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  1. GoldenChocoboMaster

    Should everything try to be defined ?

    No, because some things are beyond the comprehention of language. Sure, we may know what something is, but what if the thing in question is more of an ideal, or an emotion? Some things that are acctually more like concepts are hard to define because alot of time there are so many aspects of...
  2. GoldenChocoboMaster

    Pizza Hut manager sells weed from drive-through window

    *shrug* I like to debate? You never offended me, fact is, people of the pot are used to discrimination,lol :)
  3. GoldenChocoboMaster

    Pizza Hut manager sells weed from drive-through window

    Hey, I never force people to do anything I do, I don't agree with peer-pressure. I'm all about choice. I don't enjoy my life just to smoke, or for the smoking, I just enjoy my life with smoking in it. Someone asked me a few days ago why I didn't try to make my life longer (of course this...
  4. GoldenChocoboMaster

    Pizza Hut manager sells weed from drive-through window

    No, I do not fear death because I have allready faced it, multiple times. I'm not trying to sound macho, but technically, I shouldn't be alive. It is through these experiences that I have come to realize fear cannot govern your life. You shouldn't have to limit yourself, or shackle yourself to a...
  5. GoldenChocoboMaster

    Please....let me draw you?

    Feel free :)
  6. GoldenChocoboMaster

    Pizza Hut manager sells weed from drive-through window

    "-But I wanna know, what's the excuses of all the pot smokers out there who have no reason to smoke it, other than the pure fact they wanna get high. Same thing can be said for people who abuse alcohol, using it as a way to get drunk. " Well, how else are you going to get high, and how else...
  7. GoldenChocoboMaster

    Pizza Hut manager sells weed from drive-through window

    -hallucinogenic? THC is not a hallucinogenic.... As for the 'health' issue, everything nowadays reduces your health. Hell, most people are commiting slow suicide just by their diet. Cell phones and radio towers all give off radiation, just about everything has been proven to give you some form...
  8. GoldenChocoboMaster

    Whos stronger Ruby or Emerald?

    I just beat Emerald using lucky 7s and kotr I tried ruby and lost -_- lol...
  9. GoldenChocoboMaster

    Clinton Vs. Obama

    I would also say Obama. For different reasons though. When the race started, I was acctually for Clinton. But she got rather...egotistical and snippy with her tactics. So I did some reserach on Obama, and I agree with almost all his views, and I also agree that American government can be...
  10. GoldenChocoboMaster

    Whos stronger Ruby or Emerald?

    Ive never understood the whole lucky 7777 thing, but i know its essential to beat his ass. But what I really hate is emeralds air tam storm thingy god i hate it when he uses that its totally not fair man! But I heard if you use the tetra elemental accesory when ruby uses ruby flame it heals you.
  11. GoldenChocoboMaster

    Whos stronger Ruby or Emerald?

    Me and my friends have been debating this for quite some time now and still havent come to any conclusion. Emerald has stronger attacks but Ruby has more HP, but really Ruby is more confusing! I guess there about equal but then again who knows? Any thoughts? (Man it would be cool if you...
  12. GoldenChocoboMaster

    XBox Fable 2

    probably not. Besides, if you DO, knowing fable type narrative, they'll catch you up on the story.... But I don't think it's a continuation...could be wrong, don't hold me to it
  13. GoldenChocoboMaster

    XBox Fable 2

    Yeah, I agree. I played as an evil guy first, then a good guy, beat that, then went on to create a gay guy.... So i don't think people just limited themselves to being good. In fact, most of the people I've talked to prefered being evil
  14. GoldenChocoboMaster

    XBox Fable 2

    Actually, the dog will follow you everywhere, because in fable 2 thewre won't be a mini-map at the bottom of the screen. The dog is the one to alert you to enemies, and no matter how badly you treat it, it never leaves. if you choose evil, it turns into a dobermain-ish type dog, choose light...
  15. GoldenChocoboMaster

    Limit Break Glitch Final Fantasy VII

    How do you get finishing touch? Dont you have to use your limit 10 times or something?
  16. GoldenChocoboMaster

    Limit Break Glitch Final Fantasy VII

    I have everyones Final Limit, but every time I go to give to them the game wont let me and i read on a faq guide on that its a glitch that cant be fixed and that you have to start ALL OVER or just play with out it. I hope this isnt true! Because now I cant get Final Attack...
  17. GoldenChocoboMaster

    Help How do you get more than 1 mime materia?

    Wow! That's pretty much all my questions answered. Thanks everyone :)
  18. GoldenChocoboMaster

    Help How do you get more than 1 mime materia?

    Thanks alot :) Is there anything else I need to know about defeating emerald weapon?
  19. GoldenChocoboMaster

    Help How do you get more than 1 mime materia?

    I got alot of what i need (knights of the round, gold chocobo, qaudra magic etc..)But, I dont have final attack or omnislash or alot of things that are essential to beating Sephiroth. But im trying to defeat emerald weapon at the moment, and get the earth harp but i need more than 1 mime...