Search results

  1. Captain Daz

    Keyblade wielding...

    I would use mine to fix drainpipes, make planks of wood and build rollercoasters...and stuff.
  2. Captain Daz

    Create your own Keyblade!

    Here is an opportunity to come up with some suggestions for Keyblades! The characteristics for your Keyblade are as follows: Name - what you would call your Keyblade Appearance - what your Keyblade would look like Ability - what ability your Keyblade has. The ability must come from Kingdom...
  3. Captain Daz

    Hardest organization XIII member?

    I died at the hands of Xaldin and failed twice to save Sora from the hands of Xemnas at the final battle (Sora was about lvl 47-48 coming into the final battle) the first play through the game, yet managed to beat both of them at the first attempt during the second time through the game (at...
  4. Captain Daz

    Namine is a nobody?

    Possibly for the purposes of good, or for evil?
  5. Captain Daz

    XIVth Member Info

    As far as I've seen, Xion could well almost be like Sora's nemesis since she can also use the Keyblade. Could she also Form change into Valor, Wisdom, Master and Final, just like Sora? Only time will tell...
  6. Captain Daz

    What was your favourite Key Blade?

    I think it depends on your battle style or the situation in hand; Oathkeeper, Oblivion - using the power of Drive forms to defeat foes Star Seeker, Hero's Crest - defeating foes in the air Hidden Dragon - using magics for defeating foes Monochrome - using items in battle to heal yourself Wishing...
  7. Captain Daz

    Final Fantasy XII = Star Wars

    I also seem to notice that the Imperial Soldiers appear similar to the Stormtroopers in Star Wars, although I haven't watched a Star Wars film for quite some time. Especially the Urutan-Yensas that seem similar to the race of aliens that were shooting at the pod crafts in The Phantom Menace.
  8. Captain Daz

    Where for art thou spam?! D;

    When I first saw page 1 of this thread I thought "Hooray, some chitchat about spam!", but now it seems at the moment the chitchat is about how to kill a cat! How about the things we haven't yet done concerning SPAM? Some of my suggestions; passing electric current through it, dropping a nuke on...
  9. Captain Daz

    BANG and the dirt is gone!

    I have never seen an active Cillit Bang fight, so I wonder how much fun it is?
  10. Captain Daz

    The Chopped Pork & Ham Corner

    And now, a thread dedicated to the "mystery meat in the fridge", so come here and have a banter about all things chopped pork and ham anytime you like!:lol:
  11. Captain Daz

    Laptops are evil

    You never know what laptops are capable of; some of them might be capable of blowing themselves up. They could be just sitting on a table one minute, and then before you know it, they blow themselves up and your house with it! So in other words, never buy a laptop. Ever.
  12. Captain Daz

    FFX-2 What did they do to Yuna?!

    I thought that scene where you push musicians into the lift was pretty stupid as well Indeed, (with any luck) Yuna could well be the ideal female lead character for a GTA game. After all, I would rather see Yuna killing gangsters with a pair of Uzis or assault rifles while wearing a cowgirl...
  13. Captain Daz

    FFX-2 What did they do to Yuna?!

    Where the heck did you find out about all that stuff!? I have heard about NFSU2 though I wonder if you have actually found an easter egg or a secret unlockable character within the game itself? I wonder whether or not Yuna would look out of place in any of the Grand Theft Auto games by any chance?
  14. Captain Daz

    Hitler has been beheaded!

    Imagine the consequences if this site actually promoted the beheading of figurines and waxworks after the revelation that some bloke ripped the head of the waxwork of Hitler?! What a funny pic as well!
  15. Captain Daz

    The Most Exposed FF character

    One of my obvious choices would be Rikku because with the way her dress sense goes, she probably wouldn't look out of place in a men's magazine like Loaded and FHM! And am I the only one who thinks Yunalesca deserves to be put into an adult mag by the way? If someone dressed the way she does...
  16. Captain Daz

    What ideas would you like to see in future FF games?

    And on that note, more magics and technics, and many more kinds of monsters as well. Also upon completion of the main story of the game, a wide range of missions and 'battle puzzles' where you control a small party of characters from various FF instalments and you basically try to work out how...
  17. Captain Daz

    FFX-2 What did they do to Yuna?!

    I think Yuna should be kitted out with far more powerful guns and stuff than mere pistols - surely it wouldn't have hurt Square Enix to give her an AK-47, an M4 assault rifle or even a minigun that could kill even the most powerful monsters with a hail of bullets, since that is what a gunner is...
  18. Captain Daz

    9999 damage and over?

    There were approaches to inflicting over 9999 damage in one hit in the past; firstly there were "armour" in FFX with the Break Damage Limit ability that allowed users to inflict more than 9999 damage, as is the auto-ability of that same name in FFX-2, although in that instalment you can also...
  19. Captain Daz

    What ideas would you like to see in future FF games?

    I would particularly like to see the idea of amplifying certain status effects, such as haste, regen, poison and protect in order to strengthen such status effects.
  20. Captain Daz

    Final Fantasy Couple Mix 'n' Match

    I know this might upset the natural relationships between FF characters, but imagine if we had the opportunity to mix and match existing FF characters and have them form completely different relationships. Such as Vaan and Rikku, Cloud and Paine, Yuna and Balthier among some of the unlikeliest...