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  1. The Dreadnought

    Any chance of XIII to be on PS2?

    Is there any chance of XIII on PS2? Cause I really don't want to go buy one. If I have to (because I'm dying to play it), I will, but I seriously hope it isn't
  2. The Dreadnought

    One Big FFVII Rip Off?

    I would hardly say a rip off. Besides the designs, they are no way alike.
  3. The Dreadnought

    Is this the last Final Fantasy?

    Doubt it. It just introduced a whole new way to play, and if the game itself goes well, people will be dying for more. Plus, its the only one for the PS3.
  4. The Dreadnought

    Firefly BBS

    No, no. If you are intrested in it, PM me and I'll give you the site.
  5. The Dreadnought

    Firefly BBS

    Firefly BBS The Domain of Bourdless Ingeniousness Slogan of the Month: Smarter than your average bear fan. Want a smart forum with experienced forumers? Or want to talk about any type of fan Pokemon issues you want? Or maybe you are into RPing? Well, come on over to Firefly BBS. There are...
  6. The Dreadnought

    Is IX the darkest Final Fantasy game?

    Naw, not really. Sure, they used souls to remake Terra, and there is evidence to show that other planets have died altogether, but it isn't exactly dark.
  7. The Dreadnought

    Easiest /Hardest Esper

    Exodus, for me. He was a incredibly easy, but that may be because I was so much farther ahead in the game than when most people do it. Never realised what those shrines in Highwaste were for!
  8. The Dreadnought

    Where do you 'train'?

    Secret area. Does it have a name? And where do you go in Nabudis to acess the deadlands? Also, what level do you think I should be before taking on the Hell Wyrm?
  9. The Dreadnought

    Hey. Thats all I have to say.

    Hey guys. The forum looks better than most that I've been too, so thats good. Can anyone explain whats with the whole health and gil stats?
  10. The Dreadnought

    Where do you 'train'?

    I am at that rut in the game, right after the Pharos, and need to level up to around 60 and higher. Right now I'm roaming the Cerobii Stepes, but the SHield Wyrms don't seem to be worth the time. So where do you guys train?
  11. The Dreadnought

    Party Leader

    I usually have Vaan as my party leader. Because he always tends to be stronger, for me. As you said in yoru first post, I personally think the motives and actions that we take revolve around Ashe. She is sort of the main party leader. A lot of people tend to think Balthier has the story...
  12. The Dreadnought

    Hey. Thats all I have to say.

    Hello. I'm new, of course, but I've been playing FF for a while. And I love old fashioned weapons. Such as the Dreadnought. But then again, its in FF2, so double win. I am made of win.