reading someone's ff7 post about a Sephiroth clone. I am still confused as to whether it was Jenova who killed the Shinra employees in the Shinra Building(disc one). Or if it was one of the Sephiroth clones summoned by Jenova to break her free. And also why that one...
  10. DR.PORN

    I just beat FFVII! Here is my review.

    The Storyline was great, especially when the weapons appeared. The characters and their development was good though it could have been a bit better. And the gameplay was spectacular except for one thing : armor did not raise spirit. You may have noticed that some enemies, no matter what kind of...
  11. DR.PORN

    Kuja . . . Thong :S

    Was anyone else seriously disturbed by Kuja's feminine, perhaps too feminine, body figure? I first noticed it in cut scene after Zidane, Freya, Viv, and Quina are defeated by Beatrix. You see Kuja in the rain. If you look closely at his crotch area, you see that not only is he practically...
  12. DR.PORN

    FF9 still confused

    Garland said that life-forms at the time did not understand the evolution of memory or something and that they would not come across the past memories. But what was really bugging was that I didn't the significance of Zidane remembering Dagger's memory and not remembering Quina's memory of...
  13. DR.PORN

    I just beat FFIX! Here is my review.

    I just beat the game myself and frankly I have to say that I was a little disappointed. By the end of the game, I was just so sick of the game play that I just want to beat the game and see the ending. The storyline was very good and suspenseful until disc 4. They go into a portal not knowing...
  14. DR.PORN

    FF9 still confused

    I just beat FF9 and I am still a bit confused as to how Zidane had Dagger's memory and why Dagger looked like the real Princess Garnet who had died. Also why Beatrix was about to leave at the end, how Vivi had children, and who Zidane really is. Garland said that the Gnomes (the people Zidane...
  15. DR.PORN

    ff7 : flawed gameplay

    it wouldve bin better if limit breaks/summons could exceed 9999 and normals atks limited to 9999.
  16. DR.PORN

    sephiroth's father

    who was aeris's father? and y did vincent get punished by hojo? also sephiroth looks nothing like hojo. couldnt it be possible that his good looks came from some1 like vincent?
  17. DR.PORN

    did aeris love cloud?

    as u no, zack used to be aeris's boyfriend (the injured guy in the midgar tube). and since cloud believed himself to be a SOLDIER and zack's character, could aeris only have opened up to cloud because he reminded him of zack. and vice-versa, while zack was telling his stories/plans to cloud, he...
  18. DR.PORN

    sephiroth's father

    in the game it says that lucith or w/e, the woman vincent loved, was sephiroth's mother. i dont remember much, but i do remember that sephiroth was just a normal boy who was injected with mako cells at birth. so what i want to no is whether hojo, the one who injected him with mako cells, is the...
  19. DR.PORN

    ff7 : flawed gameplay

    ff7 had an amazing storyline, music, well-developed characters, and was very fun. but did any1 find it annoying how the hp/dmg was limited to 9999? because it made most limit breaks very useless in the end especially vincent's and yuffies. it also made the bahamut summons no different from each...